
Go to Kayla's Room

"May we visit the island together tomorrow?" I humbly requested. However, my anxiety continued stemming from the disturbing call I overheard Gerald making in the kitchen. The mysterious invitation weighed heavily on me. Jordan remained silent for a while before finally speaking.

"Alright, you can come with us, but I won't allow you to take the lead. I will stop Lord Elysia," Jordan replied, his tone tinged with hesitation.

"Thank you," I said, turning and resting my head on his shoulder, seeking comfort in his presence. My worries were written all over me.

Sensing my distress, Jordan inquired, "What's bothering you, sweetheart?"

With my head still nestled on his shoulder, I murmured, "The Queen of the Nights called Gerald and invited him to Luna Crest for a discussion. I'm worried because she once paid Alpha Benjamin to kill me."

"Did Gerald know that you overheard their conversation?" Jordan asked.

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