

Date: 1/2/22

The day was as dull as ever. I couldn't wait for the school bell to ring and release us from this boring prison. I felt a brief moment of happiness when it finally did, but it soon faded. The whole day, I had been feeling lonely and betrayed by my bestie Emma. She had lied to me yesterday and said she would come to school today, but she ditched me instead. 'That nasty punk,' I thought angrily. I hurried home, threw my school bag on the couch as usual, and ran straight to my room. I called the traitor and snapped, "Hello, cheater!" As soon as she picked up the phone, she blurted out, "Aana, I skipped school today because of the PT period." I hung up on her after cursing her out.

I was expecting a normal day, but then I noticed something shocking on my room's window: blood. I looked outside and saw the strangest rain ever. It was like the sky was bleeding, dripping ruby-red drops. I wondered if someone was playing a prank on me, but I decided to ignore it and go back to my favourite activity: an afternoon nap. I drifted into my dreamworld at 3:30 and didn't wake up until 7:45. The only reason I got up was because of my mom's nagging and scolding. I had dinner and then went back to sleep.😴

The next day, I went to school, with my latecomer friend Emma As usual, she arrived after the school prayers were over and got a late remark for the third time. The class teacher scolded her and she came to sit next to me. We had the last row's first bench by the window. I started to daydream as the class went on. In recess, everyone was talking about the red rain that had happened yesterday. I thought it was a prank, but it was real. I asked Emma, "Bro, did you see the red rain yesterday?" She smacked my head and said, "We live near each other, dummy. If you saw it, I saw it too!" That made sense, but my brain only worked in studies and not in common sense. I shrugged it off and the recess ended. It was math period and I was sitting by the window, bored out of my mind. I was about to jump out of the window when I saw something horrifying: a zombie. It was a grotesque, bloody creature that looked like it had risen from the dead. I nudged Emma and pointed at the zombie. She rolled her eyes and said I was watching too many zombie movies. She thought I was joking or hallucinating. But I wasn't. The zombie was real and it was at our door, snarling and roaring. The whole class went silent. We were usually a noisy bunch, like a fish market, but now we were frozen in fear. The zombie lunged at the first person it saw and tore into his flesh. It was a nightmare come true. One bite was enough to turn someone into a zombie, just like in the movies. The class erupted into screams and panic. Emma and I held hands and sprinted away from the carnage. We locked ourselves in a washroom with some other students, but our sanctuary was short-lived. A girl who had been scratched by an undead transformed into a savage beast. She tore into anyone who crossed her path, forcing everyone to flee the washroom. Emma and I were paralyzed with fear, staring at the undead devouring her victim. She spotted us and charged at us... but we were saved by someone who dragged us out of the washroom, Someone yanked us out of the washroom and slammed the door behind us. I silently thanked the gods for our rescue. We embraced our best friend Della, who had saved us from certain death. But our joy was short-lived. A horde of undead was heading our way, hungry for our flesh. We dashed up the stairs to the terrace and locked the gate behind us. We collapsed in a corner, gasping for air and hoping for help. We looked up and saw a terrifying sight. The street in front of our school was swarming with undead who devoured anyone they could catch. And each victim became one of them, We witnessed the horror of the undead turning their prey into one of them.

We were all terrified by the scene. Emma said, "I used to enjoy watching zombie movies, but this is not fun at all. How are we going to survive this?" She was on the verge of tears. Della and I felt the same way, but we knew that crying and giving up would only lead us to death. So I tried to cheer them up. "Hey, this is our chance to show off our zombie movie knowledge. We've seen almost every zombie movie out there. We know how to kill them. And that's what we always wanted to do, right? We were the misfits of our class, so now we have the opportunity to bash the annoying people. Della chuckled at my silly remark and Emma said, "Dude, you should never become a motivational speaker. You just talk nonsense. That's so you. It's Okay, I'm fine. No more pep talk, please." We all laughed. I thought that even in a situation like this, having friends could make it fun. :)*>*

Our laughter was interrupted by a knock on the door. I said I would go and check. I walked to the door and got a glance. I was stunned As I saw a person wearing a mask with beautiful red eyes standing among the undead. He didn't look human at all, nor did he look like a zombie though. He took off his mask and revealed a handsome face, even though he had an evil smile on his face. He smirked at me and I thought he was not human either, so he couldn't open the gate. The undead roared when they saw me, so I ran back to my friends. We hid from their sight, but fate or the devil wanted us to suffer more. The undead was smarter than we thought and opened the door easily.

The undead creatures, starving for our flesh and blood, advanced towards us. We decided to jump off the terrace rather than become one of them. The smart undead disappeared from our view. Suddenly, the weather changed. Even though it was midday and the sun was shining, it became cold. The undead stopped in their tracks and turned into ice. We saw thorny snowflakes falling from the sky. We felt cold, but we also felt relieved.....


Hey, you! Yes, you! You just Read my first book's first chapter please tell me what you think. Don't be a silent reader and break my heart. I need your feedback to become a better author. So please, comment or else. Thanks and have fun!

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