
Chapter 3: Reincarnating

After Yama left them room Yang Sen followed closely behind him. Yang Sen didn't know where they were going and how long it will take, but one thing was for sure, he didn't felt nervous or scared anymore.

The reason being, that after accepting Yama's request, he knew Yama wasn't going to do anything to him. Yang Sen just took it easy and thought about the place Yama would bring him too. Yama said that he was going to get Yang Sen a skill.

So naturally the first thing that pop up in Yang Sen's head was the library, but of course that wasn't the only place that appeared in Yang Sen's head. Maybe they were going to a secrete chamber full of guards guarding the place or a place where books were floating on air.

After an hour of slow ass walking, they arrived.

"We're here" said Yama

Yang Sen looked up to see a giant door that had a sign written above it saying.

[Hell's Grand Library]

Yang Sen guessed it, it was just your typical in-door library owned by your typical undead king or was it.

Yama slowly pushed open the door with both of his hand and slowly walked in, Yang Sen followed him afterwards. Inside Yang Sen was flabbergasted upon seeing millions and millions of books in here, not only that but he could barely see the ceiling. It was safe to say Yang Sen has never seen anything like this in his entire life.

Seeing Yang Sen's dumb struck face, Yama couldn't help but give a smile.

The both of them walked until they were in the middle of the room. Yama turn around and looked Yang Sen with a charming smile, I didn't know why but he felt envious with Yama's handsome looks.

"Yang Sen do you know what kind of skill will benefit you at the earlier and even the later stages?" Yama asked

Yang Sen then replied back with a silly expression

"copying and pasting jutsu?"

"No, its a Qi refining skill" Yama said this trying not to hit Yang Sen.

Yama then pointed at the book shelves

"Do you see those 3 book shelves over there. Those 3 book shelves contain high heaven Qi refining books. Now I want you to go and pick one, consider it as a gift before sending you off."

Yang Sen nodded and walked over to the three book shelves. There were numerous books on there, but Yang Sen picked one book after another and quickly skimming through each one of them as quickly as he could. After and hour and 25 minute of skimming and comparing them together Yang Sen finally found a book that I like. It was called the moonlight shadow refining technique.

Basically cultivating this skill in broad daylight wouldn't be much effective, but when cultivating at night the effect would be tripled and if cultivating it under a bright full moon the effect would be 10x greater.

It also came with an active skill once reaching the xiatian stage, the user would also be given the ability to transform in to a shadow, it was called quick shadow. Although this skill would consume lots of Qi at the beginning stages and is mostly useless during day time, he still took it. Actually there were even greater Qi refining techniques that would've help Yang Sen rank up faster.

But Yang Sen didn't like the active or passive skill of that refining technique. So he went with this one. Having the ability to spy on people and fleeing when worse comes to worse was a skill Yang Sen needed if he was going to face of against the sons of heaven.

Yang Sen picked up the moonlight shadow book and bring it to Yama, when Yama saw this book, he smiled.

"This is a great technique."

"Sure is" Yang Sen replied back.

"Alright come here, lets me transmit this Qi refining technique to you now"

Yang Sen when closer to Yama, this time instead of shaking hands like the last time, Yama puts his hands on Yang Sen and after a moment the technique was imprint in Yang Sen's mind.

"Alright now that I've given you everything that you need, its about time you go reincarnate"

"Wait, your not going to escort me yourself?'

Yama then clap his hand 2 times and a door appeared in front of Yang Sen with bright lights coming out of it.

"Wish I could but you see running hell isn't as easy as you think it is. After the damage those unknown forces had dealt to hell we're currently on a recovery stage."

Yama looked at the shining door and said

"After you enter this, it will take you to grandma Ming, where she'll tell the rest"

After saying those last few lines, he vanished not even a trace could be seen. Yang Sen then had no more reason to be here and walk into the door, after opening his eyes, he saw an old lady that was handing out soup to the dead.

He then quickly surveyed his surrounding, Yang Sen wasn't shocked, he knew places that was important would have many guards guarding it. There were about 100000 guards spread everywhere monitoring and punishing other's for being out of checked.

the old lady then turned to look at Yang Sen and gave him a smile, she had an ugly appearance and her hair was disheveled but she had a kind looking smile on her face, she was clearly a kind person if not judging her appearance. for some reason Yang Sen got goosebumps and unconsciously held his own ass when she was looking at me.

"Ah~ you're here"

When Yang Sen was about to say something, grandma Ming quickly continued

"Don't worry, I know already why your here, many have already came before you, but as you can see i'm currently really busy right now"

"That's why I'll let my pupil escort you instead, Ah Lin come over here"

A women than was 2 meters tall appeared out of nowhere in front of grandma Ming, the women had body of a model and a face of an angel, she was grandma Ming's third disciple Ah Lin.

"You Called master." Ah Lin asked

"Would you mind bringing this man to the well of reincarnation to get reincarnate."

"Yes master." Ah Lin bowed and replied coolly

Grandma Ming than patted, Ah Lin head, Ah Lin then begun to flushed.

"Alright Yang Sen You may go now, Ah Lin will help you reincarnate"

Yang Sen Thank grandma Ming and headed off with Ah Lin to be reborn.

1 hour later.....

Yang Sen saw 3 huge hole and that water was flowing and swirling in them and souls were entering them one by one, by these alone Yang Sen came to a realization that those wells are where the dead reincarnate, the well of reincarnation.

Ah Lin went to talked with the High ranking chief guarding the well with his a few others, after the chief guarding the well nodded. Ah Lin told Yang Sen if he wants to be reborn all he has to do is jump in the well.

Yang Sen went to looked at the well up close, he could see many souls swirling around in it. After turning his back and looking at hell one more time.

"Sayonara Hell"


Yang Sen jumped into the well, his journey has now begun.

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