
Memories Long Forgotten

"Aniki! This is wrong! They are wrong! If you just plead to the clan head, then- " a young voice pleaded, hysterically.

"Then what? Be something that's neither human or ghost? This world isn't so generous as to give benefits without expecting payments!" Another voice, this one more mature than the previous voice, asked, sneeringly.

"Even so... to just leave...,"

"Nagahide," the boy's protests were stopped by a single utterance from the older boy.

A young Nagahide, who didn't look older than four years old, looked up with tear filled eyes towards his elder brother, Raizo.

With the moonlight falling over them, Raizo's tall frame was illuminated by the silvery light, casting a shadow over young Nagahide.

Nagahide's eyes were filled with tears. The silent night was pierced by the stifled sobs and hiccups.

Raizo smiled wryly then his hand fell on top of Nagahide's head. Nagahide's wiped his eyes and looked up at him.

Raizo knelt down on one knee in front of him, his hand still on top of Nagahide's head. "Forgive me, Nagahide," he said. "Your big brother can't live up to your expectations,"

"Why? I'm sure...if you explained-hic-"

Raizo shook his head, a flock of black and red hair falling over his eyes as he looked into Nagahide's red ones.

"As long as I hold this power," he said, gesturing to his purple eyes, "the clan and I are destined to not see eye to eye. You might not understand it now, but someday you will. And when that day comes..."

To young Nagahide what his brother was saying was incomprehensible. What he understood was that his brother who he looked up to and idolized was suddenly leaving holding the title of a clan traitor on his head.

The reason was told to be because Raizo refused a direct order and put the clan in jeopardy. Nagahide didn't believe it for a minute. How could Raizo, his cool and handsome hero do something that horrible? It must be a mistake was what the young boy thought vehemently, until Raizo came up to him and admitted that that was indeed the truth and he indeed disobeyed a direct order.

For an agent of Ash, disobeying the clan head is equal to being a traitor. If it was a normal member of the clan, they would've gotten off with a light sentence, but for a member of the Ashes such disobedience was unforgivable. In extreme cases the consequence would be death and many upper echelon of the Ash Organization who had been envious and disgruntled about Akagami Raizo's continuous accumulation of merits, and those who felt threatened by his strength, soon voiced for his immediate execution.

Only due to the clan head's intervention was the sentence reduced to a permanent exile, with his name smeared as a clan traitor. It was already a great mercy that he could say his farewells to his younger brother like this, when many wanted his head.

But little Naghide as young as he is couldn't understand the circumstances or the hidden intricacies behind his accusations so he came to Raizo today to persuade him to beg for clan head's forgiveness only to find Raizo already packing up to leave.

He couldn't understand it. Why? What was it his older brother who was always hailed as a genius that had to be implicated with such accusations!? Just why?

He asked him, and this was the result.

Raizo who already had concerns of his own, was now comforting his little brother. And yet, from the gentle smile on his lips, it could be said that he didn't particular mind. Stroking Nagahide's head one more time, he lowered his head, until his forehead touched his. Closing his eyes, he felt the warmth being transmitted and wondered what it would've been like had he never joined the Ashes.

At least he wouldn't have to part with Nagahide like he's doing now, he thought bitterly. When he thought about that, he knew that no amount of apologies would be enough to appease his younger brother. His younger brother, who was always smart and mature for his age only cried when it came to his elder brother. The thought made Raizo eyes fill with sadness. Forgive me, Naghide. You're brother is useless, he thought, but didn't voice it out loud.

"When the day comes that you understand, I hope you'll be able to forgive your big brother," That was the only thing he could say.

"What are you saying-hic! Don't go, onii-san!" Nagahide said, his voice trembling. Tears streamed down his face.

Razio's eyes reddened, as he suddenly pulled the boy into a hug. "I'm sorry. I promised you that I would watch you grow,"

"You liar! Big brother is a liar! I hate you!"

"Indeed. I am a liar. The worst kind of liar," Raizo said, releasing him. Standing up, he turned to leave.

"Nii-san! Don't go! You promised, you idiot! YOU PROMISED!!!"

It was futile no matter how much he cried. Razio had already disappeared and Nagahide's cries filled the forest until morning when some patrolling clan members found him and took him back to the clan.


Jolting awake, Nagahide abruptly sat up. A piercing pain coming from his wounds told him that his abrupt movement had torn them open again. He gingerly felt around the bandages that covered his naked chest and abdomen, then winced. His hand came away with blood. He sighed as he recollected what had happened.

She Li Jin's betrayal was not unexpected but the suddenness of what happened had caught him off guard. After escaping his encirclement, Nagahide had made a beeline for the city gate. Although the guards were suspicious at his abrupt behavior, in the end they didn't question him after he secretly slipped them a few hundred rummings.

Of course, he didn't get out unscathed either. He had staunched the bleeding on various wounds on his person as soon as he made sure the coast was clear but he wasn't a miracle doctor. In the end, because of exhaustion and excessive bleeding he collapsed by the roadside, and after that...he blinked, trying to recall what had happened, but came up with a blank.

He looked around, finally remembering to survey his surroundings and take note of any presences nearby.

As a former Ash agent and the commander of a division, the fact that he forget such a fundamental fact as taking note of unfamiliar surroundings was inexcusable. He was still berating himself over that, when the door to the room was pushed open.

He became alert and silently reached for the dagger at his waist, only to come up empty. He gritted his teeth, silently taking note of his current situation. He was injured, and by the looks of it, most of the external wounds were treated but what was worrying were the internal injuries he received during his fight, that impeded him from making complex movements. In other words, he's essentially crippled at least until he get himself checked in and treated.

His eyes desperately searched his surroundings in the hope of finding something suitable for a weapon, when his eyes fell on a scalpel that was lying on the bedside cupboard.

Silently palming it, he waited. All of this took a while to explain, but it all happned within a few seconds, as the door was pushed open and in walked a girl who was holding a tray full of food.

Nagahide narrowed his eyes. "Who are you?!" he asked.

The girl looked up startled. "Ah!"

Nagahide's eyes widened, his usually stiff face showing a rare lapse of emotion. If the girl could be described in one word then it would be 'Heavenly'.

She had a round face, and a smooth brow that sported a phoenix birthmark. Instead of it making her look ugly, it only enhanced her beauty. She had a straight nose, small, pink lips as well as big brown eyes. Her long pink hair fell down to her waist in waves, and her willowy figure made his heart beat quicken.

Shaking his head, his eyes turned cold as he watched her. "Who are you?" "Are you alright?" Their voices overlapped and both of them halted. Nagahide looked at her, while she looked at him.

Then she laughed. "It looks like you're fine. I was worried since you looked as if you were on death's doorstep, but seeing as how you're up and about, I guess you're over the worst of it," she said, placing the tray on the bedside table.

Nagahide looked around him, finally taking note of the little room he was in. "Where am I?" he asked.

The girl smiled. "You're with a group of travelling dancers, Desert Lily!"

"Desert Lily? You mean to say, you're a dancer?"

"Yes! Dancer as well as the troupe's exclusive doctor, you could say. We're travelling in from the Inran and going towards the east. What happened to you? For you to be injured that much-" She started to ask, but at Nagahide's expression she stopped herself.

Putting a her forefinger to her lips in a silencing gesture, she smiled cheekily. "Then I suppose introductions are in order! Nice to meet you! My name is Lily Deveroe!"

Unsure of how to deal with the cheerful person, Nagahide put on an awkward smile. "...Nagahide. I'll be in your care," he said, opting to omit the mention of his surname, lest it raised unnecessary questions.

Perhaps she had sensed his reluctance to divulge any further, so she didn't ask for his surname either. Every person has his own troubles that they simply can't tell to strangers after all, she thought as she smiled.

"Understood. Then, Mr Nagahide- Welcome to Desert Lily!"