

"But father I want to wait. I'm not even 23 yet. You promised me you'll let me wait" protested Tyrian.

"I can wait Tyrian but the pack can't. The neighboring packs can't." Retaliates the former alpha. Worry lines have embraced the old ruler's face, the same lines that wait for Tyrian.

"Father you know how much I've waited for my mate. How can I marry someone else when she's still out there?" Exclaimed Tyrion.

"You need to understand that there's alpha blood in your veins. Even me and your mother were not mates but look at us! We are happy" Peter sighed rubbing his forehead. To think that his mate left him still hurts his wolf.

"She is not my mother" spitted Tyrion, glaring at his father. "She is a lone wolf you married after my mom"

"And my wife is your mother. I have already arranged a competition for the neighboring princesses. The one who proves herself will eventually be your Luna" saying that Peter left the young alpha alone, leaving no space for argument.

When he slammed the door in anger, the flower vase next to it fell and broke. Just like Tyrion's hope.


After a month of buying time, Tyrion stood in front of the fairy. The burden of the title has drowned him down and he doesn't have any choice other than to accept his fate.

"Good afternoon Alpha" bowed the little fairy. She was way too short for her age and was unbelievably energetic.

-maybe she's happy to finally meet her fate- thought the alpha bitterly.

"Good afternoon Fiona. I'm assuming you already know why I'm here" asked Tyrion.

He was here to get the magical chain. One which will make his wolf not recognize his mate even if she steps in front of him.

"We have already arranged for the competition. It won't be fair to the princesses if you find your mate now. We can't afford to break ties with these many packs" Peter had told Tyrion. The sole reason Tyrion agreed was that he knew his father was right.

Now that he is going to select one of the women in the competition to be his Luna, he cannot break her heart by bringing in his mate in front of her, even if this meant breaking his own heart. Tyrian is above that.

"Yes Alpha, it's ready. Please wait I'll just go and grab it" said the fairy as she waited for his permission to leave.

"Sure" nodded Tyrion.

The little fairy vanished for a second and then even before he could blink his eyes, she was back with the chain.

-These magical creatures surely need to be examined- he thought. They held a lot of power according to him and their unspoken words, or rather, their thoughts can one day possess a danger to his packs. Not this family though. Fiona's family has been loyal to his pack for ages or we can also say for generations.

"Thank you, Fiona," said the Alpha as he took the chain from her hands.

Her cheeks turned red when he thanked her.

Out of words, the fairy nodded. Within seconds, Tyrion was back in his room with the cursed thing in his handed.

It was not cursed in reality but in his thoughts it was.

"To hell with this stupid situation," said the alpha angrily as he tied the chain around his neck.

In the mirror, the chain vanished, but in reality, Tyrion can still see it.

Which meant one thing, only Tyrion can see this.

With frustration and the burden of power in his head, he called his best buddy, who was the beta of his pack as well.

Maybe he can help him keep his mind off things.


The first chapter y'all.

How did you like Tyrion's character?

Tyrion, as you may have noticed, has a softer heart than the most Alphas. But will it prove to be a boon or a bane?

Next chapter