
Strange Planet

After a while I had finally gotten my conscience back but when I had looked around I was not in space anymore but in a strange world.

There was garbage everywhere you looked. There was garbage flying in the wind, overflowing trash cans, and I even saw toilet paper on some guys tree.

After asking around for a while I had figured out that this place I'm in is called Earth and I'm in Seoul, whatever that means.

I also learned that people in this planet are not as advanced as my home planet but it's advanced enough for me.

In my home planet all the commoners only wear underwear and socks, officials wear underwear, socks, and pants, nobles wear underwear, socks, pants, and a shirt, and lastly royalty wear underwear, socks, pants, shirt, and shoes.

After walking around for a while people have started to stare at me. I then gave them a mean look back and the turned away.

When I had gotten close enough to someone to hear their conversations they instantly jumped back and screamed, "EW PERVERT!"

Then I asked them what was wrong about me and they had said that I was wearing just underwear. (You need to take of all clothes other than underwear to use the emergency pod)

I had then remembered that I was in a different planet and that everyone was wearing a full set of clothes. I then walked over to a hotel and and asked the hotel worker if I could work there and she had replied with a yes.

She then told me to go to the storage room and get some clothes to put on. I had then started walking toward the storage area.

This novel is very perverted so if you do not like perverted novels you are free to leave.

Corrupted_Angelcreators' thoughts