12 Special Threat Assessment for Known Extranormalities

"My name is Phil Coulson and I work for a UN-based agency called Strategic Hazard Intervention, Enforcement and Logistics Directorate. I'm here under the purview of one the active projects that we have named Special Threat Assessment for Known Extranormalities"

"OK, that doesn't answer any of my questions at all. Also, I might not have an eidetic memory but even then O can tell those are the bacronyms fork STAKE and SHIELD. So you being a smart person that I assume you are would have figured that out too, so the only reason you don't use the acronym is that you don't have permission to yet. This only proves you are part of a very rigid paramilitary type of organization and that only raises more questions than answering any."

" You have a sharp mind there, we have announced officially that there was a bomb threat to the school by an anti-christians organization that doesn't like the celebration of Christmas in schools"

"OK Thanks, let's do it your way then, that's obviously not what you announced to the school or there would have been widespread panic"

" Yes the school was told that there might be a gas leak and so, unfortunately, we have to evacuate everyone to the ground outside the gate."

"You did leak the gas somewhere though right, I don't mean actual gas but just the chemical that gives it the smell?"

"Yes we did, it will allow us to do a cleanup and close the incident for the public, the school will be told the bomb threat that it received was fake and the police are handling it and have caught the perpetrators."

" Ok so that's everything, can we come back why and how we are in this situation right now? Also, I didn't really need to know all of this to have a cover story the lesser I knew the easier it would have been. The only reason to tell me this information was to test me in some way, testing my analytical skills..."

As I said that he walked into the classroom and sat down at a table with a chair across it, and point towards it and said: "Please have a seat."

"So it is a test, ok I'll play" I said and sat down across from thought about it for a few seconds and said: "So you knew about some extranormal as you call it being in this school before the school year began, but didn't want to raise the suspicion of anyone so you had Dr Kavita come in and offer herself as in house doctor who would stay on campus and provide medical care to any students in need. But you made sure to delay it enough so the 1st-day assembly she wouldn't be there. You probably had her have her own quarters where she could stay and come in when a doctor was needed not just a nurse. That's why she came within 10 min and made it seem like she hurried here and establish trust with whomsoever you thought that you might be looking for. Only thing she arrived too quickly to have come from outside the school, she might have thought to delay but someone getting hit by lightning would have been outside expectations so she couldn't risk it. Then you had this guy watching over me, running around town, getting into a fight with the gangsters, learning taekwondo at an extremely accelerated rate. You kept track of all that, the only mishap you had was today, the guy missed that there were more than 3 people or somehow he was led to believe there 4 and the 4th led him away while a 5th one lay hidden who attacked me or you just didn't care enough to keep me alive. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt there, he had to track them, make sure they didn't harm anyone else, call you and kept guard. So that's all of it. Heh, I did figure out how this situation came to be, how about you tell me why now?"

"Very well done Mr Nightshade, you are right on all counts we are here because we are technically not allowed to approach you without actual proof of wrongdoing or a recognizable threat to public safety. "

"Oh so you are here coz I killed someone?"

"Yes, there are certain clauses about not being able to talk to underage citizens of any country that's part of the UN Charter without parental consent. The only way we can talk to parents is if they already know about extranormals, it wasn't really an issue till now. But now that you have performed acts that come under the category of what we call loopholes to underage citizens, it basically means performing any of these acts automatically sets your status as an emancipated minor as long as you are 12 or older. So now we can intervene and here we are having this chat."

"So last questions, 2 of them actually, first who are these guys and second why are you testing me?"

Hearing my questions Phil smirked and replied " These guys weren't after you, they were after your watcher, they kidnapped your girlfriend coz they thought you were an undercover operative working with him and wanted to lure you away from him, after the 1st 3 attacked you another team of 4 attacked him at the same time and by the time he got back all 4 of the ones that came after you were dead."

Dr Kavita suddenly came into the room and said: " Coulson hurry up here a bit will you, Almost everyone else has been evacuated from the school and it will become difficult to sneak him out if everyone else has left."

"Mr Nightshade the answer to you second question is actually an offer to join The Academy that we run, you have time to think about it we can keep your status hidden till you come of age or rather till the beginning of the quarter that you come of age so for you that till 31st of December of 2007. Here is my card, you have a year to think about it, you can talk to Dr Kavita if you want to know more about anything. Have a good night ."

Dr Kavita got hold of my arm and dragged me to the apartment complex on campus, near that exit was an ambulance in which I was told to lie down and drove me to the nearest hospital and then I was taken to a room and she told me to sleep and she would come to talk to me the next day.

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