
The Anomaly In The Multiverse

Dagon’s greed and lust led him down a dark path. After his death, instead of going to Hell as he expected, he found himself in a white empty room along with a few other people. First World: Highschool DxD (In Progress) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ WISH FULFILLMENT! VERY STRONG MC! HUGE HAREM! R-18 CONTENTS! NO-YURI! SOLE-REINCARNATE _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Discord - https://discord.gg/DF6UwNXy8V _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Happy Reading :)

AKIRA_0 · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs

Chapter 3: Boreas



As the news slowly settled in, their expressions turned to joy and excitement. Dagon's fans were the first to break the silence.

"Dagon-sama is our family's pride! Unlike these other false heirs!" they proclaimed, voices filled with pride and excitement.

As other members of the family started sharing their opinions, the room was filled with a mixture of emotions. Some looked on in envy, while others felt a sense of joy. And there were those who were obsessed with Dagon, who couldn't help but let out a faint smile at the news.

The chatter grew louder and louder, with people making wild guesses about what his Talent might be.

"I bet it's a long-range Talent." someone suggested, to which another added "I feel like it might be something that involves elements."

A third chimed in "Or maybe it's a strength-based Talent?"

As the speculations continued, others in the room were getting impatient.

"Let's hurry up and get to the Talent revelation, I can't wait to find out what it is!"

The screen in the center of the room was the focus of attention, every eyes was glued to it.

The elder stepped up to the podium and announced.

"And now, the moment you have all been waiting for. Dagon-sama's Talent.''

The machine hummed and whirled as if it was being powered by the anticipation of the entire audience. The moment seemed to stretch on forever, as no one dared to breathe, for fear of disrupting the stillness.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, the machine finally showed something.

It was a single word.

- Boreas -

The moment the crowd saw the word, there was a collective silence. They were all confused.

No one had ever heard of a talent like this before, and there was no record of it in the Wisteria Family's history either.

One of the Zodiacs on the stage suddenly began to speak.

''Boreas." he said "That's a name none of us have heard before. That means there is only one option: It's the second unique talent in our family history!"

The realization hit the room like a bolt of lightning, their king had the first and only unique talent in the Wisteria family history. The air was filled with a mix of shock, excitement, and awe as the royals and spectators alike tried to process this information.

"Our king holds the unique talent of Kaze." the man continued "The power to control the wind in ways no one has ever seen before."

As the air filled with cheers and excitement, a quiet voice from the crowd shouted out.

"Does that mean Dagon-sama also has the power to control the wind element?"

The question had a ripple effect, and the excitement in the hall grew even louder. People were already celebrating, but now there was a new level of excitement at the thought of Dagon also having the power to control the wind element.

"It may not be the power to control the wind." the man answered "But it should be similar."

"That's awesome!" someone in the crowd called out, and the hall erupted in even more cheers and shouts. The sound was deafening and even the royals couldn't help but join in.

However, in the midst of all the excitement, no one took notice of the watch that magically appeared on Dagon's wrist. And before anyone could see it Dagon covered it with the sleeve of his dress.


Soon, Dagon returned to his position with a small smile on his face, the air of arrogance that surrounded him now mixed with a hint of pride. All of a sudden, the women in the room immediately gathered around him and started complimenting him left and right.

"Ladies. Ladies." Dagon spoke, his voice slightly cold. "Can't you see that I'm having a hard time breathing here? Please, give me some space."

Nodding unwillingly, the women began to back away, but they didn't completely leave.

Although his voice was cold, Dagon couldn't help but enjoy being surrounded by women. It was a feeling he loved, and he wore it like a badge of honor.

Wilhelm sat on his throne, observing his son Dagon with a frown. Despite Dagon's obvious talent, the King couldn't help but worry about his son's arrogance and lustful nature.

He feared that if Dagon were to inherit the throne, the kingdom would be plunged into chaos.

"Although talented, Dagon is too arrogant and lustful..." Wilhelm whispered to himself, "I can't hand over the throne to someone like him. Just thinking about the kingdom's future under his reign is a nightmare."

Wilhelm's concerns were not unfounded. Dagon was a formidable Prince, but his arrogance and lust could threaten the stability of the Wisteria Kingdom.

Wilhelm looked over at his other son, Isaiah, and couldn't help but shake his head. Despite his cold attitude toward him, he still held out hope for his other son.

"Will you rise…" the King thought to himself. "or will you fall, Isaiah?"


"Next, Gordon Von Wisteria."

Gordon got up from his seat with a sense of excitement and anticipation as the speaker called out his name.

He walked toward the podium and placed his hand on the awakening stone. As soon as he made contact, the stone lit up with orange color.

His heart raced as he felt an otherworldly energy coursing through his vein.

"A-Rank talent, Earth Manipulation!" a voice boomed through the hall.

"I can't believe it…!" Gordon couldn't contain his excitement as the MC of the Awakening ceremony announced his new talent.

A wave of murmurs filled the hall. Earth manipulation was a rare and highly sought-after talent that allowed the user to manipulate Earth.

Gordon couldn't help but look over at his father, Wilhelm, who sat on his throne with an unreadable expression.

"Well done." simply said Wilhelm.

Gordon felt a sense of validation wash over him as his father's words rang through the hall. Although he was still not as powerful as his older brother, who has a Unique Talent, his talent was also rare and valuable talent nonetheless.


The awakening ceremony proceeded smoothly, with individuals one after another coming to the stage to awaken their talents.

The excitement in the room was palpable. Everyone wanted to hear the announcement of the next person's talent, hoping for a rare and powerful talent to appear.


A few hours later, everyone except for Isaiah has awakened their Talent.

A total of ten C-Rank Talents, Sixty-nine B-Rank Talents, twelve A-rank Talents, and only eight S-Rank Talents.

"Next, Isaiah Von Wisteria."

The crowd whispered amongst themselves as they saw a young man approach the stage, but their whispers soon turned to murmurs of shock and outrage as a prince spoke up.

"Eh? Why is that piece of shit here?!" the prince spat, his voice dripping with anger. "Don't tell me you actually expect to awaken something, trash!"

The crowd reacted with a mixture of gasps and laughter as the young man made his way to the stage, his head held high. He refused to let the insults bring him down, he slowly placed his hand on the awakening stone with a determined expression.

Everyone held their breath, but once again, there was no surge of energy or bright lights.

Isaiah had failed to awaken a talent.

"I can't believe that garbage had the nerve to show his face here!" someone shouted.

"He should just give up and go live under a bridge!" another person added.

Isaiah's heart sank as he stood in front of the awakening stone, feeling the heat of hatred and disdain from the crowd. He had faced insults and mockery before, but this time it hurt him more than anything before.

As the noise continued to grow louder, Isaiah felt a mixture of anger and embarrassment inside him.

''You should have stayed hidden in your room!'' Leon, the fourth prince laughed loudly. ''Just kill yourself alrea-Argh!!"

There was a sudden and unexpected shift in the atmosphere. Leon, suddenly fell to the ground, clutching his chest with a cry of pain. Everyone in the room gasped in shock as a massive, gaping wound appeared on his chest, and blood began to pour out of it.

The hall went silent, the only sound that could be heard was Leon gasping for breath on the ground.

Suddenly, a cold, intense voice filled the hall, causing some to tremble.

"I dare you to say it again, Leon." the voice said, its tone icy and menacing.

Resisting the pain, Leon clutched his chest with one hand and reached for his sword with the other.

Isaiah's fiancee, Iris, stepped in front of him, her eyes locked onto him with a withering glare.

The entire room held its breath as if waiting for a lightning bolt to strike, as they watched the tension rise.

"You really are brave to insult my fiance in front of me." she said, her eyes burning into him. "But let me remind you of something. I-Isaiah is my life and my strength. I will not tolerate anyone who disrespects him!"

Her voice lowered as she continued, and her words now sounded almost like a whisper, yet they carried as much weight as thunder.

Suddenly, despite the gravity of the situation, Leon started to laugh, his eyes burning with a dark, twisted light.

"Haha... HAHAHA... Do you think I'll be afraid of your S-Rank Talent, Iris? Wrong!"

"I'll say it again." he said, his voice dripping with arrogance. "Your fiance is a piece of shit."

Every single person in the room knew that the situation was on the verge of exploding.

The silence stretched on for what felt like an eternity, until finally, Iris exploded.

"That's it." she whispered, her voice shaking with rage. "Then die!"

Everyone in the room watched in surprise as arrows made of fire appeared behind Iris, each one charged with enough power to take down a dragon.

Leon, for his part, was completely caught off guard by the sudden change in situation.

Without hesitation, the arrows charged at Leon, each one flying faster than the eye could see.

In an instant, Leon was surrounded by a hail of fiery arrows, each one with the potential to take his life.

Everyone in the room cried out in shock and horror, but none of them had time to react,

Just as the arrows were about to turn Leon into a pile of ashes. A massive wall of water suddenly rose from the ground forming a barrier between the arrows and Leon.

The water wall was massive, standing at least ten feet tall. The arrows, which had charged toward Leon with enough force to take down a dragon, simply vanished, unable to penetrate it in any way.

Just as the crowd was trying to process what had happened, a playful voice echoed through the hall.

"You can't simply kill someone for stating facts, Iris." the voice said, the words ringing out like a bell in the otherwise silent room.

They turned their heads, trying to locate the owner of the voice, and they soon saw him, standing in front of them, with his hand raised.

He wore fine, black robes, the kind that only the richest of nobles could afford.

"Dagon…" Leon said, his voice catching in his throat.

For a moment, it seemed as though he had lost the ability to speak, the shock of what had just happened was too much for him to bear.

But his eyes looking at Dagon were full of gratitude. If it wasn't for that water wall, he would have been dead!