


In the middle of the woods,the field was trembling,the ground was bloody,the surface of the earth was covered with a whole pack of rogues who had came for the purpose of attacking the moon pack,so unfortunate they were sent to their early grave so fast.

The moon pack warriors all stood still,watching the unmovable bodies of the rogues on the ground in their own pool of blood.

One by one,they started shifting to their humans form,bones cracking,bodies rippling like liquid as they rearrange themselves into human forms.

Everyone changed and groaned out

Leaving just the big large White mixed with grey colored wolf,he kept on walking gently in between the dead bodies,observing one after the other,half of his face was stained with the blood of his victims,that's the alpha,another big wolf standing close to him just trying to know the alpha's next move,the Beta

"That was more like an exercise" One of the warriors said and everyone laughed

They continue talking loudly until a loud and angry howl hit the air and circulated round the wood.

The warriors immediately went on their knees,trembling

"Forgive us Alpha" They all chorused at once.

The grey-black wolf shifted back into being a human and immediately his beta also changed back,standing next to him.

Alpha Wang Yibo run his fingers into his hair and turned to his beta,Knight.

"Is there anything you want me to do?" Knight asked

"Order the clearing of the bodies" Alpha Wang said in his usual Low and cold voice

"Yes Alpha" Knight bowed

Alpha Wang left his sight and fast sped to the horse close by,he climbed on it and the horse made a satisfactory noise

"Back to the castle" Alpha Wang said to the guards

"Yes Alpha!" They all chorused and as soon as the Alpha's horse took off,they followed in the same pace.

Knight turned to the warriors who were still on their knees,he's the Alpha's second in command and also given as much respect as the Alpha himself.

"Get up" He ordered and the warriors all stood up

"Clean up the mess and keep up with the night watch until the alpha himself give out the command to move.

The warriors all bowed in respect

"Eskimo,keep things in order" Knight said to the warrior commander

"Yes beta" Eskimo said

"Good job everyone" Knight said and left their sight

He hopped on his horse and the remaining guards marched behind him as he left too.


As soon as Alpha Wang entered the castle gate,an heavy rain started falling.

"Cover the alpha!" Grey shouted immediately,he's the best guard and also the most trusted guard by Wang in the Pack.

"Don't bother" Alpha Wang said and pulled the horse,giving him the sign to go.

Everyone watched as their alpha sped up,getting drenched by the rain

"What are you waiting for?! Follow up and make sure he get to his chamber safely!" Grey ordered

"Yes Commander!" The guards answered and zoomed off

Even though the alpha is believed to be the strongest in the pack,but still it's the duty of the guards to protect him even with their lives.

Alpha Wang stopped the horse right in front of his chamber and climbed down

Everyone bowed right away

Wang tapped the horse gently and the horse walked away

"What are you doing? Prepare some hot bath for the alpha immediately" The old Luna,Serafina appeared with her maids

"I'm fine mother" Wang said

"The alpha shouldn't be down,and you know that" Serafina said

"Down? Me?" Wang chuckled and Serafina smiled

"As much as I trust you,please let them take care of you" She said

Alpha Wang nodded and left everyone's sight

Serafina turned to the maids

"Hurry up" She glared at them

"Yes Luna" They bowed and immediately went After Wang.

Old Luna Serafina turned to her special maid,Rain as they began walking back to her chamber,Rain was holding the umbrella over their heads

"You said you wanted to tell me something" Luna Serafina said

"Yes Old Luna,Princess Cheyenne sent a note that she will be visiting soon" Rain replied

"The Alpha princess from Water Pack?" Serafina asked immediately

"Yes Luna" Rain replied and Serafina smiled

"I hope the Alpha give her his attention this time around" She muttered


Alpha Wang just finished freshening up,he left the bedroom and proceeded to the lounge,the rain was still falling heavily and how much he would have wished to go into his office at that moment,there are lots of things he needs to check out.

*Even if you don't care about me,can't you at least pity yourself and rest?*

His wolf,Adolph let out a scoff in his head

*What,did you get hurt?* Wang asked

*Oh wow,so fast of you to ask* Adolph said and Wang could imagine him rolling his eyes

*You've never gotten hurt,so why should I ask?* Wang asked

*Of course,I wouldn't. You know those rogues are too tiny for me to fight,but can you stop thinking about anything and rest? You're disturbing my peace* Adolph said

*I can think whenever I want to....*

*No you can't! Coz you're almost breaking my ears!* Adolph snapped

*Fine* Wang muttered and cut the link off.

Almost immediately,a knock came on the door and he looked up,


The door opened and one of the guards standing by the door entered,he bowed

"Prince Montana is here Alpha" he said

"Let him in" Wang said

The guard immediately went out,seconds later Montana walked in.

He's the oldest son of the late Alpha and was supposed to be the next Alpha if Wang wasn't born with the Alpha blood. They never got along well enough like brothers anyway,including his second brother,Lincoln.

"What an August visitor" Wang said calmly

Montana smiled and touched his shoulder

"Stop acting like you're so happy to see me" he said

"I didn't smile,and I'm not happy to see you either,brother" Alpha Wang said and Montana nodded

"I heard about the rogue attack,too bad I found out late" Montana said

"It was a piece of cake,you don't have to worry about it" Alpha Wang said

"Of course I'm not worried,I know the type of brother I have.....you wouldn't get hurt" Montana smiled,the cunning smile which Wang hates a lot

Alpha Wang only maintained a straight face

"I will take my leave now,be safe...kid brother" Montana smirked at him before going out.

Alpha Wang rolled his eyes and left the lounge,he returned with his smoking pipe,which filled the air as soon as he started smoking.

The door opened again and this time,Knight entered.

"Are you okay?" Knight asked

Apart from being Wang's Beta,they were childhood friends and also best friends. Even with that,he knows when to drop the thoughts of them being friends,when Wang uses his alpha's dominion voice,no one would dare look into his eyes,including Knight himself.

"I'm fine" Wang replied

Knight smiled and walked over to the wine cellar

"Care for a glass?" He asked

Wang sat down and continue smoking,after nodding to Knight's question

"You should find out how those rogues were able to get in through the city gate" Alpha Wang said

"Okay,but do you find anything weird?" Knight asked,finally settling down opposite Wang,the two glasses of wine placed on the table

"I don't want to feel that way,or it's going to be bloody" Alpha Wang muttered,puffing his smoke into the air

Knight smiled

"Then let's just wait and see" he said,sipping from his glass.

"Geez,this rain makes me feel good" Knight groaned


"What are you doing?! Hurry up and work!! No food for you if you don't finish up!" The guards yelled at the workers,even in the heavy rain

The meadow is where the omegas work,it's a large farmland with different plantations.

While few Omegas get the luck to work in the palace as maids,most of the omegas spend their whole life working in the meadow. Both young and old,men and women,some even get sold off in the process because they are useless in the pack as believed.

"I'm tired" Amazon,Elsa's best friend said beside her

Elsa couldn't reply either,she had to work extra portion today because her mother is down,and the guards wouldn't even care if she die while working,so she dedicated herself to do her mom's portion along with hers. The rain was hitting her body badly,aside from getting weak And tired,she was already freezing.

"Enough!" They heard the voice after many minutes and everyone let out a tired sigh

Some fell on the cold ground to regain their breaths while some couldn't wait to go inside. There are buildings close to the meadows where the omegas stay,even though the only time they get to enter is in the night after their daily work. They have to wake up by 4am the next morning to start from where they stopped.

Countless dead bodies would be found every morning,each single day,they die and will be buried like birds of no value. The omegas are well known for being too skinny and tiny due to being underfed,which results in most of the deaths. They only get to eat once in a day,that is after working few hours in the morning,they get to eat and get back to work,till the next day

"Elsa,let's go in" Amazon called her back to reality and she began running in the heavy rain where they could hardly hear each other's voice

Elsa also followed behind,running inside the rain until suddenly a strong hand grabbed her,she wanted to scream but the hand immediately covered her mouth and Elsa's eyes widened. She was pulled away into the nearest bush,and finally she get to see the person,it's one of the guards who have been making countless advances toward her

"What do you think you're doing?!" Elsa yelled

"You think I was going to give up,I'm only going to f**k your tight p**sy,don't bother to struggle because nobody will hear you" The guard said and Elsa shook her head

"No....please" she pleaded in a broken voice,she can't loose her innocence in such a shameful way,never

The guard started tearing off her clothes as he pinned her forcefully to the cold ground

"Please!!" She cried

"Shut up!" He slapped her and her mouth bursted

Elsa continued crying and screaming,then she felt his d**k at her p**sy entrance which made her shake

"Nooooo!!!" She screamed out loudly


Elsa continued crying and screaming,then she felt his d**k at her p**sy entrance which made her shake

"Nooooo!!!" She screamed out loudly

And just when she was about loosing hope

"What do you think you're doing?" A deep voice said from behind and the guard stopped,he turned to see a senior guard


"Shut the f**k off and step back!" The senior guard yelled

The guard glance at Elsa before getting up

"Leave" The senior guard said and he walked away

Elsa immediately stood up,she was almost naked already since her clothes got torned

"You can go" The senior guard muttered

"Thank you so much,thank you" Elsa said in tears as she bowed countless times

The guard ignored her and walked away,Elsa wiped her tears and immediately ran off.

She got to the room where she stay with her mother and the woman sat up,seeing her torn dress

"What happened?" Helena asked

"It's nothing mother" Elsa said

"Don't lie" Helena snapped and Elsa sniffed

"I fell and a nail torn my dress" She said

*Even if I am too weak,do you have to act so dumb also?!!!* Rowena,her wolf side yelled in her head which only made Elsa break into more tears

*Great* Rowena scoffed

Helana stared at Elsa silently

"You're lying" She said and Elsa started crying loudly

"Tell me what happened" Helena requested

"I almost lost my innocence mother" Elsa said and Helena's eyes widened

"A guard tried to rape me" Elsa broke it down even more


"A senior guard came over before he could have his way" Elsa sniffs

Helena sighed out and gave her a sign to come closer,Elsa immediately joined her on the floor and hugged her tightly

"I'm sorry child,it's all my fault" Helena said in tears

"No,it's nobody's fault. I believe things will change" Elsa said

"I will keep on believing like you always say" Helena said

That night,both daughter and mother cried together till they couldn't anymore.


Elsa covered Helena well with the worn out blanket before she started sowing her torn dress,it's the only one she has,the slave uniform. It's just a short dress and it even worse because she had outgrown the dress and it's hardly covering her body,the kind of stares she receive from the guards every single day makes her feel uncomfortable but she has no choice right??

She sighed out and finally decided to talk to Rowena who have been quiet all along,definitely she's angry with her.

*Rowena?* Elsa mind linked her

*Puff.. What* Rowena replied uninterestedly

*You won't say anything? I'm hurt here* Elsa said

*Is that my fault?* Rowena asked

*Partially yes,you didn't even try to help* Elsa replied

*I was too tired to help Elsa,just yesterday,we healed up countless of deep wounds,you know we are omegas and our healing ability is weak but I tried my best to make sure you have no scars on your body,I'm trying Elsa you know that* Rowena said and tears rolled down Elsa's eyes

"I know....I know Rowena" she said in words this time around,wiping her tears

*I'm sorry I'm too weak to save you* Rowena said

*It's fine,at least you clean up my scars,I have the nicest body* Elsa smiled

*I can't wait to find our mate,I have a feeling he's someone strong and great* Rowena said

*Are you sure? I want to believe that so badly Rowena,I'm getting impatient* Elsa said

*That's why I don't want scars on our body,we should make him attracted to us at least* Rowena said and Elsa chuckled

*Such a pervert wolf I have* She said

*I can't be like you Elsa,you're too soft,gosh* Rowena groaned and Elsa laughed

*thanks for making my night,Rowena* She said

*you know when you're sad,I'm sad too. We are the same body and soul,so stop crying and let me rest,tomorrow is another day to heal up wounds* Rowena said and Elsa sighed

*Fine,go on and rest* Elsa muttered and cut off the mind-link.

She finished up the patching of her dress and also lay beside her mother on the cold floor.

Normally,a complete human will never be able to survive what they go through every single day,but even though they are weaker than the other wolves,still they can't be compared to humans,they are strong on their own,but not strong enough for the title of their pack.

Next chapter