
chapter one

In the sprawling hills of Beverly Hills, hidden behind the towering gates of his grand mansion, lived a man named Gabriel Hawthorne. He was a billionaire, a brilliant tech mogul, and also someone who, by choice, lived a reclusive life. Gabriel was autistic, a condition that had gifted him with extraordinary intelligence but also brought challenges in navigating the complexities of social interactions. Gabriel is a man of medium height, standing around 5'10" tall. He has a lean yet athletic build, indicating an active lifestyle. His dark brown hair is neatly styled, and it often falls in loose waves across his forehead. His warm, hazel eyes hold a depth of wisdom and kindness, inviting trust and connection.

Gabriel's face is characterized by a strong jawline, complemented by a well-groomed beard that frames his features. He has a friendly, approachable smile that seems to light up the room when he enters. His complexion is fair with a healthy glow, suggesting an outdoor enthusiast who enjoys spending time in nature.

He typically dresses in a smart-casual fashion, favoring well-fitted suits for formal occasions and comfortable yet stylish attire for everyday wear. Gabriel's presence exudes a sense of confidence and charisma, making him easily recognizable in any crowd. Due to his disorder, he attended a private high school at home and a public school during his second year at College of Raven College but chats a lot online and holds Audio meetings online which makes a lot of people not know him physically Is known for his voice alone. He owns a tech company called GH Web Development company, and only a few of his shareholders know him in person as the owner of the top Fobes on the whole of the East Coast His first Major break was in High School when he developed a Website for a high school to help students with the same disorder as his. That year a lot of students were confirmed with such a disorder. It made the school popular and the Website was used by a lot of schools in the country over the years. GH web development company collected a lot of awards and made billions at the age of 17 years he made his first billions of dollars. His Dad Mr. Jameson Hawthorne is a Business lawyer for a lot of companies on the East Coast. He Married an Irish woman in her early twenties who was a Secretary She carries herself with poise and confidence. She has a neat and well-groomed appearance, with attention to detail in her attire. Her clothing choices are typically business-appropriate, consisting of tailored suits, blouses, and skirts or slacks, reflecting a sense of professionalism.

Her hair is typically styled in a conservative manner, to date often pulled back or neatly arranged. Matilda has a friendly and approachable demeanor, with a warm smile that puts others at ease. Her makeup, if worn, is understated and enhances her natural features over the years after the birth of Gabriel she gave birth to Rachel and Malia who have their mother's dark shiny long hair which was so silk and straight. At the age of 18 years, Gabriel made an attempt to attend his sister's High school prom he excluded himself from the populace at the party A girl who introduced herself as Mia walked up to him asking him to the dance he smiled and walked with her avoiding the physical touch she didn't force it they got to the dance floor as they both dance she asks for his name and he replies "Am Gabriel" she replies "your Rachel's brother she told me about you I have seen your picture in her room". "Are you in college already?" "Yes I am but I will attend a public school next year," says Gabriel. They both dance for a while. She writes her mobile number on a piece of paper and puts it in his right side breast pocket. A year later they both attended the same college they dated briefly for a year and it ended badly for Mia because Gabriel couldn't express his emotions due to his disorder. Over the years Gabriel has tried a lot of therapy sessions to help him develop a mild understanding of emotions and handling people around him, it helped him to some extent. After college Gabriel had secluded himself in his mansion, finding solace in the world of algorithms and code. His mansion was a labyrinthine sanctuary of solitude, where he surrounded himself with his vast collection of books and the soothing hum of his computer servers. It was a place where he could be himself, unburdened by the judgmental eyes of the outside world.

One sunny morning, as Gabriel was lost in thought while gazing out of his window, he noticed Maria, his new maid, tending to the garden. Maria, who is from Mexico, is an exquisite blend of grace and allure, with radiant, youthful features that effortlessly complement her age. Her eyes, a mesmerizing shade of hazel , sparkle with wisdom and warmth, drawing you into a world of enchantment. Her smile, as genuine as it is captivating, lights up any room and leaves an indelible mark on those fortunate enough to encounter it. Beyond her physical beauty, her confidence and intelligence shine, making her a truly remarkable and captivating individual in her early 30s. who had come to the United States in search of a better life for her brother . Her warm smile and the melodious tunes she hummed while working in the garden caught Gabriel's attention.

As days turned into weeks, Gabriel found himself increasingly drawn to Maria's presence. He watched her from afar, appreciating her dedication and care in maintaining his estate. He was intrigued by her genuine nature, her love for her family, and her resilience in the face of adversity.

One evening, unable to resist the urge to connect with someone who seemed so genuine, Gabriel decided to step out of his comfort zone. He approached Maria, his heart racing with uncertainty. Stumbling over his words, he managed to strike up a conversation, sharing stories about his love for technology and his passion for the stars.

Maria, with her warm and understanding nature, listened attentively, not judging Gabriel's social awkwardness. She saw beyond his wealth and his condition, recognizing the kind soul hidden beneath. She knew he was from a wealthy family but didn't know he was the owner of companies across the globe Over time, their interactions became more frequent, and a genuine friendship blossomed between them.

As Gabriel spent more time with Maria, he began to open up in ways he never thought possible. With her support and encouragement, he learned to navigate social situations with greater ease. Maria, in turn, discovered the beauty of Gabriel's mind, his brilliant ideas, and his generous heart.

Their friendship slowly transformed into a deep and meaningful love, this was really different for Gabriel; he attached in a different way with Maria a connection that transcended language barriers and societal norms. They hung out in the park and events. These are places Gabriel always wanted to visit but because of his disorder he couldn't. Maria began to unlock such aspects of his life coupled with his maturity in Age he was adapting differently. His therapist was surprised at the level of change in development. They were an unlikely pair, a reclusive billionaire with autism and a humble maid from Mexico, but their love was real and profound.

Together, they faced the challenges of a world that often didn't understand their bond. They discussed every new detail of how he felt in every outing, and each other's strengths, and supported one another's weaknesses. Gabriel found love and acceptance in Maria, and Maria found a kindred spirit who saw her for who she truly was

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