
The Alpha king small like cherry blossoms

Jesse firewood is assassin, working with group of people who take down threats that will hurt supernatural and human. When he take a mission that will change his life for ever.

Noierghost202 · Action
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Am in the hotel inside my room, the room was going to be room sweet but it seem way to much for reporter that is a intern and suspicious.

The room is small with tow big beds in the middle is dresser with a lamp. The tv on the wall under it is a bigger dresser and the bathroom is the other room. It have walk in shower and big sink with long mirror.

It a box on one of the big beds, it have blue ribbon around long big white box. I untie the ribbon, inside in a black tux with red tie and button up long sleeves. Under it a note.

'Hey, jas the tux is bulletproof and the supplies in the duffle bag under dresser'

Ps: stay safe

Form: bon-bon

I mutter " Thanks you" and open the big dresser to see a duffle bag. I open it and there is two guns, clothes, fake IDs and the lay out of the building. First thing first I lay out the map on the as sit down on the bed holding a mark in my hand. Marking the escape.

There alleyway at the side of the building at 8:30 I leave the building, give me enough time to get back. Now i need a way inside to get everything ready.


The last day before the big day. I pose as janitor for the past for three days sneaking around. Janitors are visible know one watch them so it a good cover till then. I hide the duffle dag in the bathroom stall in the vent.

I surveillance the other building and hide small remote gun in cases I get hold up on something that is control by my burner phone. I hiding my scent with different kind of soaps and walk in circle confusing wolves so they won't track me. Use my red hair cover my face.

Right now I vacuum the floor were the Royal family will stand. I roll my eyes rich brats never work in there lives, should thank me for saving theirs lives.

"Nick time up" a man yelled behind me.

I turn around to see Alxe one of the janitor. When I get here he the first to talk to "the new guy". He never stop talking and keep on try to take me to dinner. I don't like to be flirt at, I like to do the flirting. It more fun that away.

"Hi, al. It that time already" I lied. I know it time to go I was going to double check.

"Yeah, if you busy anytime soon we can go to this cafe down the street" he replied. I roll my eyes again give him this look that says ' fuck off' as I walk away letting him put the vacuum away.

I went to the dressing room taking off the jump suit. I look in the small mirror in the Locker, moving a piece of hair away from my face. My eyes are dim orange eyes cover by contacts. My burnt sienna skin color is a little light. My four abs and the scars.

One of the scars is when my first mission to Peru it on my right arm. There three more one on my waist and the other on my back. They form my real dad before he die. It really small now it hard to see them.

'Get your head in the game' I said in my head as i put on my dark blue jeans and the rest of my clothes. I pull my cap over my

head and hoodie.


Am back at the hotel in my room as my phone ring. I pick it up and it was bon-bon.

(j for Jesse and b for bonnie)

b: How your day, mine is normal.

j: It just normal surveillance. Till the big day.

I take of my shoes and walk to the big window. Look at the view, the moon in the sky giving good shade over the town as I slide down the window, lay on my butt.

b: I can help with the big mission. I don't have school tomorrow and if you wonder about dad he on a mission in New York and says 'I can help' if you need it.

j: did he really say that?

My stomach start to rumble but I ignore it and keep talking. I get up and open my suitcase under my clothes is package. Magnetic gloves, and graphene knifes and mask. When I throw the knifes the magnetic glove make them go back to me. Graphene knifes cut anything in it path, it cut through human bone like butter.

b: kind of he says that. But I really want to help , it will help me not to be so nervous when it going to my first mission soon. please.

j: fine if dad found out I says you Gilt tip me.

b:Yes, you want forget it. Bye jay.

j: bye little sis.

I broke the the burner phone in half and put the Chinese Fox mask on the bed . I use neon spray paint on the mask to look cool. Ok everything going to be perfectly plan A know mistakes till then I sleep and relaxed till tonight.