
Chapter 3: Serena Setter

Serena Setter

Macon Forrester. Macon Forrester. Alpha Macon Forrester. His name echoed through my mind, over and over, and his name was tattooed at the center of my back for eternity. A symbol that I was forever his. The Alpha’s Witch. It had hurt, burned when my Revealing happened. The Goddess marked me for the worst person that she possibly could. Werewolves weren’t often mates for witches, and usually only in times of darkness…

Which meant something bad was coming, that we both needed protection from. The last time it had happened, it had been because there’d been a feud between a witch and a werewolf that threatened to expose us. And that had been nearly a century ago.

I shuddered to think what my mating with a werewolf could mean this time. But the worst of the whole thing was that he wasn’t Damien. Damien Craven was a year older than me, and we’d grown up together. He lived in the biggest house in Moon Shadow, up on a hill overlooking the ocean.

Most of the time, witches didn’t dabble in human finances. Instead, we made money our own ways, with our own kind, and tried to stay out of human affairs. We earned our prestige through power. And what we did with it. My family had lots of magical power because we were always helping people, witch or no. But Damien’s family hadn’t had a problem dabbling in human finances and they invested in whatever they could. So, they had a fast fortune.

Our family had power, and prestige, but Damien’s had the wealth.

The Cravens owned half of Moon Shadow, and had built almost the whole town. Their name was on almost everything. That was why everyone hoped for a union. Because I was the High Priestess' daughter and he came from the wealthiest family in town. But so far, it hadn’t happened. No one understood why.

I was supposed to be the great hope. Everything had pointed to it.

We’d been born a year and a day apart. We had similar powers. I could manipulate light, fire, and flame, and he could manipulate darkness and talk to the stars. Equal, but opposite. That was what the Goddess looked for in soulmates.

He’d even been my first kiss. Usually, it was frowned upon to do anything before your Revealing happened. But that didn’t stop young witches and warlocks from fooling around. I remembered it clearly.

It had been during winter solstice on my sixteenth birthday. Normally, it didn’t snow in most places in California unless you were in the mountains. But Eva-Marie, who could control weather, had made it happen. It was a dark night, with a million stars out. The Cravens had hosted their winter ball, and I’d of course been invited.

But everyone kept on saying how happy they were that Damien and I were going to be mates soon, and I couldn’t take one more person telling me that. I didn’t even know if it was going to happen, and I kept on having nightmares about him not being my mate and letting everyone down.

I’d worn a silver, sleeveless ballgown with layered, glittery sliver tule that looked like flower petals. Mom had ordered it online for me special from Balenciaga. She’d given me a silver, crescent moon necklace handed down through the generations. It was cool against my skin as I slipped out of the Craven mansion onto one of their balconies on the third floor.

I’d stared up at the skies, and wondered if the Goddess knew how much I wanted Damien. And if I wished on the right star, if she would give him to me so I could make everyone happy. I jumped then as I heard the balcony door open.

“Trying to make an escape?” a male voice asked.

I jumped, and turned to see Damien Craven standing before me. He wore a Valentino suit and looked very handsome, his jet-black hair slicked back, and his grey eyes were glowing. I blushed, and smiled up at him. “No. It just got weird when everyone was talking about how cute our kids will be.”

Damien chuckled. He was extremely tall. If he kissed me, he’d have to bend down low. Or pick me up in his arms. “I get it. Everyone really wants us to happen.”

“Yes,” I whispered. “But I’m worried…”

He shook his head. “Don’t be. You’re mine, Serena. Always have been. And, even if you aren’t, I can find a way to turn the stars. Remember? They talk to me.”

I laughed. It was true. That was one of his powers. It was how he always knew everything. “And what do they talk about me?”

“That you’re gorgeous,” he said. “And powerful, and made for me and me alone. And that they want you to kiss me.”

I raised an eyebrow. “Really?”

He nodded. “Really.”

“Quite chatty, those stars.”

He walked over and cupped my chin in his hands. “I’m going to kiss you, Serena Setter. Is that okay?”

My heart pounded against my chest. I knew I shouldn’t let him, that the first kiss was reserved for my mate. But everyone said he was my mate, so…

“Yes,” I said, breathlessly.

Damien smiled at me, and then he brought his lips to mine. He tasted like moonlight. Glowing, bright, and warm. And promises left unsaid.

The door to the balcony opened then, and we jumped away. Eden came out with a grumpy look on her face.

“Damien, I’m going to KILL your as*hole brother. He won’t let me dance with anyone, but he won’t dance with me either. Can you get him to leave me alone?”

Damien chuckled. “Come on now, Eden. Is that anyway to talk about your mate?”

She scowled. “I’m sixteen. He’s eighteen. I shouldn’t even have a soulmate mark yet, and SOMEHOW that b*stard got tattooed on my skin forever. And he acts like he wants nothing to do with me, but won’t let me have any fun either. This isn’t fair. I think the Goddess was drunk when she picked my mate.”

I laughed. “Oh, come on, Eden. Darien’s not that bad.”

“He’s pulled me off of the dance floor three times, growled that I was his, and sat stewing in the corner.”

“You’re underage,” Damien reminded. “He’s just trying to be a gentleman.”

Eden crossed her arms over her chest. “He’s being a jerk.”

Damien sighed. “Alright. I’ll talk to him,” he glanced back at me. “Serena, I…um...”

“Yes?” I said.

“Good luck,” he blurted.

“Good luck?” I asked.

He nodded. “Yeah. Good luck.”

Eden shot me a strange glance, then she and Damien went to go find Darien. I was left alone on the balcony, my lips still tingling from the kiss.

“Serena,” I heard someone growl my name from down below.

I looked over the balcony, and I glanced down to see Macon Forrester standing there. The wolves were security for any of our large gatherings.

“What?” I grumbled.

“You shouldn’t be out alone. Go back inside,” he’d growled up at me.

“You’re not the boss of me, you know.”

“Believe me, I know. But you know the rules. And I don’t want to have to go get your mother.”

I sighed, knowing he was right and Mom would have been mad to find me out alone. I was the daughter of the High Priestess of the Setter Coven. I was a walking target anywhere I went. I stuck my tongue out at Macon, but slipped back inside.

He had been there. Even at my first kiss, Macon Forrester had been staring me right in the face. And instead of the boy I’d loved for so long being my mate, I was mated with a complete stranger.

But when the Goddess put his name on me, tattooed forever on my back, I didn’t feel relief. I felt worry. Because a witch and a creature being together could only mean one thing. Trouble was coming.

So, I wasn’t at all surprised, as I stood up and tried to recover from The Revealing, when my mom locked eyes with me and whispered, “Evanescere.” Vanish. And I did. Only to reappear in the Craven mansion.

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