
Failed Father

"Are you going to keep calling me that. You can't change the fact that I'm your father " Edward Duncan expressed his chuckle towards his son. Jason hated this man. He was a cheat, a liar, a greedy , and disgusting man but he was still his father. Very unfortunate.

"What do you want . I don't classify you as my father. I see you as a fallen criminal" Edward clenched his jaw because he needed Jason at moment. He didn't want to give the boy an excuse to leave.

"I need money. Those witches keep on tormenting my life. I have to pay them else the whole Duncan companies will collapse" Edward spoke and Jason glared.

This man will say any lie for money. He kept on calling three models real witches in other to extort money from him, meanwhile he married a real witch from hell.

"They are humans. Don't use your selfish voice box to alarm them as the supernatural. We both know what witches look like and you as a wolf, broke that rule and married one. You want money? just say I'm helpless and poor so I need money" Again Edward Duncan tightened his fist by his son's words.

Being treated like waste made him selfish to be rich. If only his twin brother Davil hadn't been the heir to Duncan industries. Now Davil handed it over to this stupid son of his.

" I need money because I'm poor and can't afford food" Edward bitterly said as Jason smirked with victory before taking a cheque and signing it.

"You are a waste of humanity". Jason whispered to his wicked father before exiting the suite.


Lucy's day at the Duncan industries wasn't easy. They kept on showing her multiples of videos concerning the company. This orientation just sucks. She thought to herself but endured it.

It's just a matter of time for her She was going to end the boss and leave soon. She was beginning to wish that Shirley took her place instead of her coming here.

"Miss Brunette please come and I will show you your office. You will pair with the CEO because he always want his secretary close by. In that way ,work could just be passed easily from both of you" Lucy nodded with a smile as Miss Mina led the way to a grand office on the highest floor of the building.

One could easily see the view of the city and its enchanting attraction. Beside a giant classy office desk was another. It was a little smaller than the first one and she guessed that was hers.

"Miss Mina, will Mr Jason be coming today. Does he always stay this late and absent?". She asked calmly and all Mina could do was chuckle.

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