
40 minutes

"Yea, I actually saw her this morning at the store! It's weird though because she kinda looked beat up but like who knows. It's not my business." Zia shrugged it off as something unimportant.

"But you have to admit she is really hot. Besides the fact that she's hot what makes her even hotter is the fact that she's probably a better soccer player than some of our mid-fielders.[1] Seriously, she's really good!" Said Leon.

"You know if she gets accepted that would mean she would go to our school. I hope she's smart because I know our school has hella mean girls that just love drama. Hopefully she's smart so she gets into one of the advance classes maybe she can be in one of our classes." Said Gale while opening his Gatorade. Zia and the rest of the boys just nodded at his comment. The first thing that the boys needed to do was find out what grade she is in and then plan out how to meet with her.

They all looked at her and Zafyra could feel the stare of someone. She turned around, looked for who was staring at her and finally made solid eye contact with the boys. "ZyZy lets start now we're all warmed up. Let's hurry this up I'm trying to take some shots after this." Said Nate. Zafyra quickly broke the eye contact with the other boys and moved towards her team. They all huddled into their individual teams and broke down a plan.

"Okay so Zafyra and me we stay up and Ashton you stay back since your more of a defensive player than an offensive one. That's all." Said Jezza. They all walked to their half of the rectangular box that was outlined by yellow cones. The other team also got into their positions with Nate and Adrian in the front while Ian was in the back. They all were calm and ready.

They decided that Nate's team would start with the ball first. The coach just stood off at the side and sat down on the green turf.

They were off to a good start and suddenly they Zafyra got in there to create pressure towards them. They started to pass the ball more, suddenly Jezza got the ball from the opposite team. They quickly pushed up towards the opposition's goal. Jezza ran directly to Ian and quickly passed the ball to Zafyra. Zafyra got the ball and now was going up against Nate since they ran back and started to defend. She calmed herself down and analyzed the situation quickly. She waited until Nate dove into the ball and then she exploded to the right side of Nate to avoid his block. She continued running up the box towards the goal and finally.... she got [2]slide-tackled by Adrian. She tripped over Adrian's foot and the ball went out of the boundaries off of Adrian's foot. She face planted and that pissed her off making her more determined to win this scrimmage.

"ZyZy do want a wittle kiss on your booboo?" Ian teased while making a kissing sound. Zafyra just glared at him while standing up. Ian, Adrian and Nate looked at each other as if saying 'Oh shit it's the looked, we're all fuuuuuucked.' They all stiffened up and decided to take some precautions because once they got the look it would normally end with someone getting a big ball on their legs.

Zafyra walked towards the ball and since the box wasn't really big they decided to kick the ball in instead of throwing it. She [3]chipped the ball towards Ashton and they quickly switched positions. Ashton and Jezza were now on offense and Zafyra was on defense. Zafyra pushed up and they were now playing on Nate's team side of the field. They passed the ball a couple times when finally Zafyra ran up behind Ashton and then Ashton passed the ball towards Zafyra.

Zafyra dribbled the ball towards the goal. Ian stepped in to block her but Zafyra dragged the ball with her inside of her left foot and slowed down. She dipped her shoulder towards her right side and then suddenly she exploded towards her left while kicking the ball with the outside of her left foot. She passed Ian but before she fully passed him she kicked him in the shin while shoving him to the side. She then quickly shot the ball towards the goal and it finally went in. Just in a span on 40 minutes someone finally made a goal. They didn't realize how long they took to finally make a goal until they heard a timer go off 5 minutes later.

1] A mid-fielder is a soccer position in the middle area. The set-up from front to back is- [goalie, defenders, mid-fielders, and forwards] to not make it complicated those are the basic positions.

2] A slide-tackle consist of a player 'sliding' on the ground towards the ball not the player. As long as you aim towards the ball you won't get fouled.

3] A chip is kicking the ball in the air in a short amount of distance.

It’s not really edited so sorry for typos or incorrect grammar.

Love ~ ZB

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