
The Novel Prize Award

It was a sunny day as the sun rays hit Christian's face. Birds are chirping, and the warm wind howling. It is summer after all, which Christian hates the most. Summer is usually for vacation, leisure and rest, and enjoyment. But for an author like him, it is usually the season of writing, work and stress. He can't complain though, it is his job and he loves his job. But recently, his editor gave him three months to write a novel for the upcoming Novel Prize Awards. Unfortunately, Christian wasted a week already. Not that he is lazy or something but, more of he could not think of any interesting plot at all. Now he is feeling pressured, stressed and rushed. He can't slack off like he used to when writing his old stories, he needed to be more productive than usual. 

While watching the Teenage Mutants, he checked the feedbacks of the watchers in the comment section. All he could read is statements about the four turtles, nothing more and nothing less. Christian is having fun reading the comments of people who watched the same cartoon, until he realized that the supporting character is ignored. Christian felt guilty, even him had forgotten the existence and importance of the supporting character. It gave him an idea, a brilliant idea for him. Because of that experience, he decided to formulate a plot and that's how he push through with the plot. 

Christian's co-workers thought that it was a stupid plot, a boring plot to be exact. He felt disappointed because he thought that it was a genius idea. He even imagined him, giving a speech on the Novel Prize Awards because he won. "Fine!" Christian said with disappointment. He was about to discard his draft but his editor suppressed him. "Before you do that, doesn't your story makes the supporting character the protagonist." His editor said to him while holding on Christian's shoulder. 

Ezekiel Phillips, Christian's concrete editor. Despite of him being harsh to Christian, he is skilled and undeniably good. Ezekiel always shows passion for writing and editing, which made every story that he edits phenomenal. Sometimes, Christian is hurt whenever Ezekiel will give feedbacks to his story, but he is used to it and he knows that it is for the improvement of his project. According to Christian, Ezekiel is one of a kind. Even though his co-workers are thinking that his story suggestions are stupid, Ezekiel always looked at different perspectives. He believes in Christian's work which gives Christian encouragement. And the result, they both won multiple awards despite of his co-workers opinion. Don't judge the book by its cover, as they said. But sometimes, "That's purely stupid." Ezekiel said directly to Christian. Whenever Ezekiel gives feedback like that, Christian would not furthermore complain. But not this time. 

"What did you say?" Christian replied raising his voice to Ezekiel as if he is trying to pick up a fight. Ezekiel was not startled at all, but rather impartial. "That's purely stupid." Ezekiel repeated his words. Ezekiel is not mocking Christian, but rather encourage him. "Are you for real--" Before Christian could even finish his rebuttal, Ezekiel spoke immediately. "It is stupid that you haven't thought of that earlier than today." Ezekiel said plainly. Christian eyes widened, 'Is that a compliment? ' Christian thought as his lips forms a bright and motivating smile. "I'm leaving early-- No, I'm leaving now!" Christian enthusiastically said. He took his work-bag, and left his workplace. He couldn't believe that his draft suggestion was easily approved by his editor. 

Presenting a story plan took days before Ezekiel would approve. Plus, it includes revision, both major and minor revisions. For Christian, it is both unusual and a blessing. Christian stopped as thoughts are running on his mind. 

'Considering the time, we are late on the timeline. Maybe he did approved it because we are behind.' Christian thought. HIs bright smile fades away as soon as he thought of negativities. He releases a sigh to ease his feelings. He looked up to the sky and murmurs, "Whatever his reasons, I will bring color to this story. I will make it phenomenal, one of a kind and outstanding one!" He declared as he continues to walk on his way home. 

He reached his condo unit he's been staying for a year now. He moved in because it is much more convienient to him, since it is closer to his workplace and it gives him lots of personal time to think about his upcoming project. Christian went inside, changing his formal clothes to house clothes. He just threw his used clothes randomly heading to his 'desk' directly. He sat down on his sliding chair, as he prepares himself to write the storyline. MInutes have passed and his notes are still clean, no ink at all. He decided to open his laptop, hoping that it would help him. But, he ended up scrolling on his social media account. 

Christian groaned because of irritation. He is irritated that he couldn't write anything. Yes, he wrote something but he will discard it because it's ugly for him. He decided to grab something to eat, maybe it would give him energy to write, and ideas what to write. He wore casual clothes, white loose t-shirt and black shorts. He decided not to wear shoes because he is really hungry, but instead he wore his slippers and went to the nearby convenience store. 

The street he's been walking is kind of dead. It is usually crowded when he walks at the street he is walking right now, but today is different. He could only hear his own footsteps, as well as his heartbeat. He remembered that he left his workplace earlier than usual, way earlier than usual. He checked his wristwatch and noticed it was still early. "Office works are still ongoing that's why it isn't crowded yet." He concluded. It doesn't take him a lot of time to reach the convenience store. 

Christian entered the convenience store as the cold breeze from the AC met him. Christian's messy hair is now a real mess, so he fixed it using his hand. "Good day sir, enjoy your shopping!" The girl cashier greeted him happily. He gave her a small smile as he looks around the store. What to eat then? He asked himself. Christian wandered in the store, looking for something yummy yet cheap to it. He found himself in the sandwich section, 'They looks tasty.' He thought. Christian took two ham and cheese sandwich and one tuna sandwich. He seems not yet satisfied so he took one doner kebab sandwich. He was about to head to the drinks section to grab an iced vanilla coffee, but an old lady spoke to him. "Son, will you get me the cheese" The old lady said in a weak voice. Christian looked at him with concern as he gave her a small nod. "What kind of cheese ma'am?" He asked politely. The old lady just pointed out the blue cheese instead of answering Christian's question. 'Maybe she doesn't know what it is called' He chuckled because of his thoughts. "This one?" He asked while grabbing the blue cheese located at a high counter. "Yes." The old lady said. Christian took the blue cheese and handed it over to the old lady. "It is a blue cheese." He said as he gave her a warm smile. "Because of my age, I couldn't see clearly the text that describes the product. I couldn't also reach the cheese that I want. Thank you son." The old lady explained while expressing his gratitude. "No worries ma'am. Let me help you" He said as he assists the old lady. Christian guided the old lady to the counter and waited for her to finish. The cashier puts the blue cheese in a plastic bag, as well as her other stuffs and handed it over to the old lady. CHristian guided the old lady towards the exit. "You are a nice guy. Thank you, i'll get going." The old lady bid her goodbye. "Take care ma'am!" Christian replied as he waves to the old lady. He went back inside the convenience store to continue shopping. 

"That will be 11.5 dollars!" The cashier said as Christian gave 12 dollars. "Keep the change." Christian said kindly as the cashier gives a smile to him. She handed the stuffs that Christian bought. "Thank you for shopping. Come again!" The cashier said cheerfully while Christian only gave a nod. He departed the store as he went back to his condo. 

On his way home. Christian grabs one ham and cheese sandwich. He took a bite because he couldn't hold his hunger anymore. He finished the sandwich in just a minute, as he reaches his condo. He opened the door, rushing towards to his desk which is located inside his bedroom. He unwrapped the stuffs he bought, placing them besides his laptop. 

Christian ate the sandwich, as he starts composing a draft. His writing went smoothly, and he couldn't furthermore track the time since he was too hooked up on writing. It was already dinner time when he finished writing. He picked up the plastic trash and the coffee can, disposing it on the trash bin. He went back to his desk, as he notices that his phone is vibrating. 

Christian gets his phone and saw that Ezekiel is calling, so he answered it immediately.

"Hello Christian." Ezekiel calmly greeted Christian. Christian placed his phone between his ear and shoulder so he could still type, as he responses back. "What do you need?" Christian said. "I'm here to ask for an update since you left early." Ezekiel explained. "I'm about to finish." Christian spoke. Ezekiel could hear Christian typing so he asked if he disturbed him. "Did I disturbed you?" Ezekiel asked. Christian let out a sigh of relief. It was a sign that he is already finished. "Not at all, I just finished and I think it's coming out good." Christian holds his phone, while scanning his work. "Motivated much? Make sure it is really good." Ezekiel mocked Christian. Christian's forehead wrinkled. He was about to complain but Ezekiel dropped the call already. He uttered a grumpy voice, as he crawls to his bed. He stares at the ceiling as he started overthinking. 

Christian Simoune, a perfectionist. He wanted everything to be solid, even the little details. He is a very detailed and organized when it comes to writing. It is ironic that he isn't one when it comes to personal life. Negative thoughts are overtaking his mind, lots of what ifs to be exact. What if it isn't a good story? What if it doesn't win the Novel Prize Award? What if no one likes it? What--- He shook his face to clear the negative thoughts. Believe in yourself! He encourages himself. He got up from his bed and he hurriedly went to the kitchen. 

Christian gathered the ingredients he needed before he starts cooking. He heated up the frying pan as he pours a little bit amount of cooking oil. As soon as the frying pan boiled, he puts onion and garlic to saute. As soon as the garlic and onions reached its golden brown color, he puts the scrambled egg. Once the egg is formed, he puts the diced chicken meat that was stocked on his fridge. Lastly, he dumped the rice inside the frying pan and mixed the ingredients. Fried Rice for dinner. Christian chuckled as he placed it on a bowl. 

Christian took a spoon and fork so that he could start eating. He savored the taste of his cooking. It taste good actually. He joked. After a few minutes, he took his last bite. He placed the bowl, with the spoon and fork inside it on the sink. He went to the fridge to get a bottle of water. He left the dishes in the sink and decided to wash it all tomorrow morning. 

Christian heads back to his bedroom to get his pajamas. He went to the comfort room and takes a quick shower. When he finished showering, he changed into his pajamas and put his used clothes, as well as the formal clothes he left on the floor this morning in the laundry. He stretched his arms before falling on his bed. "I'll make you form an 'o' face when you read this masterpiece" He said confidently to himself, indirectly to Ezekiel before yawning. He felt the heaviness coming from his head, the feeling of being sleepy to be exact. Christian Simoune fell asleep earlier than his usual sleep time, due to exhaustion.

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