
The Author is Supreme in his Story

(WSA 2023 Submission) Rework in progress. Jiu Qing was just a simple author who enjoyed writing stories. Never had he thought about what happens to his characters after they were given their endings. Then, he somehow finds himself stuck in his latest unfinished work. Jiu Qing also gains an unknown power that allows him to use the skills and abilities from the characters he created, yet the writer doesn't have a clue as to why these things were happening to him. Ah, whatever. Jiu Qing decides that he'll just try to enjoy his new life to the fullest. Time to show these primitives the power of modern knowledge. And yes, the abbreviation is intentional.

Helldragon_xd · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
3 Chs

Bad End (Prologue)

"Where are you, my dear husband?" The voice, sickeningly sweet, echoed through the emptiness of space as she searching for her target.

Far away, hidden behind the moon of another galaxy, a handsome young man cowered in fear. His skin was as smooth as polished jade, and his dark eyes sparkled like clear water, but fear had etched itself onto his beautiful features.

Hugging his knees tightly, the young man felt tears welling up as his snow-white bangs covered his eyes. He had no idea how the hell he had suddenly ended up in this situation.

"Hehehe, found you." The young man was startled and terrified at the beautiful face that appeared before him.

The celestial was one of the most stunning woman he had ever seen, but also one of the most powerful he had ever met. Her eyes were filled with hearts as she effortlessly pinned him down with her flawless knees, dressed in a pristine white gown.

Her luscious lips glistened as she licked them hungrily. The young man was completely helpless and powerless to resist her unfathomable strength.

"Star Goddess, unhand that man right now. He is my husband." Another melodic voice hissed behind them.

Another woman with beauty that transcended existence emerged from the darkness. She wore a revealing black dress that showed off her figure and curves, wielding a dark staff.

Like the Star Goddess, her eyes were filled with hearts and her face had a lustful expression looking at the young man.

"Queen of the Netherworld, don't you already have a husband?" The Star Goddess gave a cold gaze back.

"Heh, does it even matter? Never thought a virgin goddess would be interested in men after all these millenia." The Queen of the Netherworld coldly retorted.

Both women then grabbed one of his arms, causing the young man to have a foreboding sense of dread with what was to come. Suddenly, two more otherworldly beauties appeared, holding onto his legs and stroking them lovingly.

One more appeared above him, grabbing his head and forcefully kissing him, her tongue invading his mouth. The young man's tears finally spilled over because his strength wasn't even enough to resist the tongue of his violator.

"He's mine, let go of my husband you b*tches."

"Shut up, go back to your holy garden!"

With dead fish eyes, the young man burned all of their beautiful images into his mind, but not for the proper reasons. If there was another life, he'll make sure to never be this handsome again.

There was a small pop within the noises of the bickering women as the young man was pulled apart and dismembered alive. His vision slowly faded into the tranquil darkness, and he cursed the heavens for this horrible fate he ended up with.

[Bad End: Complete.]


In a different world, another young man was seen battling against eldritch beings whose existences were beyond human comprehension, wielding a crimson spear. Even as a god now, he's unable to fight against all of these Outer Gods alone.

His armour was in the form of a majestic white dragon, with angelic wings spreading from his back as he soared in the universe, fighting with all his strength. Alternating blasts of ice and lightning wiped out the small fries, but it felt like their numbers and strength only increased no matter how many he killed.

"Argh!" He roared as his wings were suddenly pierced from a space distortion from behind him, causing blood to pour from his body.

Eventually, even he was overpowered as the creatures consumed him alive. He knew that after he fell, there will be no one left to protect this world's reality.

"I'm sorry... Everyone..."

[Bad End: Complete.]


A young man is seen collapsing to his knees in shock and grief on the abandoned streets in yet another setting. Hugging the already cold body of his deceased sister tightly, he stopped restraining his strength and released his true form.

The soldiers surrounding them stepped back in fear at the sight of his shining blue pupils that were filled with hatred and fury. They continued to open fire, but the bullets only bounced off the barrier around him harmlessly.

"You all have taken the one thing I loved in this world." He growled with pain and hatred. "I will now take everything you have, and all else."


A massive explosion then slowly enveloped that world, with the once beautiful earth evaporating in an azure supernova, leaving no remains.

[Bad End: Complete.]


Finally, a few more scenerios occurred that all resulted in horrible endings for their respective main characters. This repeated until there were no main characters left.

[All bad endings have been completed.]

[No characters found remaining, resorting to alternate process...]

[Initializing restart...]

The dangers of Yanderes. Boys out there need to take care of themselves. = (

Yes, this is just a prologue.

Helldragon_xdcreators' thoughts