
What's past is prologue.

This was new, I was sitting in my living room with my parents and Phil Coulson discussing my chance to go to a school for gifted students, in an early enrollment program with a full scholarship to study whatever I wanted to or rather what I decided with the help of my counsellors and aptitude tests. They help me make a well-informed decision on what I was good at and passionate about to find the field I was best suited to study.

Now how did we get here, It was simple really, after the day that I beat up my watcher I went for a run to make sure they had a chance to contact me. That was what happened as I had expected, while on my run I was stopped by you guessed it a big SUV, not sure which brand of car it was. As I stepped into the car and sat down I saw no one I recognised in the car. There were only 2 people in the back seat of the car but neither of them said anything so I just sat there and in 20 minutes we arrived at an office building. Both of them stepped out and I followed them in and then we arrived at an office and went in and told me to go into a room. I went into the room and it was like a conference room in any movie I had seen with a big screen on a wall. So I was going to be talking to someone via teleconferencing and the light on the screen switched on and Agent Coulson was on screen with another woman with her.

"Hi, Agent Coulson, What's up?"

"Hello, Mr Nightshade, I would like to start by saying that you didn't need to beat up your watcher to get our attention."

"Hey that wasn't my fault, he got angry at me and then tried to beat me up and didn't want to stop fighting till I had to knock him out. If he stopped attacking me, I would have stopped too"

"OK, I understand. So that was just a coincidence?"

"Well yes, my objective was to beat up the gangsters and then maybe find the watcher and ask him for a spar to see how much I had improved and then ask him how to get in contact with you."

"So let us get back to the point, why did you want to contact me ?"

"I have been practising and trying to get better at close quarters combat techniques and like I just proved by beating that watcher after having beaten up almost 5 to 6 dozen gangsters. I can't really get better at it by myself and if I am going to be Field agent with you guys like you are I need more specialized training and not waste another year in school here. So what I want is to join your Academy from this year in the Communications Section and after that try and get into the Operations program. Hopefully, the Communications program covers the length and breadth of content for being a field agent. If there are some things in the basics that are not covered I am pretty sure I am smart enough to be able to study it by myself."

"Well, we will have to think about it and see if it could be arranged and some other things ..."

The woman sitting next to him and had been whispering into her sleeve when she interrupted Agent Coulson and said: "It's OK Coulson, I have approval. Mr Nightshade you are approved for the next year to join the program for Communications. The program will start from the 1st week of September. Coulson, please get the paperwork ready and filled out and go and contact his parents and get approval since he is under 18 still. Since he is travelling outside the Country ask them if they can help get him the emancipated Minor status."

"OK, that was easier than expected. I'll be visiting your house sometime this week please let your parents know about it. I have your email address and I'll send you 2 emails one about the cover story that you should read and then delete it and the other with the official acceptance letter, paperwork and information brochure for the Academy"

"WOW that was easy, cool Ill read it up tonight and let them know in the morning. If you don't mind me asking who are you?"

The Woman got up from her seat and: "Oh right I am Maria Hill, I work with the Director's office. Alright, let's go, Coulson, we have other things we need to discuss before you have to leave. Mr Nightshade you are dismissed."

Before I could say anything the screen switched off, so I got up and left the room and was dropped back on my running route. after which I came back home and went through my email and the email were already there. I went through the cover and memorised the details and the application forms that I was supposed to have had filled out and sent with my application and saved them on my computer. Then went through the other email with an acceptance letter and the forms that I filled out. Next morning I told my parents the good news and went through the whole discussion about why I hadn't told anyone about it yet and only told them once I got accepted.

That's how we arrived here, discussing this new educational opportunity for me with my parents and Agent Coulson. The discussion went well, My parents were happy about it and Coulson seemed really cool and helped my parents fill up the paperwork for the visa application, the admission application and the minor's emancipation application form. After all the paperwork was filled out and everything was completed he took the paperwork with my passport and said we would receive it after the visa was added to it back in the mail in a few weeks. He also left us with a recommended packing list and details about the pickup and travel details. He also said that I would be sent the ticket details in my email once the Visa formalities are completed. That was the end of his visit, after that my parents called up our family and friends, and informed everyone the good news. I called up Nebula and let her know that I had been accepted and will be leaving around the last week of August. She wasn't really happy about me still planning on joining operations but wished me good luck and cut off the call.

I spent the rest of the time I had left before going to the Academy, travelling around and meeting my relatives and shopping and packing up the new stuff that I had bought. A few weeks after the meeting with Agent Coulson, I received my passport and the visa in it. I also received my flight tickets via email. The flight was a direct flight to New York and I would be driven from there to the location of the Academy near New Jersey. Agent Coulson was with me on the drive and when we arrived at the location he stepped out of the car and I followed him and he turned to me with the huge building complex behind him and said.

"Welcome to the Academy of Communications"

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