
pilot episode

September 27, 2032, 8:25 pm.

New York City is devastated due to an unexpected fierce attack from a race that was unknown to exist to this day.

Almost thousands of corpses were found in the streets of New York, both of policemen and civilians who tried to flee in terror without success.

But a large group of survivors of approximately 36 people, made up of a girl and a boy, 12 pre-teens, 21 adults and a woman with superhuman abilities, would be taking refuge in a 25-story hotel.

On the roof of the same building would be the preteens and the woman watching from there.

The preteens would be freezing there until a black haired boy with red tips and black eyes and a girl with the same hair color and yellow eyes would arrive with a tray with cups of tea, coffee and chocolate which they would distribute to everyone. group there.

In the end there would be three cups left and the girl would take one while the boy would take both cups and approach a blonde girl with light blue eyes and give her a cup:

"Your favorite, Selena," the boy said with a smile as he sat next to the blonde girl.

"Chocolate with 3 marshmallows, thanks, Dante," Selena said to give Dante a kiss on the left cheek, making both of them blush.

"If you want, we can also leave you alone," said a dark-skinned boy with navy blue hair and emerald green eyes.

Everyone would laugh while Selena and Dante blush even more causing them to look away from each other.

- Enough Zack - said a light-skinned girl with black hair and brown eyes as she gave him a light blow.

- What did I do now, Ann? - Zack asked.

"Apart from making a certain couple uncomfortable," said a boy with glasses, light skinned with black hair with navy blue tips and gray eyes.

- You shut up huh ...

"Howard, my name is Howard," he answered while sipping some coffee.

- Whatever - Zack answered.

- By the way, why didn't you bring the woman a cup? - Asked a girl with black hair with dark green tips and brown eyes as she pointed to a woman who was with her back on top of the railing.

"It's very fast, Milen," Dante answered.

"Well, how long has it been since the Arctic invasion? One week, two," asked a dark-skinned boy with blond hair and silver eyes.

- Ivan, literally only three days passed, in all that time they devastated the city and more - replied a gray-haired girl with blue eyes.

- I know Lara Croft - Ivan said with a somewhat mocking tone.

- Just tell me Lara - Lara said a little annoyed.

- Right moment in which the world had to run out of Super-humans - said a boy with black hair with yellow tips and eyes of the same color.

"Jack, there may be some left that the government could not hunt," replied a girl with the same hair color and light blue eyes.

- The government was not the one who hunted them, it was Warfare, the most powerful Super-human that existed - replied Jack.

- Sofi, I do not want you to lose hope, but I am in favor of your brother, there could not have been a Super-human who could have escaped from Warfare, and if he were alive I will tell you at once that not even I could face him - replied the woman .

- Well, I don't know about you, but I'm going to rest - said a girl with blond hair with light blue tips as she stretched to get up later - wake me up when it's my turn to watch, good night - said the girl as she entered the building.

- Good night to you too, Samara - said the girl with black hair with red tips.

"You better do the same, Lin, in a few minutes he caught up with you," Dante said.

Lin would nod and immediately enter the building as well:

"It's my turn, so after all, I'll stay a little longer," said a boy with brown hair and red eyes.

- Okay Tyront, I'm going to sleep - Sofia said yawning a little.

Sofia immediately gets up off the ground and enters the building:

- Ann, Lara, Milen, Selena, Dante, Howard, I recommend that you go to sleep now, most of you will have to get up early to watch - The woman said.

"You don't have to repeat it, Lilia," Howard said.

This one would be about to get up until a shuriken quickly passes in front of him, which makes him stay wanting while the others were scared:

- Dante, his little sister and the rest of the adults can only call me by my real name, was that clear? - Lilia said with an intimidating tone.

- M-clearer than water - Howard said with a little fear since the shuriken was almost going towards his nose.

Dante and the others would enter the building while Zack, Tyront and Jack along with Lilia would continue to watch.

Minutes later in Dante's room, he would be lying in his bed together with Selena and Lin, who had already fallen asleep - Well, tomorrow will be another day in this new environment - Dante said in his thoughts and then closed his eyes and fell asleep .


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