

I slowly wake up to the feeling of a wet tongue on my face. "Uugghh. I moan as I try to get up only to be pushed back down by the dog. "Back up Able" I say as I try to push him away only to find that my arm his incredibly sore and stiff. Whats wrong with my arm wait, now that I'm focusing on it my entire body feels really sore and sti... WHAT THE FUCK! I yell as I look down to notice my dramatically changed body that is soaked in sweat. As my brain is trying to process what is happening that dream and more specifically those lost words I heard jump to the front of my mind."There's no actual way right? I mean what even is an Arcane Art? And I'm not evil but I'm definitely no angel either, so what the fuck is happening?" I'm just gonna go look in the mirror. I decide as I do my best to hobble up two flight of stairs to reach the bathroom. Able followed me up there but I closed the bathroom door cause I just wanted to be alone so I can have some time process what happened and try to plan my next action. But first, I take of all of the sweat soaked clothes and dropped them on the ground and turn on the light so I can see better before turning to face the mirror and what greets me is... a pretty average looking body still leagues above what I had before but still nothing I would expect from something called an Arcane Art. I've got a four pack and some pretty nice muscle definition on all parts and I look to be close to 6'4 now but thats not much as I was already almost 6'3, my blond hair has gone to a golden blond from its previous brown which is a striking color but still not an unseen one and, my eyes have a similar gold color instead of the dark blue they used to be. I'm much, much more attractive than I ever was before but I'm still a little disappointed. "Really! This is my so called Arcane Art. Some fucking legacy you have Mr.Archangel, all it did was turn me in to a second class model! And you even gave it such and edgy name, really Legacy Grimoire Of A... I stop short in my insult as a book appears before me floating in midair. It's white with gold borders across the edges. There's only one thing that prevents it from looking like it should be stored in the Vatican as an artifact of god, and that's the symbol in the middle, which was glowing but not golden light, like the one from the dream, no it had a muted glow as it was every shifting from a blood red to the darkest black. While logically I felt like I should be scared of the book I had some feeling of familiarity, like it was already a part of me, like we were connected. So, apparently having not learned my lesson about touching strange magical objects as soon as I see them, I reach out and take it in my hands. After inspecting the outside some more I decide to open it to the first page. As I look on the first page it has what looks like a stat chart from an rpg.

NAME-Creed Bine Kingsley














I'm not sure if I should be offended by that wisdom stat and also What The Fuck! I Have Stats, Since when do I have Stats. And more importantly, I'M PART ARCHANGEL SINCE FUCKING WHEN?!! DO I HAVE WINGS?! I BETTER HAVE SOME FUCKING WINGS! I WILL BE VERY FUCKING UPSET IF I DON'T HAVE WINGS! And what the hell does Tainted mean? Okay, okay, okay, just breath Creed, just breath, we'll figure that out later, for now lets just focus on what I have in front of me. I wonder if these stats are any good and what are they based on. At that moment a slight voice rings in my mind. *A one represents what a standard human adult has in that particular category* "Oh a one is a standard human adul... What Was That! I look around frantically for a few seconds but nothings there. That was weird but... I... I guess I know what its based on now... I guess. Okay well it looks like whatever I am human or angel I'm supposed to be focused on speed and coordination which is just fine for me cause that sounds awesome. But what is this Arcana stat... "I guess I'll have to find out"... "I said I guess I'll have to find out. "Wow, really... nothing... Well whatever you are you're fucking useless". I wait for a few seconds but there's still no response. God, Where's a creepy disembodied voice when you need it. Having given up on that I decide to continue investigating for myself. I wonder if there's anything on the next page. I turn the page and the first thing I notice is the symbol from the dream is in the center at the top taking about a quarter of the page with the rest of it and the one next to it being taken up by some golden writing with calligraphy that looks straight out of the times of Shakespeare. "Let's see here it looks like these two pages are about this symbol or Arcane Art as it's called, cool I wonder if it does anything else other than change my body. Okay so it says here that the Arcane Art ANGEL COMMONER'S PHYSIQUE is a base skill one that will follow with me and be upgraded as I get stronger and will be the base of my own Personal Arcane Avatar Technique. "WTF is that and why does it sound so cool". Ok moving on it looks like the Art comes with a few built in techniques. The first being... the wings of light technique... FUCK YEEEES I KNEW IT. I... GET... WINGS... I do my best to calm down and think rationally okay so it says here that the wings of light technique is what's called an Instinct Art it once I manage to activate for the first time I'll have a basic understanding of it but, I'll still have to practice if I want to master it. So how do I do this, I don't want to be seen by the neighbors with wings coming out of my back. I guess I'll just wait until night and try it once everyone is asleep.

Sry this took so long I explained why it did in the notes on the other book I started Pantheons' Rise.

CallMeLokicreators' thoughts