
The Reunion

Jack hadn't entered the room for more than three seconds before a human bullet with blonde hair came charging at him full force and slammed into him. He managed to catch the figure as he fell backwards, landing on his back, the wind getting knocked out him and his head knocking against the floor.

"Ouch," Jack muttered as raised one of his hands to the rising lump on the back of his head. "That freakin hurt. You really should be more careful Eva as you could've seriously hurt yourself." He looked down at the blonde figure that was hugging his waist.

Eva looked up without separating herself from Jack's body. "I'm sorry, I'm just glad that your alright. Just let me stay like this for a second...please."

Jack sighed as he pushed himself into a sitting position, pulling Eva into his lap. He smiled at her before pulling her into a hug. "I'm glad to see your alright as well Eva," He wrapped his arms tightly around her. "I was worried sick about what might've happened to you."

"Awwww," A voice cut in, ruining the moment. "Is that the guy you were talking about??? Your knight in shining armor? He's actually pretty cute." The voice belonged to a cute female with dark pink hair and bright green eyes, an interesting combination to be sure.

Eva pulled away from him so fast that it looked as if she had been shocked. She hurriedly readjusted her white button down shirt and jeans before standing up and walking back over to the couch. "He's just the leader of the refugees, nothing more Haminu," She muttered before sitting onto the cushioned seat, her face tinged slightly red.

Jack stayed on the floor for a few more seconds before standing up, dusting off the seat of his shorts. "Sorry, but King can you please explain where we are exactly? On the way here, it felt like we left the slums. This house is by far nicer then the ones I saw earlier."

King touched his chin and frowned as he sat on a chair located next to the couch. "Are you implying that my house in inferior to Haminu's?"

Jack smiled a little and looked towards the girl he figured was called Haminu before looking back at King. "Gotta tell the truth dude...your house looks like crap compared to hers."

Haminu laughed and King cracked a small smile. "Your entirely correct and thats exactly what I thought the first time I saw her house. As for your question about where we are.....well we're still in the slums but in a slightly better part." King glanced towards the hall leading to the door. "All we have to do is wait for my brother to show up. He told us to come here and thatd he meet us."

"Wait are you talking about the guy who sent Jack flying? Your his brother??!!" Eva looked at King like he was an insect and proceeded to slide to the other end of the couch. It was clear just how much hatred she held for Gladisor. "Your telling me your acutally related to that scumbag??"

"Actually Eva, let me fill you in on Gladisor's true motives," Jack interrupted, stopping Haminu from speaking up. "Apparently he NOT the bad guy we all thought he was." He meant to be serious but a trace of sarcasm entered into his tone near the end of the sentence.

For the next ten minutes, Jack filled Eva on everything that had happened to him while they had been separated as well as informing her of all the things he had learned from King. Throughout the whole thing, neither King nor Haminu said a single word, merely watching as the two conversed with each other.

"So apparently you want me to believe that Gladisor is just some puppet and that theres some mastermind pulling his strings." Eva looked at Jack with a skeptical look, clear doubt etched on her face. If it hadn't been him telling her this, he was sure that she probably would've ignored the idea entirely.

"Thats precisely whats happening though," King replied, finaly speaking up. "My brother isn't someone who would do something cruel unless its either for a good reason or he's just following orders. He's not a bad person!!"

"So if your brother was ordered to kill you in order to save someone else....would he do it?" Jack shoved his hands into his pockets and shifted his gaze over to King. "If he's not a bad guy and merely follows orders, that makes him neither good nor bad, a simple tool. Being a simple tool is even worse then being good or bad."

King shot Jack a glare. "At least he has his own memories and is strong enough to defend himself. Your so weak that you couldn't even protect Eva and you still expect the other refugees to follow you? I never met someone so arrogant....you really think someone so weak couod ever garner respect in a world where strength is everything?"

"Now now little brother," a voice responded, cutting off King before he could continue. "No need to be so harsh. Your entirely correct but you shouldn't be so harsh as you don't want them to become your enemies."

Everyone turned their heads and shifted their gazes onto the tall armored figure of Gladisor as he stood by the entrance of the room. His previous dull grey armor was replaced by a shiny silver one depicting the image of a golden lion on his left pectoral. He now gave off the aura of a calm and collected power and it made Jack feel a little tense even though he knew nothing would happen.

"Brother Gladisor," King said, standing up from his seat. "I was just defending you from their slanderous words. They were talking about how you were nothing more them a mere puppet and I didn't like it."

Gladisor smiled a little as he walked into the room, the smile making him look a little more like the older version of King. "My dear younger brother, I AM a mere puppet. As the second strongest warrior in the city, I have a duty to uphold and a job to do. I have no other choice but to follow the orders of Sir Draken as its the easiest way to guarantee that we have a place to live in."

Jack was going to listen to the rest of what Gladisor had to say but he got distracted when two more people walked in from the hallway.

The first person to enter was a female with bright green hair that reached the middle of her back and dusty grey eyes. She wore a tattered dress along with worn out flip flops that looked on the verge of breaking. Jack most definitely considered her a beauty once he overlooked the dried blood on her jaw and the various bruises scattered over her face and her arms.

The second person to enter was actually a familiar face. However Jack didn't get to see any details as the person became a blur within seconds upon entering, a human bullet hurtling towards him at lighting speed. Habing learned from last time, Jack braced himself for the impact.

The figure hit him hard, sending him once again to the floor, slamming him flat on his back. "Captain Jack," The figure said as she buried her face in his hoodie. "I'm so glad your okay!!"

The person who had tackled him was none other then Blake Belladonna, one of the few refugees who had shown him respect and had stood up for him. He had actually been worried about her as well and was glad that she seeemed well enough to full on tackle him.

"Blake, as happy as I am to see your healthy as can be, can you get off of me?" Jack gave a small laugh as he struggled pushed himself into a sitting position. "Your actually a lot heavier then you look."

Bella stayed on his chest for a moment longer before pushing herself off of him, a small pout on her face. "Did you just call me fat? Cause that was pretty rude. Anyways, I wanna introduce you to someone who I met when we were separated."

Bella jumped up onto her feet and bounced over to the green haired female. "This beautiful lady is Francine Walker and she's the person whose been assigned to watch over me. She's a level 8 and much stronger then any of us..."

Meant to make it longer but I had to deal with something called LIFE!!!


Anyways leave a review if you like the story so far......

DannyPhantomcreators' thoughts