
Final Bend of The Labyrinth 1

'Herald had no idea what to do..

Standing in front of the Gate wasn't going to change anything,'

'It looked like it's midway through the day. The weather is very sunny and it's making Herald even sicker of his situation.

He looked arround and thought about laying down under the trees of the little tropical jungle of the island.

It will help him think in a clearer way.'

'Herald goes there and enters the little jungle, he wasn't afraid of meeting a wild beast because it's an island, no way there could be one.'

'But he was cautious of the little creatures, insects and probably snakes..

Fortunately nothing scary met his way, he found a pretty nice spot to sit in.'

'He looked up and noticed its some big coconuts laying down from the tree.

Only then he remembered that he had not ate anything the whole day, this tree will provide him with both food and drink.'

*On the other hand.*

'Everybody gathered together in front of the Gate.'

'Their faces weren't very bright though, even for people who only met Herald for the first time today!

They were worried, it's the first day and already one of them is left alone to face a tough fate.

Anyone can be next...

That's what they all thought at the moment.'

'Oumad was the most worried and sick about this. He's now recalling what he saw using his powers.'

"...What was that?

We were outside and i didn't see any other building except this one..

Maybe it's another hidden building..No, surely it is!! Maybe another Illusion??

It looked like a Labyrinth for a second..

Damn me!! I wasn't that focused...I only wanted to know if he's gonna be fine at the end..."

*Ayla looked towards Oumad and felt his gloominess.*

In a low voice she said. "..What is it? You're worried about your friend right?"

Oumad looked towards her, then towards the ground. "..Yes I am."

Ayla put her hand arround Oumad's shoulders and said.

"..Don't worry! He'll be fine i am sure.

And if he wasn't, we'll do anything to come and save him."

Oumad. "That's sweet from you, but i already know he'll be fine.

In fact, he'll join here...


*Outside the Castle.*

'Herald is sitting there eating the coconut he worked hard for to get and open.'

'After finishing it, he can say goodbye to his human needs for sometime.'

'Although he is worried about what he's going to do if he didn't figure out the way to enter the castle before night comes down...'

Herald again grabbed the paper Elara wrote him and read it carefully.

"...I am what i don't realise i am...

Why did they have to leave a mystery in my hand, as if we're not already in a bigger one.

I was just yesterday laying so comfortably in my bed and now am left on an island..Literally!

But anyways.. Stop bitching Herald!!

Solve this and join the rest.

...The rest!! Hmmm, it seems like i lack something that the rest have. Which allowed them to pass unlike me.

What could it be then?

We're all Atlanteans, We all got special powers...

Although mine seems to be the weakest and most useless...

Is that why i wasn't allowed to pass through? That makes no sense...It isn't like we chose our powers by our will. It was Thoth who bestowed them upon me... For some fucking reason the 5years i spent with him in the dream all vanished from my head...

I am pretty sure he teached me a lot about my powers...Yet i cannot remember!

*Herald took a moment off of thinking, and looked arround him.*

"..It isn't the best of situations but it surely is a beautiful place." He said.

"Oh yeah! Oumad said something about our last conversation...

We were talking about our powers as well and what Guiado told him about the Atlantean's powers...

Does it mean...I haven't discovered yet my powers?


What does this eye on my forehead serves?

'Herald thought about opening it for a second, and he unintentionally does.

But there isn't a person in sight for his powers to be activated on..'



Herald found himself instantly inside a building!!!



He gets up immediatly and looks arround him with a face very scared and confused.

"....What is this place??


'He looks carefully in all directions, analyzing the scene...

From the first look, the place he is in right now looks like a Labyrinth inside the pyramids..

The ceiling is very close to His head, the bricks on the walls look old and manually built.

Behind him, there is only darkness and oblivion. It is the darkest place he had ever seen and he would not even dare take a step in that direction.'

'Herald now is standing in what seemed to him like a crossroads of 3 directions.

one in front of him, one on his left and the other on his right.'

'Each road has a sign on top of it. That only his forehead eye can see and read.'

"....Where am i?? This looks like a...basement!!??

I don't know where the light is coming from.. But thankfully, i can barely see..

*Herald notices the 3 doors*

...Where does these doors lead??."

Herald gets closer to the door in front of him to read the sign,

* Middle is not best, but it's best for people in the middle. *

"..Ain't that deep!" Herald said in his head.

'Herald understood the quote right away, mainly cause he wrote so much in his life that it became almost automatic for him to understand metaphors and hidden meanings..'

'It is said among norms that choosing the middle choice, road or whatever the case may be, is the best choice one can make. This sign is obviously speaking about the people who live by that quote. Calling them middle people, which means they're never made for Great things if they always keep choosing what satisfied both sides of the equation.'

'Herald then gets to the dark door on his left, the sign on top of it says...

* Asmodeus' Path: To be The Solomon of The Ephemeral World! "

Herald had no clue what this sign means except he knew who Solomon was.

"...Solomon..of the ephemeral world.

Solomon as in..The prophet!...Or just a figure of speech?

I believe he was once the king of all, possesing powers that only Gods have.

Thinking about it, Solomon may very well be an Atlantean...

Not only him, but All prophets and superhumans sited in mythologies...

I think..This door may be a path for power and wisdom...

Although i don't know what does Asmodeus means..."

Herald then heads for the last door, situated in his right..

The sign says! * Death..Requiem for your soul! Eternity you shall have for Great sacrifice you must! *

'Herald's arm hair stood up when reading this sign,

Unlike the others.. He felt a strong breezing feeling when standing in front of this door, reading these words.'

'He took few steps backwards to reflect on this one...'

"..Death..Requiem..All words meaning the end of something. Then Eternity?

Does this mean i'll die and my soul will reach out the heavens if i enter this door?

At the end, It says something about Sacrifice..

Sacrificing what exactly?

Oh God...

Herald out of nowhere smiled, a smile that looked...Wicked!!

Then said.


Why am i here...



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