
The Anti Hero Mage

Vishal is a hitman who takes government contracts to hunt down heinous criminals to keep innocents safe. While on a contract he gets killed by underground mafia. In the divine space he meets an entity who asks him to enter the dc universe and clean the filth with a system. He accepts easily because he is angry at the incompetence of heroes and justice system in dc. Thus begins his anti hero and a business journey.

ashwiniprasad · Anime & Comics
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79 Chs

Toying with toyman and Bounty on Vigilante

The entire week Vishal kept himself busy with work because Villains like Volcano and Parasite have caused some troubles in Metropolis so Superman and also Wonder Woman were busy capturing them. At the end of the week they were captured and thrown into Belle Reve.

With his soul reader skill he saw that the toyman is based in a warehouse south of the city. With X-ray vision, he saw that he was preparing toys of mass destruction which can kill many innocents when he was above the warehouse.

On that night, Vishal wore his outfit and entered the warehouse. Toyman who has already saw Vigilante coming to his warehouse hid himself and began sending his toys.

Four toy aircrafts came and threw green goo onto Vigilante. The goo kept on spreading all over the Vigilante's body. Vigilante used fire to get rid of the substance.

Then Vigilante saw toy soldiers approaching him and he felt nuclear energy coming from the toy soldiers guns.

"So, this toy shit maniac intends to bomb Metropolis huh?" thought Vishal.

Many beams of nuclear energy kept hitting Vishal. Vishal took it without evading them. Vishal felt a large silhouette near the windows of the warehouse.

Vishal saw a gigantic grenade appear and fell on him. It exploded as soon as it fell on Vishal.

"Mr. Vigilante. Hello Mr. Vigilante. Are you alive?" came the voice and a short figure with toy body came out of the shadows.

"Looks like if I want to take Bruno out, then I would have to blow up this city since one of the threat is out." said Toyman.

Toyman's hair stood up and when he turned back a ethereal entity materialized and it took the form of Vigilante.

"Let's play, my little toy." said Vigilante.

Toyman took out a toy gun and turned it on trying to suck the entity but nothing happened.

"You seem to have a lot of toys." came Vigilante's voice from Toyman's left side.

Toyman looked to the left startled and then looked back to see the ethereal form present there.

"Do you only have toys for destruction or do you have toys for adult purposes too?" teased Vigilante with adult commentry hanging another clone upside down.

Toyman started panicking and backing away.

After moving two steps another clone appeared from the ground in ethereal form.

"If there isn't I would be disappointed. Boohoo." said the clone.

"NOOO." Toyman started running towards the entrance when the door shut itself.

"You know what toys I like. Villains toys so that I can break them to my hearts content and also relieve my anger on them." Vigilante kept teasing.

Vigilante clicked his remote and a gigantic duck appeared with giant beak to destroy the warehouse and Toyman jumped into a trap door on the ground and escaped.

"Oooh. Foolish villain doesn't know that the entire space for 2 kms in all directions is sealed. He won't be able to go past it. He ismy toy to play." chuckled Vigilante.

"Don't delay his death for not more than 7 minutes." said the system.

"Okay. But I'll play with him for another 3 minutes." said Vishal as he sent a ball with Joker's face on it to the running toyman.

The ball jumped and made way towards the toyman while hitting the walls and lights while the light went out.

It kept smashing and it hit toyman 3 times before Vishal appeared before him and said "You like to toy with people and superheroes right? How does it feel to get toyed?" asked Vigilante to the fallen toyman.

"Give me you rating from 1 to 5." said Vigilante as if he is having much fun.

"I rate it "bullshit"" replied Toyman.

"Thank you. Here's the reward." said Vigilante as he threw a green substance onto the toyman.

Toyman who felt nothing's happening smelled the substance and asked "What is this?"

"That's the shit I got from the bull. The bull itself was happily ready to part with it in exchange for horn sharpener." mocked Vishal playing with toyman.

"Heroes incoming host." said system as it sensed the seal getting hit.

"Fun time's over." said Vishal as he used X-ray vision to confirm he is toyman and luckily it is him.

Vishal used nuclear radiation from Captain Atom's arsenal and melted Toyman completely into liquid.

"if I were to leaave the liquid, someone will try to revive him in some lunatic ways." said Vishal and he used fire to burn the liquid completely and used water to wipe it away.

As soon as the Superheroes broke the seal and arrived they saw destroyed warehouse with toys but no sight of toyman and the perpetrator of the attack.

"Looks like it's Vigilante's handiwork." said GL.

"Yes." said Superman as he felt radiation coming from the toys and also underground.

"No need to find his body. He is dead." said GL as he already saw this MO with many villains.

"Let's confirm it completely before coming to the conclusion." said Superman and conducted their investigation to find nothing.

"The Guardians are furious Superman. They want Vigilante brought in front of them for killing Sinestro and his corps and also assaulting me." said Hal.

"Very well. Let's take their help temporarily to get the guy." said Superman.

"No, they will not be sending the corps because many sectors are under attack from Orange Lanterns. They will be sending someone else." replied Hal.

"Who?" asked Superman.

"I don't know. Only Guardians are privy to the info." said Hal.

After finishing the search both of them made way to the watchtower.


In the planet of Oa...

"This is a high profile target that needs to be captured and brought here to be sentenced." said Ganthet showing the picture of Vigilante.

"Oh, come on. He looks like pipsqueak. You're getting troubled by that guy." said the guy mocking the guardians.

"You need not know the details as your bounty would be to capture him." said Scar.

"Alright." said the guy scoffing.

The guy went away and Sayd asked "Can we trust this bounty hunter?"

"We don't have much choice but to let this sick hunter "Lobo" deal with the guy since our hands are tied dealing with Orange Lanterns."

The guardians got back to monitoring the sectors and authorizing lethal force if necessary.