
Many ideas grow better when transplanted into another mind than the one where they sprang up.

"Its time to get on with it, I am not sure if you know why you are here, but we are setting up a series of experiments and tests. This is a series that will last until the time you start at the Academy in September. The thing is I need to know if you will fit in here and that's why you are here for this short interview. If I find you are a good fit for the team, then the team lead for the actual tech team will read you I all the details. Do you understand?"

"Yes Sir, I understand."

"OK, so we will start with a few simple questions. Do you know about any other students from your class going to the Academy this year?"

"Wait, what? There is someone else from my class going to the Academy too?"

"OK, that answers that question. They are already selected, they had their interview just before you did, so If you get selected you can go and meet them down in the Lab. So I actually only have a very few parameters, and so I have very few questions."

"I understand, I'll answer whatever you need."

"Good, What are your fields of study, assume I haven't studied the science past 12th grade so speak at that level?"

"That's an easy one to start with, simply put I have studied lots of physics mostly electronics and different types of energy systems. Assume you are interviewing me for this you would know about exotic particles. I was picked up early on for the academy and used the access to their energy particle detector to base my thesis on a method to harness different types of exotic particles to create a kind of transformer to convert those particles into electricity"

"Really that's interesting, so you have a working prototype of such a transformer?"

"Well yes and no, see the thing is it's like the arc reactor that is in the Stark research base, it uses electricity as a startup but the cost conversion is not worth it since it isn't really efficient in terms of its output, similarly my prototype was very big in size and any actual use in creating electricity is minimal in terms of conversion ratio. Only use that we have right now is that absorbs all of the energy even though it converts it into so less electricity, it's still useful for containment purposes."

"I get it, still not bad, you might get a chance to work on improving it in the Academy and even in the labs if you are selected here. Let's move on, my next question I can assume what the answer will be but I still have to ask how comfortable are you with working on exotic particles and their effects on Human beings? The subjects are volunteers and it will obviously be a priority for the team to ensure this doesn't harm them."

"Its fine with me really since my work is basically based on this, my only issue is that I can work with setting up experimental setups and equipment and that kind of stuff, but any actual invasive or biological procedures are not really my field of study."

"Yes, I get that obviously, I only meant that you will have to work with actual live subjects. So the last question for tonight is a more complicated one. Are you comfortable working on experiments with people you may know as the test subjects?"

"Are you saying someone I know is a volunteer, can I know who ?"

"I can't really tell you, you don't have a clearance and there is also a privacy concern. This is why it's an important issue, if this is a concern then you obviously can't work on the projects, so can you?"

"I guess so yes, if they volunteered by themselves I am fine with it too."

"Alright then. In that case, we are going to be working together from now on in this project and I mean that literally since I am your one and only volunteer Nikki."

As I said that I turned around the chair and got up and walked up to her and said: "Hey Nikki, long time no see. how are you doing? Good to see you and welcome to my team. Let me know if you need any help at all with your project, it's very personal to me and could help me a lot. So anything you need access to let me know I'll see what I can do."

She looked completely surprised and flabbergasted. Then she stepped forward and gave me a hug and surprised me and said: "Good to meet you again. I didn't know half this interview you were referring to yourself in the third person. I am still trying to figure out how to improve the prototype in many ways. There are many issues I have ideas on that I need to run experiments on, I am looking into how to make it smaller and how to improve the ratio to be at least 1 percent instead of the measly 0.4% ."

"Well if you have to pick something over the other then spend more time on trying to miniaturizing it even if they have an efficiency of 0.1% but it is small enough to fit it in the palm of my hand, irrespective of how heavy it is I will be able to use it."

"Really 0.1% that little of a conversion ratio?"

"Yes see I can produce a shit ton of energy in exotic particles, even if you can help convert it to pure electricity at an acceptable voltage and ampere, I can use it even at 0.1% by pumping in tons of energy. Only important criteria are small size, high speed of conversion and usable power."

"Oh, just that should be much easier. Also if you have that much energy what are you planning on using it for."

"That is unfortunately Classified. Go down to the admin office, I'll call and approve a pass for you also till the end of August and then you can go down to the lab and meet Nebula and discuss with her all the experiments and tests you want to run on me. Once you get your badge the team lead for the tech team will let you in on all the goals of this team. I'll see you tomorrow then for your internship."

"Alright, thanks and good night. I'll see you tomorrow too."

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