

When he got home after collecting the man of the match award. He slumped on his bed and said "Status"


Name: Alex Bram

Age: 15

Talent Estimation: Grade C

Points: 100

Evaluation: A young Dutch boy aspiring to be the best among the best but his talent is better than average.


Physical Fitness: C+ (Strength, Speed and Stamina)

Game Intelligence: B

Mental Ability: B

Soccer Technique: C+


1. Jay Jay Okocha Reverse Step Over (Completed: 78/100)

2. The Reverse Elastico (70/100)

3. Bend It Like Beckham (42/100)

Using the Bend It Like Beckham skill in the game raised it's progression by one.


The echoes of Ajax U15's dramatic comeback win over Feyenoord U15 still resonated as the team gathered for their next training session. The locker room was filled with excitement, but beneath the surface, there was also a sense of determination. Coach Johan Berg was standing at the front of the room, his arms crossed, waiting for the players to settle down. He had news to share, and it was important.

"All right, everyone, listen up," he said, his voice commanding attention. "First of all, I want to congratulate you on the win against Feyenoord. That was a fantastic performance, and it showed that we can overcome adversity. But I have something to tell you, and I need you to take it seriously."

The players leaned forward, sensing that Coach Berg was about to drop a bombshell. Alex Bram exchanged a quick glance with Steven Gerben, his best friend and teammate. They both knew that the coach's serious tone meant that something significant was on the horizon.

"The management has given us a new challenge," Coach Berg continued. "They want us to make an unbeaten streak until the end of the season. That means no losses. We've already proven that we can beat top teams, but now we have to maintain that level of performance week in and week out. This isn't going to be easy, but I believe in you. We've got what it takes to achieve this goal."

The room was silent as the players absorbed the weight of the coach's words. An unbeaten streak was a formidable task, requiring consistency and focus. Alex felt a mix of excitement and apprehension. The challenge was steep, but it was also an opportunity to prove themselves.

"To do this," Coach Berg continued, "we need to work together as a team. No one person can carry us to victory. We need to trust each other, support each other, and stay focused. Training is going to be more intense, and we need to bring our best every single day. Are you with me?"

The players responded with a resounding "Yes, Coach!" The energy in the room shifted from excitement to determination. The stakes were high, and they were ready to take on the challenge.

As the team hit the training field, Coach Berg divided them into smaller groups for specialized drills. The emphasis was on teamwork, communication, and precision. The players knew that even the smallest mistakes could cost them a game, so they had to be sharp.

Alex Bram was in a group with Steven Gerben, Paul Jose, and Richard Klein. Their drill focused on quick passes and movement off the ball. Coach Berg monitored their progress, offering feedback and corrections when necessary. The intensity of the training was evident as the players pushed themselves to improve.

"Keep the ball moving!" Coach Berg shouted as the group worked through the drill. "Quick touches! Don't let the defense close you down!"

Alex excelled in this environment. His agility and quick thinking allowed him to create space and find passing lanes. He had been practicing his "Bend It Like Beckham" free kicks, which were becoming more accurate with each session. The hit on the post during the Feyenoord game had motivated him to perfect his technique.

After an intense training session, the team gathered for a cooldown and debrief. Coach Berg spoke to them about the importance of discipline and focus, reminding them that an unbeaten streak required consistency in every aspect of their game. He encouraged them to support each other and work together to achieve their goal.

As the players dispersed, Alex felt a sense of responsibility. The unbeaten streak was a team effort, but he knew that his role as a left winger and goal-scorer was crucial. He was determined to give his best in every match and help his team achieve their goal.

Outside of football, Alex was also attending school. Balancing academics and sports was challenging, but he knew it was important to stay focused on both. He had a supportive mother and friends who encouraged him to do his best in all aspects of his life.

At school, Alex had a tight-knit group of friends who shared his love for football. They often discussed matches and practiced together during lunch breaks. His teachers were understanding of his commitments, but they also expected him to stay on top of his studies. Alex knew that education was important, and he worked hard to maintain a balance between his schoolwork and football.

As the season would progress, the pressure to maintain the unbeaten streak will grow. Each match would be a new challenge, and the team had to stay focused to avoid slip-ups. Coach Berg emphasized the importance of preparation and strategy, ensuring that the players were ready for every opponent they faced.

Alex's performance on the training field continued to improve, and his "Bend It Like Beckham" skill was nearing perfection. He practiced tirelessly, knowing that free kicks could be a game-changer. His teammates would rely on him to deliver when it counted, and he was determined not to let them down.

The unbeaten streak was a test of the team's character and resilience. Coach Berg's guidance and the players' dedication were key to their success. The journey was far from over, but Ajax U15 was determined to rise to the challenge and make history.

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