5 Chapter Four ~ Witch

"I'm a what?!" Evelyn eventually said.

Claire just smiled at the auburn girl. 

'She sure does love smiling a lot' Evelyn thought.

"You're a witch, like me. Although I wonder what you're a witch of. I'm a good witch of solar light, so..... hm..... maybe you're a good witch of nature?" Claire spoke, proud that she had found a fellow witch... and on Earth, nonetheless!

Claire pondered as she observed the girl in front of her. Evelyn walked into the kitchen and grabbed two bottles of water, and handed one to Claire as they sat in the living room, and Evelyn quickly pulled her phone out to text her parents.

"If I'm a good witch of nature, how could I do all that other stuff earlier?"

As she said that, Evelyn placed her phone down on the table beside her seat, and looking at Claire, who sighed before taking a sip of water and speaking again. 

"I don't know. My governess said that your powers kick in any time, sometimes when you're a little kid or triggered by a great emotional event. Your brother's death might be that emotional event that triggered your powers' awakening."

Evelyn gave the blonde girl an exasperated look and rubbed her head with her right hand, trying to take in the information. 

"If my powers were triggered by a great emotional event, why didn't they kick in a lot sooner before Danny died. I mean, I was bullied A LOT as a little kid, I was very emotional then and nothing like what happened at the park had ever happened to me before." Evelyn pointed out to Claire, who tapped her head with her hands, trying to explain the sudden events.

Claire snapped her fingers and pointed at the auburn girl. "I got it! You come with me to the LeFay Academy of Magic. I'll be attending this year as a New Blood anyways, and they have classes on origins and powers and all that, so it might help answer those questions."

Evelyn was impressed "What does this LeFay Academy of Magic look like?"

Claire smirked mischievously as she waved her hand around the two girls.


All of a sudden the girls appeared back at the park where they met... specifically close to the beach Claire said she came. 

The beach was small, surrounded by rocks and the ocean, tucked away like a little oasis. They looked to see a collection of twigs and rocks had been shaped to make a strange shaped rock, with little opals tucked into the top. Evelyn was extremely confused. She had been to this beach with her mum once and did not see this formation. Fishermen and swimmers come to this beach too and no one ever said anything about it. 

"What the hell is that?" She asked, pointing her index finger at the formation 

"That is the portal I mentioned." Claire answered

Look, I know this is incredibly weird for you and that you want to return to the life you knew before, but that life was only HALF a life. You're a witch, Evie, and surely you have questions?"

"Well... yes... but..." Evelyn began

"But nothing! Hecatia, my world, has the answers. Answers you won't find in some stuffy old library." 

This Princess had a point. Evelyn didn't like being dragged to the library as she grew older, especially if there were little kids, elderly people or just nosy stickybeaks around. The elderly people would try to start a conversation with her, attempting to be funny when the different generations had different ideas on humour and conversation starters. 

The little kids made Evelyn feel sorry and sympathetic for the adults, as well as wishing she had discreetly snuck alcohol in a water bottle to numb the annoyance she had towards them. She didn't not like them, she'd feel different when she had her own, but seeing other parents with their kids made the auburn girl wonder if they were more BFF's than parents. 

As for the stickybeaks, well, Evelyn would recommend a SEVERE rhinoplasty to keep such nosy people out of other's business. 

"Okay. I guess I'm checking out this Academy of Magic." Evelyn said

Claire clapped in glee and waved her right hand in front of the formation

"Hecatia City, Celeste." She spoke clearly

Before her own very eyes, there was a light blue glow coming from the rocks, as Claire and Evelyn walked through, but instead of walking through the rocks to see the same formation in the beach, they were in a whole new world altogether. 

Claire yelled enthusiastically "Welcome to the Magical Kingdom of Hecatia, Evie!"

Oh, Evelyn, I don't think things will ever be the same.

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