
Visions from the Past

"Are you sure this is the place?" Longwei asked. He was looking at the waterfall that had beautiful blue sparkling water trickling down to the water below. It seemed to be the waterfall that had appeared in my dreams for many years at that point.

"I believe so… however, there is only one way to find out… I will go to the other side of the waterfall. If I disappear then it is really a portal to the Qin Dynasty…" I said. I felt a large hand grab my wrist. I turned. It was my brother. His brown eyes were denying my every word.

"NO WAY!!! There is no way I am letting my little sister drown! What type of brother would I be? If there is anyway that I am going to allow you to go is if Longwei goes first, and proves it truely a portal. Then I will take you and Yingying down with me. I can swim well, so…"

"I will go first! I am not letting any of you go first! I am not a little girl anymore. I can do this. Anyways, you won't always be here to protect me," I snatched my wrist from his hand. I got to the water's edge.

"If you are going to disregard my previous words, the least you could do is not to wear your nice clothes into the water. Mom probably won't just kill you," my brother said. I was so embarrassed. I was wearing a nice blue shirt with jeans, not caring that everyone was behind me. I quickly took off my shirt and pants revealing a swimming suite I had put on before leaving home.

"I am going to go! Once you guys confirm I disappear, if I disappear, you guys come as well. Good luck!" I said before jumping into the water. When I went under the waterfall I could feel the wait of the water hitting the water. I was hoping I would be able to continue. I was able pass the waterfall. After the waterfall, I saw light, and the light quickly turned to darkness.

Though I saw darkness in my mind I saw certain moments of my life flash through my mind in descending chronological order. The moment when fell in love with Longwei, first day that started middle school, the day I got a D on my history test in my second year of elementary school, and bursted out crying in front of my whole class… moments like these flashed through my mind. It felt like a dream, but it was different. This visions did not come from my brain. They seemed to come from somewhere else. After my visions of moments of my life came moments from history from all over the world. Moments such as part of World War II, World War I, and when Marco Polo came to China during the Yuan Dynasty… my stomach began to become very tight as I saw all of these moments of history. It was as if I was watching the most War Movie. I just wanted the torture to end. I saw a boy only a little older than me get stabbed by a sword during a war.

When all of the visions ended I opened up my eyes to see that I was near the same waterfall. But this time there were more rocks around it. This, I decided was because erosion had not yet wore down on the rocks. This meaning that I had actually gone back in time. I noticed that though before, the water was so

beautiful, in this era it was even more beautiful. It was so clear. At that moment, I began to get very thirsty. "It is not going to kill me if I have just a little bit of water from the waterfall, right…" I said to myself.

I cupped my hands, and caught water with them. The water was cold, but it felt so good. After the visions, my body was very hot, so the cool water cooled me down. I drank the water. It tasted so pure…

Hurry up, and come to the past, I thought about my friends as I sat down with my feet in the lake the water of waterfall fell into. I was ready to put the pieces of the puzzle together…..

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