
Chapter 2: Friday, September 6

By Friday, the House of Nightmares was all that Zachary and Mark would talk about.

"Zach, I did some research on the 'House of Nightmares' and apparently it's a horror play that you experience as you walk through it! It's basically an interactive play!"

"There's such thing as an interactive play? Huh, maybe this will be more interesting than a normal haunted house."

"Heck yeah, it will be! They get professional actors and everything! The reason it goes on so long is that only 5 people get to be part of the performance each night! I already bought tickets for us for next Friday. These weren't cheap, so you better not chicken out!"

"Alright, I swear I'll go."

"Swearing that you'll go isn't enough! You have to promise me! I know that you don't break your promises!"

"Alright, alright! I promise that I will go to the House of Nightmares!"

"Good! Now you have to keep that promise for the next week! Good luck surviving Saturday detention! Meet me at my house afterward and we'll play some video games!"

"Alright, sounds like a plan!"

They both took their usual way home, and once again, Zach had the same uneasy feeling that someone was watching him the whole way home. He did his chores and homework, cooked dinner for him and his dad, they ate, then Zach went to bed.

Next chapter