
The Autumn Trail

A shimmering light just peeking through the mouth of the tree onto the soft face of a fox girl with fluffy ears, long orange hair and the largest orange, white tail-like blanket. Her leaf-matching dress sung along with the grass surroundings. Until finally the first orange leaf to fall on her nose was patterned like a rope. Another simular leaf fell between her bare feet "The rope leaves" slipped through her tongue. Without a single thought running her mind but.. "The rope leaves are a gate-way to your needs" but what could she possibly need she has everything right now shelter, food, animals, autumn she was in no need of.. More? So either way need or not she followed the leafy rope carrying each one staring cross-eyed at each leaf after another. "She then thought Family I've never had one or seen my species in this country maybe.." before she could finish a orange fluffy ball of.. Tail? Just like hers? What, is this real? Has she really figured out the secret of the leaves thoughts? She couldn't of, could she? Without another second to slip away, no more questions can be asked she just needs to find her family. Hey fox's tail whisking around bush's but no sights of a fox like me. I run straight ahead as you now know I am more human taught not as flexible as a fox should be, I run into.. a wall. My dream waving around up and down like jumping up and down focusing on a small dot. Finally after hours of frustration and dizziness sunset is in process but its not the only thing I see or saw. I saw something a human maybe no it was fluffy I- I don't know. Until I stand up I run back the way I came tears of blocks falling underneath my whiskers, I cry, doubt filling a black whole in my stomach. I am the last of my kind, no other and I'm so hopeless!

Until I get back I fall on the ground feeling nothing but bumpy thoughts until the leaves reorganize themselves back to where they were. Crisping round as a ball now not even touching the ground or anywhere near it! I can even see its colour, glowing in the dark. A small white eye of hope grows in the black flood inside me. My tired feet forcefully lift, kicking behind me. A white torch of fire above the heads of something, something I've never seen but in a mirror. I crouch down slanting my eyes down to size to test if I'm dreaming or hallucinating. I soon realize what I see-.. These dark glowing eyes, the wool of ginormous tail-pillow's behind them, the white-orange ears sprouting on the sides of their heads, their snuffled noses and Everything!!! Its just like me its the strike of Midnight the eye of hope I've captured this with a small grasp of trusting the moons delight I have accepted what could and what is of now. I have done what none have found I now have a unique sense.. The leafy rope, I can find hope! With my family, we will be a new popular species.

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