
Justice League's dilemma

In the watch tower...

Leaving the other superheroes aside, the core members are seated in their room and a meeting was going on. All of them were present except Batman.

"Luther is up to something. Several millions are transferred to an anonymous account overseas." said Superman.

"He's a big pain in the ass." said Flash.

"Washington DC has been relatively peaceful because President took efforts to lock up some of the feasome villains and criminals is a new metahuman prison called "Capital metahuman reformation prison."" said Wonder Woman.

"Seems like someone's afraid." said Manhunter.

No one spoke the name of "Mystical Punisher" loudly because he has become a taboo in hero circles. It's not only the government but even league is afraid of him.

They could deal with people who relied on powers and attack the league, people or government but how are they supposed to fight against a guy who turns people's rage against the system and heroes.

"It's strange." said Hal Jordan.

"What's strange?" asked Cyborg.

"That guy caused huge chaos in Gotham by appearing only two times and disappears into thin air as if nothing happened." said Green Lantern.

"Now that you mention it, it does feel weird that he did not appear even after 1 year in any our cities when super villains ran free." said Wonder Woman.

"He is just a murderer young of age. Nothing more." said Superman with ego.

Superman is just as hard headed like Batman. He is unable to digest the information that changes in Gotham were caused by a kid murderer instead of his and Batman's efforts.

Last month he went to Gotham as a part of holiday trip with Lois Lane. The streets, buildings and many other things are transformed and it looked much better than the gloomy atmosphere before.

Children are going to schools without fear. No traffic congestion, Well lit streets, Many alleys were closed down, Electromagnetic trains through sub ways, Adults going for walks without fear and many things were far too different.

This hit the ego of Superman who is the best friend to Batman. One year ago the league voted to suspend Batman from the league for year. The reason is he let a criminal get hands of their weaknesses and the second one is Batman is facing criticism from public very harshly and people will target the league more harshly if Batman were to stay.

Batman did not show any guilt for having the information about their weaknesses in computer.

"It's not only that but Amanda Waller has been upping the pressure against us superheroes." said Flash.

League has been facing the pressure from the government agent Waller. They did not have how to deal with her because they know she is doing something drastic behind the scenes but there is no evidence to prove that.

The door opened and a figure wearing a black suit with a cape appeared. It has been one year since they met as Batman voluntarily decided to cut the communication with the league because he told them a plan against "Mystical Punisher".

"Welcome Bruce." said Superman standing up with a smile and other members too came to greet him.

"Good to be back. I misse you all." said Batman.

After a friendly talk they got on to business about the plan.

"So, did our plan work? Did you find out who is the "Mystical Punisher"?" asked Cyborg.

"No, our plan failed. I could not find out the identity of kid named "Mystical Punisher."" said Batman with disappointment.

One year ago after the events Batman prosposed a plan to League that they should suspend him for a specific period of time so that he and the Bat family can concentrate their efforts on finding about "Mystical Punisher's" identity and also concentrate on gaining back people's trust.

Batman went undercover and tried to find the "Mystical Punisher" in places where crime thrives. He even infiltrated many rich companies even Amarnath Group of Industries to find out if Vishal is "Mystical Punisher" but his efforts were a failure.

He also found out that the bugs he planted were found out by security and thrown away.

"What about the kids? Did they find anything?" asked Martian Manhunter.

"No. I've sent Dick back to Bludhaven to find clues. Barbara decided to take a break and did not participate. Tim is actively trying to track down the guy but no results at all.

I kept Damien away from this because if the guy leaks info about the relation between Ra's Al Ghul and Damien then he will be ostracized in school and public." said Batman.

"AAAAH! Where is he?" Green Lantern banged the table with frustration.

"Calm down Hal." said Batman.

Green Lantern got his anger under control.

"Even the government doesn't know the identity of the perp." said Wonder Woman.

"Is it that important to track him?" asked the Martian.

Everyone looked at Jonn with eyebrows raised.

"What are you implying Manhunter?" asked Superman.

"Then let me point it out straight to you Clark." said Martian.

"What was the crime rate in Gotham 2 years ago and what is the crime rate now?" asked Martian Manhunter.

"I understand that but---".

"But the way it is done is wrong in your view and the leagues view and also government's view." said Manhunter calmly.

"i did not tell you guys at that time but you need to hear it straight today." said Manhunter with a slighly angry tone.

They were surprised by Manhunter's anger because he is the most calm person in the league.

"The day the "Mystical Punisher" killed all those crime lords and I was made to look into the minds of Gotham people, do you know what I sensed that day?" asked Manhunter.

Others were listening with serious faces.

"They felt fear at first seeing "Mystical Punisher" but millions of them felt a sense of relief and also grateful afterwards." replied Manhunter.

The members were stunned on hearing the words.

"Do you know why? And what their thoughts were?" asked Manhunter.

Others nodded not knowing.

"It's not because "Mystical Punisher" left and let them live but an evil called crime lords and mafia were punsihed and wiped out." said Jonn.

The other members did not know what to say to his words.

"The second time I felt enormous rage when the dark truths about GCPD, courts were exposed. The rage was too high that I could take it and received a shock and have been bedridden for one month." said Manhunter.

"After probing into mind of Ravindra who I met one month afterwards in New York, I genuinely sensed the pain and sadness of a father who lost his wife and daughter." said Manhunter.

The reason Jonn was more irritated with league members is because in his home world he has experienced the loss of losing his wife and daughter to the "H'ronmeer's Curse" created by his brother.

Though circumstances of death may be different between two cases but both of them lost their wife and daugther to someone else's crime and machinations.

"I hope you know what you are doing is right, Batman because the way I see it even though MP is a murderer he gave justice not only to a father but also to others who have suffered." said Manhunter leaving the room.

The members were shocked at first but fell into dilemma if chasing MP is right or wrong.

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