
The Anger Of Asura

If the world is going to be against me, I will flip the world upside down. So, don't anger me because if I get angry, I don't know what I will do. I will slaughter anybody who blocks my path, even If It is God.

ASURABOY · Eastern
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43 Chs

A New Friend

Su Lin's spiritual attack was called the "Rainbow Beam." As she gathered her spiritual energy, vibrant colors swirled around her, creating a dazzling display of light. The crowd watched in awe as the energy built up, forming a concentrated beam of rainbow-hued power.

Kallu's spiritual attack was known as the "Mighty Roar." He roared with fierce determination, channeling his spiritual energy into a powerful shockwave that rippled through the arena. The ground beneath him trembled as the force of his attack surged outward.

The tension in the air was palpable as the two fighters unleashed their ultimate spiritual attacks. Su Lin directed the "Rainbow Beam" towards Kallu with precision and grace. The beam shot forward like a brilliant rainbow arrow, leaving trails of colors in its wake.

Kallu responded with the "Mighty Roar," releasing a devastating shockwave that surged toward Su Lin like a ferocious beast. Wherever the Mighty Roar passed, it shattered all things into pieces. The clash of their spiritual attacks created an explosive impact, sending shockwaves that rippled through the arena and shook the very foundation of the stage.

As the "Rainbow Beam" and the "Mighty Roar" collided, a brilliant explosion of energy engulfed the stage. The spectators watched in amazement as the colors of the rainbow mixed with the raw power of the "Mighty Roar," creating a dazzling and tumultuous display.

In the midst of the chaos, Su Lin and Kallu stood resolute, their determination unwavering. They channeled every ounce of their strength into their spiritual attacks, refusing to back down.

The clash seemed endless, each fighter pouring their heart and soul into the battle. The spectators were on the edge of their seats, their hearts pounding with excitement.

As the dust settled, the spectators held their breath, waiting to see who would emerge victorious. To their surprise, both Su Lin and Kallu stood tall, seemingly unaffected by the collision of their attacks.

The crowd erupted into cheers, celebrating the incredible display of power and skill. It was a rare sight to witness two spiritual attacks of such magnitude colliding without any clear victor.

Asura watched with admiration, realizing that both Su Lin and Kallu had shown great talent during this battle. They had pushed the boundaries of their abilities, especially Kallu showcasing the true potential he had.

Su Lin and Kallu exchanged a knowing glance, acknowledging each other's strength and resolve. Despite knowing the result of the battle, the mutual respect between the two fighters was evident.

Suddenly Kallu collapsed on the ground, and the winner was decided—Su Lin had emerged victorious.

While Su Lin had the cultivation advantage, she purposely didn't use more than 50% of the full strength of her third-stage Spiritual realm cultivation base during the fight. She wanted to push her limits and challenge herself. She knew that Kallu possessed the strength of an ordinary third-stage spiritual realm cultivator, despite having only a second-stage spiritual cultivation base. Su Lin's decision to withhold her full strength displayed both her sportsmanship and her desire to grow as a cultivator.

Asura felt a deep admiration for Kallu's efforts. Despite losing, he had earned the respect of those watching, including Asura himself. Asura contemplated befriending Kallu, as he saw the potential for them to become excellent sparring partners and help each other grow stronger.

With the match between Su Lin and Kallu over, the medical team attended to Kallu, ensuring he received proper care after his collapse. Meanwhile, other matches in the competition continued.

Su Lin decided to retreat to her apartment to rest for a few hours before her next fight. She knew it would take at least two hours before her next match.

The elders of the Xiao Sect provided special pills to all the participants, enabling them to replenish their energy quickly. The Xiao Sect did not want to spend too much time on these internal competitions. Giving competitors replenishing pills allowed the tournament to proceed quickly over two days instead of stretching on for weeks.

It was unfortunate luck for Kallu that his first match pitted him against Su Lin, who was no ordinary cultivator. She had the strength to fight cultivators with higher cultivation levels than her own. Had Kallu faced another competitor in the first match, he may have even defeated cultivators with higher cultivation. But now his journey in this competition was over, though he did not realize he had earned of all audience watching his match including Asura.

Meanwhile, in the arena, other matches were taking place. Asura observed the fights keenly, analyzing the techniques and strengths of each participant. He knew that he would face some of these fighters in the later stages of the competition, and he was determined to learn from their battles.

Among the crowd, he spotted Kallu, who had recovered from his collapse and was now watching the ongoing matches with a mix of disappointment and respect. Asura decided to approach him during a break in the competition.

"Hey, Kallu," Asura greeted him with a friendly smile.

Kallu looked surprised but returned the smile. "Hello there. I must say, your battle skill was quite impressive. You have my respect."

Asura nodded appreciatively. "Thank you. Your 'Running Bull' was no joke either. You put up a great fight."

Kallu's disappointment seemed to dissipate as he engaged in conversation with Asura. The two talked about their cultivation journeys, their goals, and their experiences as martial artists. They found common ground in their shared passion for martial arts and their determination to become stronger.

Asura then proposed the idea of becoming sparring partners in the future. "I think we could learn a lot from each other. Our styles are quite different, and I believe it would benefit both of us to exchange techniques and strategies."

Kallu considered the offer for a moment before nodding with a smile. "You're right. It would be an excellent opportunity to grow. I accept your offer, Asura."

Asura felt a sense of satisfaction knowing that he had made a new friend and sparring partner. He knew that training with someone as skilled and experienced as Kallu would only make him stronger.

As the competition continued, the arena buzzed with excitement and anticipation. The participants were giving their all, showcasing their unique battle skills and cultivation prowess.


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