
A Unknown World

(Author's Note: When you see this symbol "*", this means that the main character is unable to understand what is being said. Dashes "---", indicate that a transition)

*"Mistress, she's ready for you to hold"*, exclaimed the midwife as she walked towards a woman that was clearly tired and sweaty from just giving birth. Despite the need for a bath and some well-needed rest, the woman who looked to be in her mid-twenties-, took the bundle of cloth from the midwife and unraveled it to reveal a small red-haired baby girl.

After a few attempts at waking her sleeping baby, with no luck, the young mistress handed the bundle of cloth containing her sleeping baby, back to the midwife, worrying that something might be wrong with her. *"Do not fret Mistress, she is well and healthy."* state the midwife, while performing a class 1 light spell, hoping that it would ease the mother's worried expression. Soon after the light spell disappeared, the movement of the awakened baby could be seen from within the bundle of cloth.


"What is that annoying light?" thought Sarah as she opened her eyes, squinting as the bright light dimmed and eventually disappeared. Sarah, who was now wide awake, was shocked to find herself staring up at a middle-aged woman that despite being in her mid-thirties, looked well over the age of forty.

*"See Mistress, she is healthy and awake."* stated the midwife as she handed Sarah back to her. *"She even seems to have a mix of you and your husband's eyes."*

"What is going on? Who are these people and why can't I understand a word that they are saying?" Sarah thought-, as she looked around hoping that something would give her a clue on what was happening. The last thing that Sarah could remember before waking up in her new environment was her eagerly going to bed, excited for her first day of freshmen college courses to start.

She remembered talking to her mother after unpacking all of her belongings in her barren dorm. Exclaiming how excited she was to finally be in college. To be starting a new chapter in her life. One where she could further expand her knowledge and potentially make a difference in the world.

Now Sarah was scared and confused as the two strangers looked down on her. Despite looking tired and sweaty, the woman holding her looked to be in her mid-twenties-, had long, curly strawberry hair, blue eyes that resembled the ocean, and a face that could (and did) capture the hearts of many men. While the other woman-, was much older, with gray strands of hair popping out from her long brown hair, with the development of wrinkles on her more average-looking face.

Seeing that her baby was well and healthy, the Mistress could only look down and smile as she looked into her baby's eyes, cherishing the moment. *"What will you name her?"*said a tall (5'9), handsomely built man, with fiery red hair, sharp green eyes, and a devilish smile. He also seemed to be in his mid-twenties. *"Scarlett, I believe Scarlett will be her name."* Exclaimed the Mistress.

Still scared and confused about what was going on Sarah-, could only stare at all the people around her until she fell asleep once more.

Following the days that Sarah entered her new life, she had made a few discoveries. One of which, she had realized that she had somehow been reincarnated. Secondly, she found that she was not on Earth but another world entirely, where magic existed and was used for everyday life. Thirdly, after many attempts at understanding what she could only assume to be her human parents, was that her name was Scarlett Bennett.

(I Will be using Scarlett for the MC's name now)

When Scarlett had first discovered that magic existed in her new world, she was flabbergasted. Her "mother" (who was tired of laying around following the days of her daughter's birth), got up, dressed herself, and used some type of dark magic to clean herself up before picking up Scarlett, strapping her to herself with a long comfortable linen.

After realizing that magic existed in this world, Scarlett attempted to mimic the woman caring for her, only to fail and eventually fall asleep for using too much mana. After several more attempts at trying to use dark magic and falling asleep, Scarlett started to observe the women before trying to attempt again.

After close observations, she eventually discover that there was more to magic than darkness magic, but also the four elemental magic fire, air, water, and earth magic. She also discovered that she need to use a saying to actually active the spell she wanted to achieve. Which was hard for her because she was just a baby and couldn't speak yet. All she was doing was mimic the process, using the mana within her and releasing it without any effect.

"No wonder I have been failing at mimicking the magic that the women seem to do." thought Scarlett. She had yet to allow herself to call this woman her mother. She was still afraid of allowing herself to realize that she would never see her "real parents" again.

"She seems to say utter gibberish before she activates the spell." She thought-, while paying close attention to what the women said each time she would active a spell. "Maybe instead of saying the spell out loud, I could say it in my mind?" thought Scarlett.

After listening to the women a few more times, Scarlett attempted to mimic a simple air spell that she had seen the women do while cleaning her surprisingly big house. She decided that it would be best to work with air magic first. She didn't want to freak out the women if something had gone wrong with her magic. Plus it would also go undetected.

Remembering the words, "Airo Des", that Scarlett heard from the women, she stuck out her hands and thought, "Airo Des". At first, nothing seemed to happen. However, the more times Scarlett repeat the magic words in her mind, she could feel that something within her was stirring, waiting for her to release the power she had built up.

After one last time of thinking "Airo Des," Scarlett was shocked to see what she had discovered.

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