

"Violet". Dora called as she entered the restroom after Violet who was now retouching her lipstick

"Not now Dora. Please".

"But Violet.."

"What do you want to say?". Violet sighed

"I'm sorry". Dora whispered, head down as tears threatened to spill

Violet sighed once again, staring at her best friend. As much as she wants to be angry at her, she can't. Because she knows it isn't her fault. It's all Violet cursed fate, she's deemed to love those who would never reciprocate her love

"Dora please. Stop apologizing for things which aren't your fault, it's not at all your fault, it's all my fate. And as much as it hurts and can't do anything about it. Even my tears seem to have dried up from crying. It hurts Dora, every single time. First Daniel, now Tristan. I can't help but think maybe Daniel was right, just maybe I'm not worthy of being loved".

"Violet that not true"

"Well it does seem like the damn truth Dora!". Violet yelled "the worst part is I can't even show my hurt, I have to keep smiling, keep my head high. Act like nothing's wrong when I'm breaking inside. It hurts Dora, so much I feel like stabbing my heart, maybe it won't hurt so much when the darkness takes me in. Just maybe". Violet whispered the last part finally breaking down as she slumped on the floor, her back resting on the wall "it hurt Dora, so much". She continued muttering stabbing her heart with her fist as the tears silently fell

Dora stared at her broken friend, her own tears unable to hold themselves, falling down in rapid sequence. She rushed to her friend gathering her in her arms ``it's not true Violet, you deserve to be loved. And one day you'll find the special someone who'd love and cherish you for who you are. You're a princess, a gem, Violet, nothing less and much more". She whispered to her friend "I'm sorry Violet, I'm so sorry". She choked on her tears

"Don't apologise, just don't. It's making me feel bad. It's your life Dora, love who you want. Don't give up on love because of me. I don't want to be the villain in your story ever, I'd rather die ''. Violet said

"Don't say that Violet. You can never be the villain in my story. Because you're my other half, you're my best friend. I could give up everything for you"

"You could, but you shouldn't, you should never Dora. Because you deserve all the happiness in this world and more. I'm sorry Dora, for everything". Violet cried into her arms

Cupping Violet's cheeks in her palms, Dora raised her head to hers so they could stare into each other's eyes. "You have nothing to be sorry for, because ever since you came into my life, I knew what it meant to have someone I can fully rely on, someone who'd always get my back no matter what, someone who is my lucky charm, my best friend, someone who is you. And I could never ask for a better miracle Violet. Because you're all I ever need to smile, you complete me Violet in ways you do not know. I love you Violet, with every vein in me". Dora said "this would definitely look weird from a different angle". She added making them both chuckle

"Did you just confess your undying love for me?". Violet chuckled

"I guess I just did". Dora grinned placing her forehead on Violet's as the reminisce in the moment

"Not to ruin the mood but isn't this like where we kiss or something". Violet said

"Ewww Violet, you're just dirty minded". Dora exclaimed with a disgusted face as she moved away from Violet

"What do you mean by that? Besides I'm a great kisser, wanna bet". Violet wiggled her brows

"Ewww Violet, shut the hell up. I'm not kissing you ever. That's just disgusting". Dora faked puked

"Hey. That's my lips you're disgusted with. Besides weren't you the one who just confused her ending love to me". Violet smirked

"As friends, you pervert". Dora whacked her

"Ouch, too violent".

"Serves you right, pervert". Dora stuck her tongue out

The two girls seated on the floor stare at each other grinning

"Thank you Dora and I love you too". Violet smiled

"I know". Dora grinned before standing up and sticking her hand out to Violet "here, let me help you up".

"Sure. Thanks". Violet grinned taking her hands

"Violeta Anastasia Archakos!". Dora yelled as her buttocks collided with the toilet floor harshly and the guilty person was laughing her head away

"Payback time". Violet smiles cheekily

"I'll definitely return the favour". Dora groaned before standing up and running her behind

"Won't you help me up". Violet asked innocently

"In your dreams lady". Dora narrowed her eyes still rubbing her sore buttocks "oh my poor mountains". She cried out silently

"Stop being dramatic Dora. I didn't pull you that hard". Violet shook her head at her friend before also standing up

"Easy for you to say, how about I do the same to you".

"Okay, I'm sorry". Violet quickly surrendered "come-on let's retouch our makeup, goodness you look like a baboon pied on you". She smirked at Dora

"And you look like a pig vomited on you". Dora retorted with a smirk

"Wow, we both look awful". Violet exclaimed once they both looked into the mirrors

"Agreed. This is a warning to never cry with makeup on when we don't have any make-up to retouch with us". Dora said



"Cords. Wait up". Steven called out

"Don't talk to me Steven". Cordelia sighed as she walked ahead

"Just wait for a sec Cords". He whisper yelled grabbing her hand and turning her around to face him

"What do you want Steven".

"Why are you avoiding me Cords. You and I very well now how you really feel. Why do you keep shutting me down. I've tried to many times to understand you, but I just can't. Just what is stopping you from being with me". He begged holding her shoulders

"How many times do I have to tell you Steven, we can't be together. It's just not possible okay. An us, is never. So please don't make this any harder than it is". She begged shrugging his hands off and turned around to walk away, but he held her back with his arm wrapped around her waist

"Just tell me, do you love me or not? '' He whispered in her ears ``tell me Cords, and I'll leave you alone"

"Steven please". She begged trying to keep her tears at bay

"Answer me Cords". He whispered tightening his hold

"Please don't do this Steven. Please". She choked as a tear fell down her cheek and unto his arm

"I'm sorry". She whispered running towards the restroom as tears began falling down her cheeks.

Steven just stood there for some time before sighing in anger and hitting the wall close by. Closing his eyes as he ran a hand through his hair making it tousled. After regulating his breathing and keeping his expression in check, he walked towards the restroom and noticed Cordelia has already entered and he could hear sniffles and voices, though he couldn't make out what exactly they were saying, and he isn't planning on eavesdropping


While Violet and Dora were retouching their makeup the restroom was suddenly opened making them turn their attention to it only to find a weeping Cordelia

"Cords?". Dora asked unsure but she didn't answer. Instead she closed the door and slumped down the floor, resting her back on it as she folded her legs and kept her head between her knees. Both Violet looked at each other in confusion before putting down the makeup and walked to her

"What happened?". Violet asked as they crouched down to her level, but she didn't reply, instead kept crying

"Cords, why are you crying? Did Steven do anything wrong?". Dora asked tentatively

"No". Cordelia shook her head "I was the one in the wrong. I'm the one at fault. I shouldn't have led him on, I never should have fallen in love. I hate myself for that. I'm so stupid". She ranted as she hit her head with her hand

"Cordelia what happened. What are you saying?". Violet asked as she and Dora held her hand from hitting herself

"Steven. I love him, I love him so much. But I'm scared, it wasn't supposed to have happened but it did". She voiced out crying. Of course it is no news that she's in love with Steven among her friends, they've all waited for her to acknowledge that fact

"It's alright Cords. Everything will sort itself out". Violet tried to soothe her

"It's not alright Violet. It never will be, because an us can't happen ever! It's impossible". Cordelia yelled pulling her hair "it's fucking impossible all because of that asshole and his stupid rules".

"Cords, what are we talking about?". Dora asked as she and Violet exchanged confused looks

Cordelia seemed to have realised what she spilled because she suddenly stopped her ranting and stood up walking to the mirror

"Cords?". Dora asked

"I'm alright. It's nothing, just a usual breakdown. I'm fine now. Thank you both". She gave a smile, though anyone can see that it's forced

"Are you sure you're alright?". Violet asked

"A hundred percent. You shouldn't worry about me, I can handle myself". She grinned then faced the mirror to set her hair back in place and clean her face

Violet and Dora looked at each other for a moment before shrugging and walked towards her

"You know Cords, if you ever need someone to talk to, we're always here for you okay?". Dora gave her a small smile

"Yh, and we also kick asses". Violet winked

"Anyone who wants to mess with our best friends, must go through us". Dora added

"We're a team". Violet added as they both grinned

Cordelia couldn't help the genuine small smile that cracked on her face "I'm glad I met you both. Life here is the best chance I ever needed and I'm glad I chose it".

"We love you Cords". Dora grinned pulling them in for a group hug

"That we do". Violet confirmed

"And I love you both too. Thank you". She whispered grateful

"Anything for you". Violet smiled

"And anytime". Dora added as they broke the hug

"Now here, use this lipstick. Your lips look chapped and bitten". Violet said handing her lipstick over

"Thanks". Cordelia smile taking it and applied it before giving it back

"It's a good thing you don't use makeup, else you'd have looked like a zombie just like we both did". Dora joked making them chuckle

"It's ironic we had come here in order to stop whatever possible fight that might happen between you too, but instead we both fought again and I wept running in here only to see you both joking and you even helped me out. Life sure is weird and unpredictable, though our fight was predictable". Cordelia said making them laugh again

"Let's go, before they think we all killed ourselves". Dora joked as they walked out to find Steven leaning against the opposite wall lost in a trance

"Hey Steven, what are you thinking about? Let's go already". Dora called out to him pulling him out of his thoughts

"Hey, didn't kill yourselves yet I see". He joked making Violet and Dora roll their eyes while Cordelia looked uncomfortable trying to avoid his gaze

"Very funny Steven. Let's go". Violet said grabbing his arm and walking away with Dora and Cordelia behind

Just as the four walked away from the restroom a lady in all a black leather jacket, trouser, hat and boots came out of the restroom with a sinister smile on her face "laugh and joke all you want, because your doom is near". She smirked before walking away from the restroom and out the restaurant


"Hey who's she?". Bella asked, noticing the lady who just walked out the restaurant - and had gained the attention of almost everyone present in the restaurant, as the four others settled in "I love her style". She commented on the outfit

"Who". They all turned to the door but saw no, she had left

"She's gone". Bella sighed sadly "I wish she'd give me her outfit".

"You're weird". Violet pointed out

"Old news". Bella smirked and they all forget about the odd scene and began discussing except one person who kept staring out the door deep in thought and the girl seated near him who noticed his odd gaze

"Tristan... Tristan". Nick yelled

"Oh yh?". He replied breaking off his thoughts

"What's wrong man, I've been calling you for a while?"

"Nothing, what were you guys talking about?"

"Just about anything really but mostly college. I really don't like college". Nick shrugged

"You hate school in general Nick, does matter the level". Tristan rolled his eyes

"You're right there". Nick grinned and they all laughed

"You really won't change". Bella shook her head

"Now, now, Bella.. ". Nick began and from there the group kept their discussion going which consisted of mostly bickering

4 chapters in a day...woowww.... we're heading somewhere

Wish me good luck my beautiful readers(ꏿ﹏ꏿ;)

Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!

Don't forget the story is just stating, our favorite girls are now 20... I'm so happy

So yh...you all can take this as a holiday gift(◍•ᴗ•◍)

longest Chapter ever!!!!

Wanted to break it into two, but I like some record myself;-)

Silvern_Artcreators' thoughts
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