
Chapter 27

Monday was an interesting affair. The Daily Prophet had reached back to Andi and informed her that once Harry was willing to make an appearance in a real newspaper they would be happy to do the announcement. Harry had sat with Luna Lovegood and gave her an interview for the Quibbler. It was incredible how the Prophet didn't see that the boy who lived and was head of three ancient and noble houses would likely spike up Quibbler sales and cut into their own profits.

As the Potter family predicted once everyone realized that the Quibbler had the official announcement regarding his lordships, as well as an interview. Quibblers were selling like hotcakes and a few people even took on subscriptions thinking they were going to let go of their strange imaginary creature articles.

Harry Potter Black and Peverell

By Luna Lovegood

The Quibbler is excited to announce that Lord Harry James Potter has claimed the lordship of three ancient and noble families. The Potters, Blacks, and Peverell families were an integral part of establishing the Wizengamot as we know it today and were all members of the original sacred eight families.

With Harry Potter now commanding the lordship of these three houses this makes him one of the most powerful political figures in the world, and white possibly the most powerful figure in all of Magical Britain.

Harry Potter has recently been emancipated due to his forced entry into the Triwizard Tournament taking place at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. He has appointed proxies for each of his seats until he is 17 as this age barrier is still a requirement for the Wizengamot despite his emancipated status. His proxies include Lily Evans Potter for the Potter seat, Sirius Orion Black (otherwise known as Stubby Boardman) for the Black seat, as well as Remus John Lupin for the Peverell seat.

As many of you should know Harry Potter is able to take a wife for each of his houses. I for one would love to become Lady Peverell if he is unable to find someone for that role.

I got a chance to catch up with Harry and he was kind enough to give the Quibbler this exclusive interview:

Luna: Hello Harry it's so nice to see that you have fewer Wrackspurts than usual!

Harry: ah, Thank you, Luna, I try to keep them away.

Luna: We must exchange techniques after this interview. So how does it feel to be a Lord of three powerful houses?

Harry: There's definitely a lot of pressure, I know a lot of people aren't happy about it and some have even tried to prevent me from taking it. The family magic, however, has accepted me so there's nothing any disgruntled people on the Wizengamot can do about it anymore.

Luna: Would you be able to give us insight into who those people are?

Harry: I'll keep it to myself for now but there are always those on the Wizengamot who operate on bad faith.

Luna: Have you began considering any candidates for the ladies of your houses? There are rumors that your fellow champion Fluer Delacore could possibly be one.

Harry: I am still young so no decisions made there as of yet. That's not to say I don't have some wonderful ladies in mind of course. As for Fleur she is a friend and we have known each other for several years, we've agreed that while we would love to remain, friends, we aren't fit for a relationship. As for sensational articles written about my relationship with her I tend to ignore them except for when they blatantly disrespect my friend.

Luna: Yes I had noticed some prejudiced undertones written about her. Unfortunately, sentiments regarding nonhumans are not very good here in Britain.

Harry: that's something I definitely am standing up to change. My proxies will be voting against any and all laws that violate basic rights just because they are not fully human. I'll be doing the same once I am old enough to join the Wizengamot. It's time we catch up to other countries who embrace nonhumans and learn quite a bit from each other. There is magic out there that regular humans cannot learn on their own.

The interview went on to explain more about Harry's views surrounding what needs to be changed in magical Britain. However, what many were very interested in was seeing the reaction to his parting words.

Luna: Well thank you, Harry, I very much appreciate you giving this interview to the Quibbler.

Harry: Of course Luna, the Quibbler has never disrespected me or my friends. I am always happy to speak to you about anything.

This was, of course, a jab at the Daily Prophet and promised more content on Harry Potter in the future. Andi had sent him an owl later that night saying that a representative of the Daily Prophet wanted to set up a meeting. Harry grinned when he saw it and told Andi to set it up but to take her time and let them sweat a little bit about the number of Quibblers people were buying.

Public perception of the Prophet also immediately went down, how could the Prophet deny respect to a national hero?

Everything had worked out quite perfectly in that regard and Harry was In a very good mood as he approached his first training with Professor Snape. He knew Snape would be teaching him more advanced Occlumency techniques and he was looking to get himself familiar with more than just the basics.

He walked into the potions classroom and saw Snape already waiting for him.

"Hello sir," he said.

"I understand you have learned the basics of Occlumency," he said in response.

Always right to the point.

"Yes, sir I'm able to keep intrusions out of my head."

"Legilimens!" Cried Snape assaulting Harry's mind. Harry struggled at first and while Snape was able to get small glimpses of his date with Astoria he pushed him out completely.

"Very well you are more adept then I thought, throughout this lesson, I will be randomly attacking you in this manner, your goal is to keep me out."

Harry nodded.

"Are you able to use your Occlumency shields while doing other things? Casting spells or everyday life?"

"No sir I have to concentrate to make them work."

I wonder if this could work like my allure.

"Many Death Eaters, as well as the dark Lord himself, are able to use passive Legilinency while they are fighting you. You will not be able to concentrate on your shields in those moments. It must become second nature for you to access them."

"What do you do to practice that?"


Harry immediately removed him at that time intent on making sure Snape didn't see some of his more sensitive memories.

"The more adept you are at raising your shields the better you will get at doing this at a whim. Meditation will help you, emptying your mind before you sleep as well as throughout the day will also help."

Thankfully Sirius explained that bit a little better.

"Sir, Vol… er the Dark lord is an accomplished occlumens isn't he?"

Snape raised his eyebrows, "yes he is as well as a very powerful Legilimens. One of the things you'll need to learn is fooling your attacker into thinking they have found the memory you seek."

Harry tapped into Voldemort's magic as well as his Allure trying to concentrate both into his shields in anticipation for the next Legilimens attack.

"That is where we will build up to, implanting false memories for your attacker to find and passive shields that are already up so you can fend off Legilimency during duels."

Snape felt his Dark Mark slightly sting but have no indication of it. He decided it was time to end the lesson and attack the boy once more."Legilimens!"

What happened next was something neither of them anticipated. They were both viewing a memory of Voldemort.

"My Lord I've heard a prophecy, one that pertains to you."

Harry saw Snape give the beginning of the prophecy to him. Snape struggled but was finally able to stop the memory but the damage was done.

"You told him," he said turning to Snape, "you're the reason my dad died, you're the fucking reason all this shit started in the first place."

"Potter you are understandably angry, I regret what I did to this day-"

"Fuck off, you hated my dad. I understand he was an ass to you as well but this? How the fuck does Dumbledore even trust you? Does he know about this?"

Snape momentarily paused not sure how to answer the question, "no it is a secret that I have kept." He said hoping that the boy would not turn on the Headmaster. It was strange, the memory was something he viewed many times but it wasn't his own. How did the boy possess the dark lords memories?

Harry raised his wand.

"Potter think very carefully about what you are about to do. I understand your anger but if you attack a Professor think of the consequences. I made mistakes, ones I am hoping to rectify," he said.

"How the fuck are you going to rectify causing my father's death?"

"If I had known it the prophecy was referring to you I would not have said anything."

"Why the fuck not? You probably knew," said Harry close to abandoning all reason. He was channeling his and Voldemort's magic into a spell, a Bombarda would be satisfying, or and Avada Kedavra.

"Lily was my best friend," he said.

"Yea and you fucked that up, what's that got to do with anything?"

"I loved her, I still do to this day," Snape replied.

Whatever Harry was expecting it wasn't that, and he momentarily blinked taken aback.

"She doesn't feel the same way," Harry said to him.

Snape grimaced, "yes I'm aware of that, I have been aware of it for a long time. But I cannot help what I feel. I've dedicated my life since then to get revenge for her. To help kill the bastard who brought her so much pain."

Harry turned and unleashed a Bombarda in the classroom breaking several vials of potions and destroying chairs and desks.

Snape's eyes widened at the power behind the spell. He would have survived but not without taking substantial damage.

Harry walked off leaving Snape in his broken classroom.

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