

When they reached her door he bid her goodbye and was about to leave. Suddenly he heard her calling his name and turned to see her running towards him. She stopped in front of him opening and closing her mouth trying hard to say something. He waited for her to cook up courage to speak to him.

"Is it... Is it a date we are going tomorrow?" she asked with all courage she could mutter.

He looked at her face observing every little detail of her petite face. His lips curved upwards when he saw her ears turning red. Taking a step forward, lowering his head he took in her unique scent. He brought his lips closer to her ears, he felt her stiffen and whispered, "Yes"

Which that he turned around and left leaving her drumstruck with his reply.

She stood there and watched the back of his car until it disappeared from her sight.

"Sam? Oye Sam?" It was only when she heard someone calling her name she came back to her senses. She turned around to find her best friend Annie had opened the door and looking her with a grin in her face.

Sam could tell she was going to talk s**t so she ignored her and walked in.

"Hey, who is the hottie? Never saw him with you before."

"Ahhh" Annie suddenly shouted and clasped her mouth using her hands with her eyes wide open. "Sam, sweetie you finally got your senses back and broke up with that b*****d?" She hugged her Sam so tight that the latter thought she was about to die.

"Yes, we broke up. No, I am not the one to initiate it." Sam said while walking towards her room.

"What do you mean? That animal dared to break my sweetie's heart? How dare he? I told you he's not what he looks like. You never once listened to me. If only you'd borrowed my eyes and seen for once what the guy truly is?"

"Tsk..tsk.. Let's not talk about him. Let's talk about the hottie that just dropped you and the look you gave when you saw him leave" Annie rambled on and on until she felt her throat dry.

Sam remembered how he helped her and tried to boost her self confidence and how he held on to her hands. She blushed and her lips curved upwards subconsciously. Seeing this Annie whistled and brought her back to reality.

"Hey miss dreamy head, what exactly he did that made you blush like a idiot."

Sam lowered her head and said, "I am not blushing" and ran into her room without looking back ignoring her friend loud cry.

She locked her room, slide against the door and placed a hand on her left chest area. The lump dump.. lump dump.. sound was growing every passing second. She touched her face only to realise it was streaming hot. She hit her forehead and told herself to forget about him.

But as the saying goes it's easy to be said than done.

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