
Chapter 1: Dagon

In a lavish bedroom, the deafening cry of a woman writhing in pain could be heard.

The woman had long blonde hair with sapphire eyes. Her eyes were shut tight in pain.

Amidst the chaos, the woman's husband stood nearby.

With his long black hair and piercing scarlet eyes, the man looked down on his wife, his expression cold and distant.

"Trina! Push harder, I demand it!" the husband ordered, his voice dripping with contempt.

The woman, struggling with the unbearable pain, tried to push through the agony with her husband's harsh words ringing in her ears.

"Push harder!" the man continued.

The woman's body shook with each wave of pain, but she did her best to comply, her own voice barely audible as she cried for relief.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, the woman felt the baby emerging from her womb.

She gave a final push, tears streaming down her face, as the baby was delivered into the world.

The husband, his eyes glinting with pride, took the baby and presented it to his wife.

"It's another boy." he declared, his tone still cold and unfeeling.

The woman, with her body, wracked with exhaustion and pain, could only manage a meek smile as her husband handed her the newborn.

"He's cute…" she whispered, cradling the baby in her arms.

The husband's expression softened unusually, and he leaned down to kiss his wife.

"Our son shall be strong and mighty, like his father." the husband proclaimed, his voice rising with a hint of pride. "I shall name him after my great grandfather, and he shall rule over the kingdom one day."

The woman, still shivering with pain, looked up at her husband in horror, realizing what he had just said.

"N-No!" she protested weakly, but the husband's eyes narrowed and his voice turned to steel.

"Do not dare to question me, woman!" he growled, his tone ringing with the threat of violence. "I have made my decision, and it shall be done."

With a heavy heart, the woman watched as her husband left the room, her first son in his arms.

She realized that her life, and the lives of her children, would never be the same.

The woman lay in bed, her exhaustion finally catching up to her as she drifted off into a fitful sleep.


As she slowly woke up, Tina found her husband standing beside her, a serious look on his face.

"I have made a decision." he said, his voice barely audible above a whisper. "Erica's son shall be named after the Hero who defeated Bahamut..."


The woman felt a knot form in her stomach as she looked at her husband, her mind racing with the implications of his words.

In the legend that was passed down in the kingdom, Bahamut was a Mythical creature who had threatened to destroy everything they held dear for centuries.

The Hero who defeated him, Isaiah, was a beloved figure, a symbol of hope and perseverance in the face of overwhelming odds.

"And what of about our son?" the woman asked, her voice trembling.

"Dagon." the husband said simply, his eyes cold and unfeeling. "Named after the being who created Bahamut."

The woman felt a chill run down her spine as she heard her husband's words.

Dagon was a name that invoked fear and horror, a being that had left a legacy of suffering and destruction in its wake.

"Why would you name him after such a monster?!" she asked, her voice filled with a mixture of fear and anger.

"Because he is my son." her husband replied, his voice devoid of emotion.

The woman's heart sank as she realized the depth of her husband's cruelty and arrogance.

"Rest for a bit. I need to take care of some political problems." the husband walked out of the room taking Dagon with him.

Tina looked at her husband's back before looking back down at her late sister's son.

"Isaiah..." she kissed him on his forehead, embracing him down much more softly towards her. "From now on, I'll be your mother."


- 16 Years Later -

- Wisteria Castle -

A young man walked down the hallway of the luxurious Wisteria castle.

Isaiah Von Wisteria, son of Wilhelm Von Wisteria and his 1st wife Erica Von Earlishide.

He was also known as "The Trash" of the Wisteria family.

"Ah... Hmm..."

As Isaiah continued his walk, a soft and gentle sound caught his attention.

"Hm?" He paused, curious, and made his way towards the direction of the sound.

The noise came from the inside of his father's office.

He had always been instructed not to enter without permission. Yet, the noises were compelling him to investigate.

Taking a deep breath, he approached the door carefully and placed his hand on the handle.

His heart raced with anticipation and trepidation as he slowly turned the knob and pushed the door open.


Slowly entering the office, Isaiah's eyes darted around the large room in search of the source of the sound that had brought him here.

Finally, his gaze landed on the chair behind his father's desk.

There sat a handsome young man with his eyes closed and an arrogant smile on his lips.

His hand was on the body of a beautiful woman. Whose head rose and fell between his legs.

And surrounding them, were around fifty unconscious women lying on the floor, naked.

The women all had an expression of extase on their face, their body was covered in white liquid.

He didn't have to think too much at what was going on here.

He had stumbled upon his brother, Dagon, holding an orgy in their father's office.

"Dagon." Isaiah's voice was firm as he called out Dagon's name, shattering the silence that had settled over the room.

Dagon Von Wisteria.

Son of Wilhelm Von Wisteria and his 2nd wife, Tina Von Earlshide.

The Infamous genius of the Wisteria family, talented at everything he do. He has talents, money, look, popularity and followers.

He could have been the perfect Heir.

He could have...

But, he was a womanizer, a playboy, a scumbag, and a douchebag.

He was always surounded by beautiful women, wherever he goes he was the center of attention.

Opposite to him...


For a moment, there was no movement, no sound.

Then, Dagon slowly opened his eyes, turning his gaze to face his brother.

The smile on his lips grew wider at the sight of Isaiah, but there was a hint of malice and disgust in his eyes.

"Oh my, if it isn't my dear brother."

"What are you doing here?" Dagon's voice was smooth as silk, but there was a hint of danger lurking beneath the surface. "Come to join the party, perhaps?"

Those words only served to fuel Isaiah's anger and disgust even more.

"Dagon..." Isaiah sighed and walked past the unconscious women, trying to ignore the sight of them lying on the floor.

He knew Dagon was a womanizer, but it still disgusted him to see the way his brother treated women.

He wanted to punch Dagon's face so badly, but he knew that wouldn't solve anything. Instead, he took a deep breath.

"I want you to stop bringing women here." Isaiah said, his voice steady despite the anger he felt boiling within him. "Our mother taught us to treat women with respect, not to treat them like objects."

"Don't even bother trying to lecture me, brother." Dagon said, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "I don't care what you or that whore think about my lifestyle."

"How dare you?!" Isaiah clenched his fist, restraining his anger. "She is our mother."

"You're wrong, Isaiah." the arrogant smirk on Dagon's face was gone "She is 'your' mother."

Isaiah didn't know what to say, he knew that he would be only wasting his breath trying to reason with his brother.

Despite him being a prince and one of the heir to the throne, Dagon had never taken responsibility for anything.

And instead spent all his time having sex with hundreds and thousands of women everyday.

He could ignore what he do, but not where he do.

He was upset that Dagon was doing these unholy things in the house, where his mother and maids lived.

He had always been taught by his mother to win the affection of a woman with kindness.

But what can he do? He was weak...

Feeling Isaiah's emotions, Dagon finally let go of the woman's head as she quickly stood up, cleaning her mouth and fixing her clothes.

She lowered her head in a sign of fear and shame before Isaiah.

"Isaiah...kun," she tried to speak. But Isaiah cut her off.

"Don't worry, just get out of here and we'll talk about this later." he said, his voice cold as Ice "Step-mother."

The woman nodded and ran out of her husband's office.

The two brothers were left alone, with only the unconscious women around them.

"That was great..." Dagon stood up and arranged his clothes.

He then turned to Isaiah with a mocking grin.

"You know dear brother, maybe you'll awaken an amazing talent at today's ceremony, don't give up hope yet."

Isaiah gritted his teeth and clenched his fist wanting to blurt out a hundred different insults.

But before he could even say a word, a loud, majestic voice echoed through the castle, ringing in his ear.

[All Princes and Princess, please make your way to the Awakening hall.]

"It's about time." Dagon directly walked toward the awakening hall without even looking back at his brother who was frozen in the office.

"Please let me awaken something useful..." Isaiah took a deep breath before running toward the hall.

Next chapter