
No Surprise

Is it me or is it that as you age the urge to get up on time goes away, dedication is just a term you used to know, and physically speaking of the physical aspect of my life is a long story. Have you ever slept enough but no matter how much you sleep you always wake up with this excruciating body fatigue as if you exercised but all you have done is what everyone does!

"Miss...." someone flashes light right into my eyes which makes me jolt back and look at this person trying to wake me up.

I get up still figuring out where I am at the moment, my body light and devoid.

"Mam...look here." the doctor points out to the mini torch. He does the general patient protocol, because of which some sense knocks into me.

"Your father brought you here." he informed.

"Apparently there was an 8-hour gap between your last meal that aggravated your hypoglycemia. So, stay here for another hour and then you are ready to go home. Also, uncle will be here soon so sit back and wait okay Mishti." the doctor told hastily, put me back while I was still slowly grasping at straws but for some reason the doctor felt familiar.

Anyways I was too tired and had no energy to evaluate everything.

Hey I have been pretty much hesitant to post this one but hope you guys like it .

Sheuly_Sencreators' thoughts
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