
The Accident

Jesse had always been fascinated by cars. He loved their sleek designs, their powerful engines, and the freedom they represented. Even though his family couldn't afford to buy him one, Jesse never gave up on his dream of owning a car someday. He spent all his free time reading about cars, watching car shows, and tinkering with his bicycle to make it look and sound like a car.

One fateful night, everything changed for Jesse. He was riding his bike home from his part-time job when a reckless drunk driver swerved into his lane and hit him head-on. Jesse was thrown off his bike and crashed into the pavement. He could feel the pain shooting through his body as he lay there, helpless and in shock.

The ambulance arrived soon after, and Jesse was rushed to the hospital. The doctors told him that he had broken his leg bone and a few small bones in his body. They also told him that he was lucky to be alive, given the severity of the accident.

Jesse's parents were relieved to see him alive, but they were also worried about the medical bills and the long road to recovery. They couldn't afford to pay for expensive treatments, and Jesse's father had to take extra shifts at work to make ends meet.

As Jesse lay in his hospital bed, he couldn't stop thinking about cars. It was almost as if his love for cars had kept him alive. He wondered if there was any way he could still pursue his passion, even though he couldn't afford to buy a car.

That's when he noticed something strange. He felt a strange sensation in his brain, as if something was trying to connect with him. At first, he thought it was just the painkillers messing with his head, but then he heard a voice inside his mind.

"Hello, Jesse. Can you hear me?" the voice said, sounding robotic and emotionless.

Jesse was startled, but he also felt a strange sense of familiarity. "Who are you?" he asked, even though he was pretty sure he knew the answer.

"I am the Car Modification System, or CMS for short," the voice replied. "I have been implanted in your brain, Jesse. You can access me using telekinesis, which means you can hear me in your mind. I am here to help you modify cars, fulfill quests, and earn points."

Jesse couldn't believe what he was hearing. He had always dreamed of having a car modification system, but he never thought it was possible. "Is this for real?" he asked, still feeling a bit dazed.

"Yes, it is," the CMS replied. "And you have already earned your first point by surviving the accident. Congratulations, Jesse. You are now part of the car modification community. Together, we will achieve great things."

Jesse smiled, feeling a surge of excitement and anticipation. He didn't know what the future held, but he knew one thing for sure: he was going to modify some cars like never before.

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