
Chapter 2:The King Of Death Yama

Above the red skies where millions of soul were pouring down like water, there was a giant horse man that was carrying a young man in his hand, they were Horasm one of the chiefs of hell and a young man called Yang Sen.

Horasm was travelling at rapid speed, that the normal eye couldn't hope of even catching a glimpse. Travelling this fast for hours, Yang Sen was wondering what type of power did Horasm had to be able fly this fast and also able to sustain these speed for a really long time.

"S-sir horse can I ask you a question?" even though Yang Sen acted cool and calm on the outside, on the inside he was really nervous. He felt like he was gonna poop from just asking this question.

"No need to be so shy, i'm actually a really chill guy, if you listen to me that is and by the way just call me Horasm. Calling me horse feels like your mocking me" Horasm was trying to lessen the tension between him and Yang Sen to make things less awkward.

Yang Sen looked at Horasm and was acting like he was touched that Horasm was trying to make things less awkward.

"Alright then sir hor- I mean Horasm, I'll take you on that offer."

"So, what kind of ability or power are you using to fly?"

Horasm grinned, as if he expected Yang Sen's question although it took longer than expected

"Well.... have you ever heard about Qi before?"

"Of cousre I have, isn't that a type of energy that people called, cultivators absorbed from the outside world to grow stronger and able to extend their lives with it."

"Wow! did someone from the underworld told you about this?"

Yang Sen quickly answer "Nope, not really. I actually read it from a comic"

"Ah.... I see"

"Well in any case you'r only half correct. You see Qi is definitely a type of energy that makes us stronger and can also help us extend our live, but it can use for more than that."

"For example, with Qi you can fly just like what i'm currently doing, you can also use Qi to form a shields that'll protect you from incoming danger's, it can also strengthen your weapons by multiple times"

"and did you also know it can be use to sense enemies or allies from a really long range, not to mention you can also use it to breathe in water and there are even more amazing things you can do with it.

"Wow! So does that mean when I reincarnate I can also cultivate?" Yang Sen was really intrigued about all of this, he once thought that cultivating only existed in television series or movies, never in his life would he imagined after dying he would learn so much stuff.

"You can definitely cultivate when you are reborn, but the problem is that you need to be reborn first."

After answering this one question Horasm continued "We still have much time left before we arrive at Yama's palace. So ask away little friend."

After that Yang Sen asked multiple question about how hell works and is it the only place where the dead go, Horasm did his best to answer most of the question, while other questions were too high profile to answer.

This when on for about 2 hours before they saw a gigantic palace that was floating in the red skies, at the entrances, there was a huge gate that was guarded by 2 high ranked demon generals, they both carried a giant black sword that was emitting a strong demonic scent.

Upon seeing Horasm both of the guards kowtow and pay their respects to him, it seems like Horasm really has a high rank in hell.

Both of the guards then open the gate, Yang sen and Horasm then went in.

upon entering, Yang Sen saw a women that looks to be in her twenties, that had long black hair, red eyes, white skin and a face of a goddess.

Yang Sen was instantly smitten, he has never seen someone so perfect before except his fiancé that Yang Sen felt deep regret letting her become a widow.

While Yang Sen was stunt by the women good looks, Horasm approached her with a face full of smiles, the women on the other hand didn't move nor did her cold stone expression change upon seeing Horasm coming closer.

When Horasm was in front of her, he instantly shrink himself to be the height of a normal human, he then greet her with a slight bow, the women did the same.

When Yang Sen saw Horasm shrink the first thought to appear in his mind was "Woah! this horsie can shrink"

Horasm looked at the gorgeous women with a smile and said.

"It's been a long time since we met one another hasn't it miss Hua, you look as beautiful as always I see."

Miss Hua didn't even react after being called beautiful, but she pointed straight at Yang Sen.

Horasm looked at her finger and decided to get straight to the point

"The boy behind me is Yang Sen, the person the king wants to meet."

Miss Hua nodded and replied

"Thank you chief, you may go now. I'll take it from here"

Horasm nodded and when back to Yang Sen to say his goodbye's

"little friend, it was flying with you, but now that I've fulfill my duty in bringing you here, its time for me to go"

"What!? b-but who's gonna guide me through this gigantic palace"

Horasm point straight toward miss Hua.

"She'll be your guide and escort you to the king, don't worry she may look cold but she won't bite" after saying this, Horasm disappeared right in front of Yang Sen, not even a trace could be seen after he left.

After Horasm disappeared, Yang Sen turned to look at miss Hua with an awkward grinned on his face while chuckling "miss Hua was it, what a lovely name."

Miss Hua ignored Yang Sen and said coldly "follow me".

Yang Sen face palm himself and thought "I knew this wasn't going to work, why did I even bother" he then quickly followed behind miss Hua.

They both walked silently from floors to floors, Yang Sen couldn't believe how big this undead king palace was. There were also many amazing things that Yang Sen saw on the way.

time when by quickly, both of them were now walking for 2 hour straight without even taking a break, Yang Sen felt his feet were going to fall off even though he was a ghost.

2 hours later.....

Yang Sen felt like he was on fire, he was sweating like crazy, he couldn't handle it anymore. Finally he decided to asked miss Hua, how much farther were they "M-miss Hua how much longer is it? we've been walking for hours and I don't see us stopping anytime soon"

After saying that, miss Hua turned to looked at Yang Sen with her cold stone face, seeing this Yang Sen felt scared and started to sweat even more. Right now it looks like Yang Sen went for a swim in the deep ocean.

When miss Hua raised her hand, Yang Sen close his eyes and thought fearfully "Ah~ i'm so done for!" but nothing happen after a few seconds, when Yang Sen opened his eyes he saw that miss Hua was pointing at a door.

"King Yama is in there, knock before entering" she said this coldly and quietly left.

"jeez what a complicated women"

Yang Sen then went forward to knock on the door.



"Come in~"

A soothing voice came from inside the room, when Yang sen opened the door, he saw a man that was wearing a luxurious clothing, white hair and had a handsome face was sitting and reading something from a book.

The man look at Yang Sen and smiled "Oh, you're here, I've been expecting you, why don't you take a sit"

Yang Sen said "y-yes sir" and went to his seat, inside the room he saw many arts and antiques in there, but that was only a distraction for him not feel nervous from the man sitting in front of him.

Yama then looked towards Yang Sen and asked " Yang Sen do you wanna know how you died?

Yang Sen who was trying to avoid Yama's gaze a minute ago was now looking at him with big eyes. He didn't think Yama was gonna ask the question and did he know something about Yang Sen's death.

"King Yama sir, I don't know why you would asked me this question but it seems like you know something about it"

Yama giggled

"Of course I do, i'm the king of the dead after all"

"Then would you mind telling me?"

"Are you sure? sometimes the truth might be hard to handle."

"I'm sure" Yang Sen replied Resolutely

"Alright then, i'm going to have a brief summary about it then. On your wedding day, bombs were planted everywhere in your city by a group of terrorist. They called themselves the mini devils. they were ordered by a few powerful man to blow up that city and after 12 o'clock the bombs were detonated, killing you and everybody in that city"

"What!" Yang Sen couldn't believe what King Yama was saying, this must be the most retarded his lie in the history of lying. But still... that would explain a lot about how Yang Sen was not able to remember his death. Even though Yang Sen still felt a bit skeptical, he thought why would an almighty god like him lie to a little ghost like him.

Yang Sen than asked yama something that made him a bit happy yet sad.

"Wait doesn't that mean, my fiancé is also dead, where is she? I need to meet her now!"

"Calm down" Yama said

"I-I'm sorry its just that I miss her"

"That's understandable but you won't be able to meet her, even I can't help you"

"W-why?!" Yang Sen was skeptical, even the great king of death couldn't help him.

"The reason being is that your fiancé has already reincarnated"

Yang Sen now understood the situation, why Yama said even he can't help him, means he can't interfere with the mortal world.

"Yang Sen now that we discussed all of those trivial stuffed let me get to the main point in bringing you here"

Yang Sen slightly nodded

A few days ago, hell was invaded by an unknown force that was really strong, fortunately for us we were able to defend hell against those experts but we suffered many casualties and they were able to release all of top rated prisoners from their cells"

"Those escape prisoners are called son's of heaven and use to be formidable experts that could destroy planets with a single finger, but were killed and their soul were tapped here. Now that their free, they were all able to reincarnate thanks to those unknown force. But the good thing is that they're once again mortal, although that doesn't mean their potential has vanished while even some retain their memories."

"That's why I need you to go and reincarnate to hunt them down and seal their souls in these green lantern right here" Yama pulled out a green lantern from his chest

Yang Sen was a bit suspicious, why did the king want him to go hunt down these son's of heaven. Why wouldn't he find someone else, why him. Also the way he describe them sounds more like he's describing a protagonist.

"Wait, let me get this straight, you want me a nobody to go hunt down pro- I mean sons of heaven, why does it have to be me, why can't someone else do it"

Yama giggled "you're not the first one I've send and your not gonna be the last. As I said there were multiple prisoners that escaped and each one of these guys have the potential to be strong as me if not stronger.

"I see, one more question, what if I refuse, what'll happen to me then?"

"Oh nothing much you'll just wait another 100000 years to be reincarnate" King Yama said this with a smile.

Yang Sen thought he was looking at devil right here, then he remembered he was the king of hell.

"Fine, i'll agree to your request"

"Ha Ha Ha well said, come here, let us shake hands"

Yang Sen went forward and shook hands with Yama, after shaking hand with him, Yama send tons of information through their hand shake to Yang Sen brain and the lantern on the table merge with Yang Sen.

"Congratulation Yang Sen, now that the oath has been made, theirs a seal place on you, and the only way to break this seal is to kill and capture its soul and put him in that green lantern that just merged with you.

"Okay now, the information that I transmitted to you should be enough to tell you stuff that you want to know."

"Now follow me, lets go get you a skill"after that Yama left the room, Yang Sen following behind.

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