
002 - The Angel and his enemy. Part 2

"Huh? What's this soft sensation that I am feeling right now?" Gabriel mumble to himself.

He slowly opened his eyes and find himself lying in his bed. He has no memories of going to his bed but all of the questions that are forming within him were answered the moment he saw someone next to his bed.

"Yo! Exhausted, aren't you?" the guy in white clothing waved at him.

He hesitated to speak especially to someone who just casually waved at him first thing when he woke up. He's still not used to the ways of human being and the way they think so doing something without assurance of what will be the outcome pushed him back from doing anything at all.

"Are you okay, Gabriel-senpai?" the man next to him bring his face closer to him in an awkward way that it throws him off and lost the balance for himself.

"Uh, err... yeah?" is the only words he can utter in the awkward situation he found himself in.

[Senpai? Does it mean he's the same as me? An angel?]

The man he was talking to just now is an angel, the same as he is but the only difference they have is that he have his halo while the man he is talking to has no halo in him.

"Oh, yeah! I succeeded in concealing my halo thanks to you." the man smiled at him.

That the time when it hits him what it is really from the start.

"What do you mean by thanks to me?" confusingly, he asked his fellow angel.

"After you came here and wasn't able to conceal your halo, the other angels noticed that the concealing potion wasn't enough so they made a new one," he explained the situation briefly.

Yes, part of the reason why he was sent there was to test the new concealing potion made for them to blend in the human society but it did not conceal him that much so they made a stronger one.

"And you have them with you, right?" he asked him.

After hearing his question, the angel he was talking to revert his eyes as if he was avoiding to look at him directly and answered him.

"Actually, I consumed them all and they said it will take a lot of time for it to be produced again," he answered with tears forming in his eyes.

After hearing it, a sudden mix of emotion starts to swell within him. It is the first time he felt such a mix of emotions so he won't know what to do with it and it made him lose his composure.

"Oi! Are you okay, senpai?!" the young angel asked him.

He nodded as he put himself straight.

It is just now when he realized that he did not ask his name ever since he woke up. For this matter, he has to know his name for them to communicate easily.

"I'm sorry but I never asked for your name." He said.

By addressing that matter, the angel realized the same and answered him by introducing himself.

"The name's Sariel, an angel, the same as you. I am currently on my phase to be declared as an arch-angel and my mission before my inauguration is by helping you accomplish your mission here." he gleefully introduces himself to him.

Sariel has no prior knowledge for what is his role will be nor the cultures of humankind, only just the fact that he will be helping Gabriel in his mission. The archangels all agree to that to keep that matter hidden away from Sariel as for he wasn't an archangel yet. Naturally, the nature of the mission will be disclosed only for them to avoid confusion from their fellow angels.

"Hear me now, I found a really great source of knowledge as I was browsing through the library here in the human realm and I found this box just outside the narrow road in-between buildings. I brought a sample for you to see!" He said to him with excitement written all-over him.

He brought out a book that was resting on his lap and showed it to Gabriel.

"What's this thing you've got here?!" Gabriel reacted shockingly by the sights in front of him.

Yes, it was a BL manga and the young Sariel has no idea what it was meant to be.

Having a high grade and enough knowledge about humankind, Gabriel knew of the existence of the book known as BL manga. Although it is the first time he saw it in real life, he can tell that it was indeed, a BL manga as soon as he flipped the first page of it.

"Don't you know what this is?!" Gabriel asked him with disgust written all-over him.

"Nope, I have no idea although it was cool and - "

"Then what did you learn from school?!" Gabriel went out of his patience and asked the young Sariel who has no idea what's in front of him.

"I don't exactly get what they did there, I was sleeping during classes so I can't really tell," Sariel answers with a smile in his face.

After hearing all of that, Gabriel can only sigh out what he is feeling right now.

[After all of that suffering earlier, now this?! Just how much suffering will I have to experience!!]

With all of the things already planned out for him, will he stay sane to let our world continue to live on?

I won't be updating this Wednesday since I have to celebrate Christmas with my family. I hope you guys have a Merry Christmas too!

Izumi_Kyouyacreators' thoughts
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