
Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all.

As soon as I walked into the classroom I let out a sigh of relief as I saw the class was empty. Thank God for small mercies, my bus had arrived at the school earlier than the other ones. I went and took a seat in the back left corner of the class and hoped that none of the teachers would mind and I wouldn't be asked to sit in the front row again.

By my estimate, there were still about 15 to 20 more minutes before the class started, so I put my head down on the desk and started doing my energy training. After a few weeks of searching on the internet, I had found a few things to try. My physical body was improved by this energy by being absorbed only under the enhanced mode and it's after effects were the effect of this enhancement fast otherwise it was not that drastic. This was why in the few tests that were performed by those scientists they didn't discover anything. So in order to improve my senses, reflexes and reaction time it was all about the brain, spinal cord and nerves. That was the 1st solution that wasn't giving any noticeable difference but I believed if I kept at it there would be some long term benefits. This training now involved me pushing energy specifically into these parts. The brain and spinal cord were easy but pushing the energy into the nerves was quite difficult as I didn't have enough control to push most of it into the nerves and there was a lot of it spread out. The 2nd thing was getting better control of the energy outside my body. This is what I was practising at that time. The idea was simple, I would try to push the energy slowly outside my body by trying to push it through my skin outside my body. Then I had to try and maintain control over the energy after it came out of my body. So far I hadn't had any success yet, but I could now control the energy as long as It was on my skin, it was a small success but an improvement none the less.

Soon the class was filled up and I noticed Nebula sitting on her regular desk and that was the first time I noticed that the Anna was glaring at me. Since I couldn't do anything about it I just ignored her and continued practising till the teacher came in. The day went as well as could be expected. As expected almost everybody now knew that we had been together and had broken up. Nebula looked a little sad and everybody asked me what had happened but i just avoided answering the questions and eventually they got tired of it and left me alone, not on the first day but by the end of January everyone had given up on trying to find out about it from me and Anna's glares at me kept everyone except Nebula's close friends from trying to talk about it to her. Yes, I was using my enhanced senses to eavesdrop on her conversations to try and find out if anyone else knew more details about what had happened. but found out nothing that I had already suspected. I also stopped playing any of the sports and just asked the PE teachers if I could practise for my long distance running practice, he was fine with it and I would use my enhanced mode as much as I could while running during the games period to run and kept taking laps for most of the games periods.

Slowly time passed as weeks went by and I was seeing a marked improvement in all areas except my control over my energy, both outside of my body and the finer control to use it on my nerves. On the other hand, the energy enhancement on my brain and spine was having some improvement over time. As compared to the physical enhancement, the improvement on the brain and the spinal cord was much slower. A day's worth of effort was on my physique was giving the same result as that of an entire month's worth of efforts on the brain and the spinal cord. But that was some progress none the less, By the end of the semester, I had seen some improvements in my senses and reaction times. The exams ended in May and it was the start of my vacations before 12th grade and I had reached a point where the improvement to my physique from the enhanced mode was almost negligible. By my estimates, by the end of the week, I wouldn't be able to use enhanced mode him to enhance my physique at all and would reach a state of maximum enhancement again. Even my skill had improved by leaps and bounds. If I could see him using those skills just ones while I entered the enhanced mode that would be it, I would reach a point where I was as good as him, just with the better senses and reaction time, even though his reflexes were probably better unless I enhanced mine by improving my nerves.

At the end of the week, I thought of a plan. I was now as good as I could be so I decided to pay that gang a visit and test my skills against them. If everything turned out well and I was able to beat the crap out of all of them, then maybe I could ask him for a spar and get myself to the peak level that I could achieve with his help.

The next Monday I went to the area where I had seen them the last time, the gym area didn't seem to have anyone outside like last time. So I went near to the gym and went in and saw a few of the guys I had seen last time.

"Hey guys, miss me? I remember leaving you in pain on the floor crying like babies." I shouted.

All the heads turned towards me and some of them recognised me. Then they started all rushing toward me. I took my stance ready to beat these guys down and to make sure their gang would be disbanded or at least not remain functional for at least a few weeks.

I entered the enhanced senses mode and leapt towards them. I reached the first guy and caught the steel rod he was swinging towards me with my right hand and punched him in his face with my left and knocked him out. Then I swung around the steel rod and knocked back multiple guys and punched another guy coming at me from my left with a hockey stick and caught the stick with my left hand swung it at the guy behind him breaking his ribs and making him go flying into another group that was approaching me. Then I went on a rampage swinging the rod and the hockey stick to send attackers gliding over to the other attackers. I broke the hockey stick multiple times as every time I broke the stick in my hand I would grab another one from some of the guys I was beating up. After less than a minute the steel rod in my hand was bent a little and more than 20 guys were on the floor either knocked out and bleeding. I then continued towards the rest of the guys and picked up another pair of steel rods from the floor and continued to beat them down after 5 minutes there were only a few guys who were obviously not part of the gang and the guy who was in the gym's office and was sitting there not at all bothered by them being beaten up. So I decided to go talk to him.

As I reached the door of his office and knocked on it, he opened the door and saw all these people lying on the floor and moaning in pain. Then I realised that the room might have been soundproofed and he hadn't looked out through his window on the side. He was looking very angry and was red with angry literary. Then he looked at me and said: "Did you do this? Did you beat up my people?"

"Oh yes I did, see last time I was running around here, these guys tried to beat me up. So I decided that I wanted some sweet revenge against these guys."

I didn't even get a chance to complete my sarcastic remark before I saw his punch coming at me, he was much faster than I had expected and put up my arms to protect myself. His punch was quite strong and I had to step back a few steps. Then he lept at me furiously trying to punch me again and again. I immediately entered my enhanced senses mode and started to dodge left and right. He kept trying to punch me as I kept dodging around him. I was pretty sure he was getting tired and he started getting slower and by the end of 5 minutes, he was too tired to keep attacking me. Then I punched him in his ribs on his left and right sides and then punched him in his stomach and he was down like a sack of potatoes. I told the guys standing on the side that I was done beating these guys and was leaving unless they wanted a chance to fight me too.

As I walked out I saw the watcher standing there glaring at me and so I smiled and said:" hey that was fun, It felt good doing something nice for a change. Maybe you should give it a try instead of watching a kid practising his martial arts skills on his balcony."

That was the limit I guess since he got angry and rushed me and shouted at me "You think you are some great shit, let me show how far you are from being good enough." then he started attacking me. This was what I wanted and fought back as I entered full enhanced mode and energy flooded me since there was absolutely no increase in my physique so all that enhanced mode did was allow me to learn skills faster and since my physique wasn't enhanced at all, all it did was actually help me improve the rate of stamina drain so I wouldn't get tired quicker than him.

The fight was an amazing learning experience, I used wing chun to contain his attacks and maintain a defence while he kept attacking me. I knew this wouldn't be as easy and quick as my previous fight in the gym as this guy actually had a lot of stamina. I kept at it, fending off his attacks and prevented him from getting into a grappling situation since his actual experience would become a problem. It took me almost 15 minutes of this before I was very happy since now I was as good as him and the fight was now shifting in my favour as I had seen a lot of his tricks and had improved my techniques. Now my understanding of these techniques was improving by leaps and bounds. So I started on my offensive and started attacking back and it took barely a few minutes to beat him and leave him knocked out on the floor. I decided that was enough fun for today, pushed him with my foot to try and wake him up and then when he woke up a little, I shouted at him "I am going back home, let Agent Coulson know I want to talk to him and get well soon."

After I came back home, I laid back on my bed and tried to relax while I used the energy to try and improve my nervous system again. This was now my regular relaxation regime but suddenly I felt tingling in my nerves and I could feel like my senses had suddenly gotten a sudden boost. Everything had improved quite a bit, I entered the enhanced senses mode and could feel that everything was enhanced to a much stronger level than just a few minutes ago in the fight against my watcher. This was a surprisingly good situation since this pointed towards the fact that my improvements in this regard would be small until I reached a tipping point where it would increase in a big leap.

This increase marked the completion of 4 out 5 of my objectives I had started out with in December and hadn't really hoped to get far in that one anyway. Now all I had to do was wait for Agent Coulson or someone from his team to contact me to enter the next phase of my plan.

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