
The Beginning of Meat

Outside Greixi, Grakixi.

On a modest hill lies my restaurant, offering a view of the cityscape. While it's situated in a picturesque setting, it has more disadvantages than advantages. Being considerably distant from both the commercial and residential districts, not many customers make their way up to this hilltop.

That's both a disadvantage and an advantage.

This world doesn't have cars, bicycles, motorcycles, or even airplanes. It's a fantasy realm with magic, swords, monsters, dungeons, and hunters all mixed up. Fifteen years have passed since I was summoned to this continent. I'm now in my early thirties.

I'm a mage. A retired mage. Called the Grand Magus, I surpassed the barrier of the nine classes, the strongest class. But now, I'm the owner of a restaurant.

Life has been far from peaceful. Always on battlefields. Constant warfare.

The title of Grand Magus demanded my presence on countless battlefields. Wars against monsters, fights with dragons. Putting my life on the line didn't yield much in return.

Just being hailed as a hero.

Tired of the fights, I decided to retire. I've fought for 15 years, which I think is enough. Summoned as a high school student back in Korea, my life has been nothing but battles.

In Korea, it would have ended after two years in the army. But here, real battles persisted for 15 years.

So, I gave up everything and settled in Greixi, a provincial city in the Ruberen Empire. I've accumulated mana of the 9th class, yet I haven't found a way back to the modern world.

So, I have to live in this world.

Remaining as a mage was far from peace. There would undoubtedly be trouble from all sides.

Back in the modern world, I always wanted to become the owner of a small restaurant after retiring. It was my dream after making a name as a famous chef. It was my plan for retirement, which turned into a reality in this different world.

Different from my original life plan of becoming a chef, not a famous mage.

But well, what can you do?

It's been a little over a month since I opened the restaurant. It's still not widely known. Only a few regular customers.

The menu changes based on the day's mood.

No, I even make dishes if the customers request. A free-spirited restaurant is good.

It's all about self-satisfaction. I don't really need money.

Treasures found in the rare drops from dragons' hearts made it easy to make a living. So, it's all about self-satisfaction.

Using the treasure, I built a two-story house. The first floor is the restaurant, and the second floor is my home. The first floor consists of a kitchen and four tables. There's a compact grill-like iron plate and various pots in the kitchen. Cooking equipment made in a modern style by Dwarven craftsmanship. It's all handcrafted, commissioned by me.

Starting the day by cleaning the tables and kitchen equipment. Once everything is done, it's time to head to the market.

After finishing everything, it's lunchtime.

But as always...

Today, it's just Paris syndrome.

"Hey there!"

A familiar man walks in, waving his hand absentmindedly. He's the owner of a nearby butcher shop who supplies our meat.

The first time we met was before opening the restaurant.

At that time, I was struggling to find a butcher who could supply meat. In this small city, it was quite challenging to get a variety of monster meat. The last shop I visited was Krnol's place.

"Can you supply it?"

At the last butcher's shop, a rugged muscular man said that as if it were obvious.

"Ha-ha, I used to work as a mercenary in my youth, so I have former comrades scattered everywhere, making it possible to obtain various kinds of monster meat."

"Is that so?"

It was good news to hear amidst the struggles.

"But I don't just sell my meat to anyone. That's a rule of mine. I can't stand seeing the meat I've hunted and acquired through hard work being used carelessly in cooking. Can you satisfy me?"

"Ah, this darn husband! Always like this? Please, get a grip! We'll starve to death at this rate. We'll starve to death!"

"I can't allow that. It's against my pride."

The couple argued with each other. The wife, when younger, must have been quite charming. She still looks in her 40s, so she's still quite lovely.

"Madam, it's alright. I have confidence."

I confidently said.

"I plan to open a restaurant on that hill. So, I'll show you my cooking."

I had confidence. During my days as a mage dominating the world, my colleagues always praised my cooking.

"Oho, that

's a unique choice."

The old man laughed heartily.

"Alright, I'll watch over your restaurant. If you can satisfy me, then I'll provide you with meat from any monster."

After that day, the old man became a regular customer.