
The Secret

"Brother?" I asked one night staring straight past him. We were home alone and had just gotten done with watching a movie. I decided that at that moment that I would tell him a secret that I had been keeping for almost 10 years. His dark brown eyes looked at me questioningly.

"What, little sister?"

"Ummm… so I have a secret. I have kept it for a very long time…"

"What is it? That you have been secretly sleeping with your stuffed animals even though you are 14?" He said with a teasing smile. I lightly smacked him.

"No! Tease again, and I'll hit you harder," I smiled evilly like a monster child holding a bloody knife with blood all over their face turning to their next victim.

"Okay. Hurry up and tell your secret. I'll be in trouble if we are both still awake when they get home. It's already 12am…"

"Okay… so when I was a child, about 5, right? I had a dream that there was an ancient emperor who was always searching for immortality medicine. However, he ended up dying early, because he accidently consumed a toxic substance, and not a substance that would cause immortality. I at that time thought it was just a dream; however when I was older I learned that the first emperor of China actually met the description of the emperor in my dream. Ever since then I have always believed that dreams do hold truth to them…" I started to explain. I looked at my brother. His eyes showed me that he was trying to process what I was saying. I decided that I would continue. "Many of my dreams since then have been related to that somehow. It seems strange that my dreams would be so much about this topic. After many hours of trying to process my dreams I have decided that my dreams mean that immortality is possible. That many of those who have strives to achieve immortality have found some of the truth…

"That immortality is a puzzle in which some of the great minds have found some of the pieces to, but have also put some pieces with it from unrelated puzzles. I have decided to try and solve the puzzle. If you don't believe me then I will shut up. There is no point in continue after this point if you don't," I concluded.

"Mmmm… I think I believe you. But how about you continue this tomorrow, so that I don't die."

"So brother is afraid of mom and dad?" I smirked. I was too, but it is fun to play with him. We then heard a car. My brother quickly looked out the window, and saw mom and dad's car.

"Shhhhiiii….." He started. He then quickly turned off the TV, and grabbed me. He dragged me into my room and threw me on the bed, closed the door, and ran into his own room.

"You are a bad boy," I said just loud enough for him to hear then started to pretend to sleep.

So... I will see how much you all enjoy this first chapter, if you like the story I will continue. Please give me feedback and suggestions. I will try to make future chapters longer, by the way.

Also I was too lazy to come up with names this time. I will introduce their names in probably in the next chapter. I am open to suggestions.

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