2 The wool that could

A, B, C. The high notes of the Violin soft practising tune. The Blue-green wool wrapped around the bow, gently swaying it side to side. Her round, narrow, velvety, caterpillar-like skin tapping the wooden surface while the tune continues on. Tap, tap, tap. The small black eyes look at the direction of the strange sound of the tapping. A feathered creature, one big wing but one out of order. "Humph" a strange humming noise from the woolly instrumental, curiosity slowly cracking the glass of thoughts. It was only "How can I save the bird", "What can I use as a bridge"? There are no answers to be given only answers to give. "The wooden instrument's strings were held tight by a bridge" came to the woolen fur-ball. One foot after the other, back and forth for large ingredients of string and wood. But only small pieces and some nails with its friendly hammer. Time filled with Non-instrumental hours just building a log of wood for a suffering bird. The flapless bird spent calm hours of watching and hard-breathing. The wood was placed like a button pressed, the strings were tied like my shoelaces could be. Now all is fine but its time to place the violin in between the bread. I tip toe, quietly to the window seal opening with the black,peg of my violin freeing the angelic bird from the endless pain. I reach for the strings I wrap the stiff hay-like string around the birds wing, the bird pleads for no more, loss of blood more and more by the second of this unhelpful string. I panic, loosing breath and tightening grip, rage filling tears, frustration and loss of hope. "I'm losing a innocent birds soul, its all my fault!" ;Is all I can think of. I leap over the gap to the table from uncontrollable, drowning emotion and the furry wool gripping the very top of the table and window seal. I realize what I must do... Slowly reaching the top and finding sight of the bird with sticky blood taking over one of her wings. "Some times two is better than one" whispers the Silky creature. She circles the feathered wing, gently tightening. The bird with her left over wing reach's for the violin under her tiny chin, the velvet, woolly slender hand grips the violin bow and starts playing with focus and now, happiness.
