

It had been a month of monotonous training, to say that my progress was good I'd say I could defend myself and run away if needed to be.

To be honest, If I could fight without being in my 'Peak Form' or borrowing Emily's power I can stand my ground against Seth whose a Berserk, his strength and defense is just too ridiculous for me in my current level.

I trained with him in hand to hand combat and to be fair he was really good but he could just regenerate the pain I caused him.

'My arms still hurt.'

Now my Sister, Aria was truly deserving of her name, not only is she a battle priest, she's like a raid boss, she knows a lot of spells that buffs her, she knows how to utilize every weapon, her artifacts are absolutely perfect for her.

Even when I tried using my Peak Form for just a minute to see her other cards she just yelled and grabbed my by the throat as usual and then slammed me to ground after that she beat me to a pulp, but she is a good teacher even I had 'Intuition' I still needed more experience.

'Treat Every fight like its your last and that you'll die if you lose.'

I laid down on the ground as I looked at the ceiling, I could see Tear beside me who had found a way to finally eat just buy buying herself food from the shop which cost around 1-10 points.

As for earning points, well It was a weird request but they chalked it up to me having the Lycoris Body that I suddenly requested my Mother to buy me flowers that I haven't eaten or was given during the ritual.

{ Tear }

{ Titles : NEET , Suspended One, Annoying Sister, Goddess of Books, Bozo }

{ Level 65 }

Tear has increased her power, our power to be exact, which bodes well for us but aside from unlocking more system functions that still remains to be a mystery.

I then looked at the ring on my index finger, previously I had three rings, which then grew to five, It was getting annoying so I asked Tear to find a solution, lo and behold she found a ring in a shop that could handle it.

It turns out that the gems of the rings were the real things that gave power and that the ring itsel was just a placement holder, so she found a ring that could handle all five gems and that's what I'm wearing.

I closed my eyes as I wanted to rest but then I heard faint footsteps that came nearer and nearer, I opened my eyes and saw a familiar face, one that perhaps I had missed.

"You're back."

"I am."

Emily then sat beside me, I could hear Tear gulp and then dematerialize she was afraid of her noticing her, who wouldn't be? This girl is a mass murderer some just aren't aware except for my family.

"You've made progress."

She then grabbed my head and placed it on her laps, Ah has she been reading books then? She then began carresing my head to which I was surprised.

"Have you read books on how to be a good wife?"

"Yes, a lot, including romance novels while I was free and doing nothing."

"I see, how many have you killed?"

"A couple hundred, oh there was one troll that could have taken me 10 minutes to bring down."

"What happened?"

"I used your 'Peak Form' and killed it in under a minute, I was also surprised by the skills you've gained while I was away."

Ah right I haven't talked about that, I do not want to reveal Tear nor the system, I forgot that she could use my skills and it would probably be weird her out or maybe be suspicious of where I got it.

"You know we did another ritual, by doing rituals regularly I get the experience needed."

Right I should blame the family cult.

"I see, I won't ask as every society has their own secrets, it is part of your family's power and secret."

What a good girl, I looked at her straight in the eye, I then motioned my hands upwards, she tilted her head, I want to try this one time.

"Kiss me on the forehead."

She did as what she was told, and I felt embarrassed but at the same time it felt nice, she then continued stroking my head as I fell asleep, we were inside the simulation and currently I set in a plain field where the weather was sunny and we were under a tree.

"Just how strong will you become, in fact It wasn't a troll, it was a Lich that I killed including its armies."

Emily said as she blemished the truth that she didn't kill an troll but a lich that could summon hundreds of undead, she was forced to use it and she destroyed the army on her own, she was even surprised by the power she had exuded.

She could have told him the truth but she didn't want his ego to get big, she wanted him to grow and be powerful while being humble and confident, as she saw that most arrogant heroes, villains, mobs that overestimated their stats die an early death.

"Continue to become strong, I'll be your cane until you can walk and run in this damned world and then I'll be the one who will rely on you when the time comes."


"What's with your face?"

[ I never thought I'd live to see the day. ]

"A what?"

[ A day that one of my fantasies in a novel that I want to see in real life be enacted real time ]

"What did I miss?"

[ No! I won't tell you! You'll ruin the perfect scene you damned Bozo! ]

"But I'm pretty sure I'm in you Bozo"

[ That's why I won't tell you what! Just continue on your training! ]

Right now Tear looked at Lucas who was training with the spear while Emily was watching from the side, she heard and agreed that Emily had a point, and just by judging Lucas from his memories he did have a tendency to get arrogant so she shut her mouth instead.

She promised herself to Tell Lucas everything he had missed and help him and right now she didn't want to see an arrogant Lucas that thought he had the world supporting his back, because one wrong mistake could change their fate and that could lead them to a path of death.

[ I'm sorry, Bozo ]

'You said something? '

[ No I was just writing a novel. ]

'You can write now?'

[ Just train! Lest you want to spar with Emily whose watching your every move!" ]

'Alright you don't have to tell me twice'


"Here are your uniforms and I.D.'s"

Emily and Me were called to Aria's office, we were given the clothes for the academy.

"Why do I have a wristband she does not have one?"

"The student council has already agreed like I said, when the school year starts you will be given a seat automatically, you've also been invited to their annual meeting right before the year starts."

I looked at Emily who also received the letter.

"Needless to say that they've received the news that the two of you are engaged and in their eyes you two are already married so naturally Emily is going to be with you, each council member has their entourage so having Emily is nice."

We just accepted the letter and the rest of the maids that were standing by took the clothes away, I assume they're placing it in our rooms, and yes Emily will now be staying here.

"Now that's out of the way."

"Is there someone you need me to take note of?"

Emily said as she walked a few steps forward, Aria nodded.

"Take note of their entourages not the actual persons, who knows who they've aligned with of course I don't care but having information wouldn't hurt you guys can leave now it's still a few months away."


"Good night"

Lucas told Emily as he had escorted her back to her room.

"Good night to you too."

Emily waved him good bye and closed the door, halfway through she remembered something she had read, she immediately reopened the door, she saw Lucas' back slowly walking away but he then turned around and looked confused.

She then went near a confused Lucas who was wondering what she would do since this was out of character for her, she then cupped his cheeks, Lucas who felt something soft on his cheeks was frozen still.

"Good night Lucas."

Emily said before reentering her room leaving a standing Lucas who was processing things, as soon as she entered the room she took of her gloves and placed it at the table beside her bed.

"Becoming a wife is harder than I thought."

Emily said as she took out another romance novel from the drawers, she had read tons while she was away and was awaiting a mission from the Coven, she had gotten used to all the killing but she wasn't used to do this type of mission.

She sat on the bed as she continued reading, it was the first time she had a hard time, unlike completing missions for the coven which only consisted of either assassinating beings that were deemed evil and stealing artifacts and relics there was no guide on how to be a good wife.

"Even mother has a hard time explaining and told me just to be myself."

It was the first time she and her mother had talked for hours, something that she had missed while she was at the coven, though they talked about how to be a good wife, it was her mother that asked how she had been and the likes as if she was still a child in her eyes.

"So the girl saves the boy in distress again? The girl has the power and the boy is just a prince that has no abilities aside from his brain and now she has to balance the other boys time with this and that?"

If the others had read what Emily had been reading it was without a doubt they would tell her she was reading the wrong thing, the romance novels she had read were ones that the females were the protagonists and that the lead had a harem of men surrounding and waited on their savior.

As she continued reading she felt something she had never felt before.

'What if Lucas had someone else?'

A feeling birthed in her heart, although she was innocent and pure in terms of romance but she was still a girl in the end, she would stay true to her word and never break it as that was one of her principles in life.

'Right I can just make 'accidents' happen without anyone noticing, but what if he insists?.'

She knew that polygamy was legal and that it was highly encouraged among the ten noble families, right now she didn't to think of it as 'accidents' really could happen to anyone.

She then incinerated the book she was reading as she now didn't like the thought of sharing someone, albeit it was a new unknown feeling but she still felt that Lucas was hers, She then grabbed a new book and read the synopsis.

'Oh? This looks fun.'

The book she had read this time was no longer a harem book but how the female protagonist eliminated her competition, she smiled and read it until dawn as she now had a vague idea on what to do.

Next chapter