
Strength doesn not come from physical Capacity. It Comes from an indomitable will.

On Friday it was decided that since I was OK I could go to school, and so I went to class and it was like any other day, all the excitement of the previous day forgotten or so I was thinking in my delusional dreams. As soon as I walked into the classroom I was mobbed by the guys about what happened after they left and if I was OK and a lot of questions about the aftereffects of being struck by lightning. The only saving grace was our Physics teacher Mr Koda walking in and telling everyone to get seated so he could start the class.

During recess, the girls came up to me to ask about how I was and Nebula being there got me all flustered and I barely got out the answers to their questions, but I am pretty sure some of her friends noticed me glancing towards her multiple times and getting even more flustered while answering the question she asked. So I guess my secrets out in the first week of high school. It's going to be hell especially coz my memories from the other timeline tell me we did get together but it didn't last much past the end of high school. On the other hand, even though heartbreak was in the works It was still the best days of my life that I was with her. I guess I will have to ignore the other timeline see what destiny has in store for me.

After the school-day had ended and I came back home, my brother and the kids in the neighborhood invited me out to play cricket with them. When we were playing I started out bowling the first over, after that, another player bowled an over and then another. When to turn to bowl came again I seemed to have gotten a lot better, as soon as I bowled the 1st ball I felt like I could copy what some others had done and combine it with what I had been doing and it worked, by the end over the over I had bowled out 4 people in 6 balls. Next over the last player went down as well. This time I was going to bat last and watched the others bat carefully and paid attention if whatever allowed me to undergo this ridiculous learning experience would happen again and if I could figure out what was causing it. And this time I noticed it, the purple haze liquid flowing through my body seemed to increase moreover it spread in a much larger quantity into my brain, my nerves and my eyes. This made me realize what was happening, this liquid was some kind of energy improving my body, my reaction time, my hand-eye coordination and gave me muscle memory of doing whatever I saw being done. It reminded me of a vague memory of a something similar I had seen in some superhero TV show I had seen where this girl could do whatever she saw being done just once.

When I came back home I decided to experiment and, I searched for a video of someone playing a very complex piece of music on the Piano, took out my Casio mini keyboard and tried to play it. I failed after watching the 1st time, and the 2nd and the 14th, so I stopped and found a beginner piece of music and tried that and was able to do it by the 5th try. That was my bottom line things requiring something simple like tricks for better bowling or getting better reaction speed and, hand-eye coordination and timing could be learned quickly as long as it was in small increments. Things like music were more complicated. It required me to understand rhythm and Tempo. My ability couldn't make the blind see but it could make me see clearer and further away. The rate of improvement was also better with a live person than a video recording. I was pretty sure I was able to play that music since I had practiced it 3 years ago and watching the video only helped guide me and my improved physical capabilities from earlier were the reason why I could play it at all. Some experimentation was needed here and would get to with my football skills but I needed someone better than me to watch in close proximity probably.

I started the first phase of the experiment the next morning. Sunday morning I got up early and started exercising to see if it made an impact in healing the damage from exercise also faster as well as if it improves the strength of the exercised muscles. I started with push-ups until I couldn't do anymore and felt the energy flowing slowly easing the pain and healing up the muscles. It took almost 2 hours to recover completely but the pain stopped within 30 seconds. There was barely enough increase in strength to be noticeable but not enough to actually matter in the short term. I then moved on to crunches and the results were the same.

I had gotten up at 6 am and it was 10 now I had my breakfast and went for a jog in the park behind our housing colony. This is where the real potential showed up. The energy would start healing me as soon as a bare minimum amount of strain was applied to it but basic exercises like push-ups and Crunches were continuous in nature I could stop and start but that would require calibrating what rate I could perform them at and keep going for longer. Jogging was I guess had a self-regulating feature. I started with a small sprint as I started feeling the energy flowing so slowed down to a walk and continued till the flow of energy started to slow down and then I picked up speed a bit and then a bit more until I reached the balance point where the energy was flowing in full flow healing my fatigue and the muscles and strengthening it. The increase in strength wasn't actually noticeable in a short time duration but at that speed, I kept on going for over 3 hours and that time duration showed significant enough improvement in my capabilities that my rate of jogging increased. This was going to be my ticket to self-improvement. I stopped running around the park and let my parents know I was going to visit my friends and went for a jog around the city. A 6-hour-long jog around the city later and I had improved my physical capabilities by a very noticeable amount in just a weekend. I was going to become the sportsman of the year by the end of this school years sports day.

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