
Alpha Violet and Alpha Ashton (5)

Violet looked at Ashton as irritation swelled within her. She didn't want to break the lovey-dovey mood, but his mother had broken it already.

There was a danger of Violet coming out as overbearing and controlling, but leaving this for later was not a good idea because Ashton would think it was fine when it was NOT fine, and he will continue allowing this to happen. This behavior needed to be nipped in the bud, and Violet was ready for nipping.

"I don't want to be a pain in the ass, but this is unacceptable." Violet grabbed his shirt. "You are Alpha Ashton Pascal, my mate, and I have no intention of sharing you, even if the other woman is your mother. Is that clear?"

Her possessiveness turned him on. "Crystal clear."

He went for a kiss, but Violet dodged him.

"Vi?" He called, and her eyes fell on the fruits Luna Michelle brought.

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