
Scene 1-Act2 : From Myth to reality

Riku, Galaxia, and Ganys was walking to class when an idea came into Ganys head

Ganys," Guys, I just thought of something."

Galaxia & Riku,"What is it."

Ganys," Hey isn't Slenderman a god too."

Riku,"Yeah,but I don't know his lore like that."

Galaxia,"Then allow me to enlighten you Slenderman is a being nearly as own as time, he uses psychological attacks against his enemies,kinda the reason why all who seen his face are reported missing either they became his underlyings they died or whatever the backgrounds a little out there."

(As the three of them were walking towards the classroom, a voice sounded out from behind them)

(???)"Why hello Riku your late you know, and god just hates the non punctual."

Slightly Raged Riku smiled," Guys have you ever met a sheep with no shepherd?"

Galaxia,"Oh so this is Aaron , you'll have to pay a certain price for beating one my slaves


Galaxia,"You both should feel honored being one of my slaves."

Ganys,"What makes you think I'll become a slave."

Riku,"Yeah What he said do we look like people who would bow before someone?"

Galaxia,"Do you wanna hear what you are expecting to hear or the truth."

Riku,"That's it bring it!!"(Riku dashes out like

phantom in the night as throws out a flurry of fist towards Galaxia.)

Galaxia,"I was hoping to fight this Aaron guy or whatever but you'll have to do."(Galaxia's body move in tune with Riku as released a flurry of kicks.)

(Ganys's body appeared in between the two attacks and unleashed an explosion attack of brutal proportions.)

(2 Rounds of destructive attacks

3 Rounds of destructive attacks

4,5,6,7,8 Rounds of destructive attacks)

(Galaxia,Riku,Ganys finally stopped battling after 8 bouts when they heard a sound)"What is that?"(They looked towards Aaron who seemed to be making incorherent jibberish).Aaron,"You'll pay for ignoring me."

Aaron,"Have the workers of wickedness no knowledge, Who eat up My people as though they ate bread And have not called upon God?"(Pslam53:4)

(Galaxia,Riku & Ganys,"What's he doing?"

(The clouds grow darker until it seem the sky itself was swallowed by an unearthly darkness)

Riku," Guys we need to stop him."

Galaxia & Ganys,"Why it's not like his doing anything."

Riku,"I have a bad feeling"

Aaron," Pour out Your wrath upon the nations which do not know You, And upon the kingdoms which do not call upon Your name. (Isaiah 65:1) Worry not foolish ones I shall deliver you to God

(Thunder struck the world, tsunamis overturned parts of the world, the earth shook almost like it was growing, the void around earth cracked at a speed the naked eye could observe then from the void came an outburst of energy unlike an other then the sky came objects that appeared to be glass like in appearance)

(Everyone in Earth was unconscious during the event except for four people)

Riku,"What The Hell!?!"(A bright dazzling azure blue and a beautiful pure white)

(Riku was rushed by the dazzling gem falling unconscious.)(Inside Riku's consciousness)

(???)" Hey sleepyhead, hey, wake up!!!"

Riku,"Ugh, my head.(Riku rubs head while getting up.)"Wait who are you?!?" Riku jumps back.

(???)"Simmer down kid."

Riku,"Your calling me a kid,Hahaha you're one to talk your about as small as the kids I used to babysit."

(???, increases the gravity of Riku's consciousness)(Riku as his body plummeted to the ground of his consciousness)"You little bitch."

(???)" Sigh, ok kid let me tell you how this is gonna work as you can see I'm small."

Strained Riku," Yeah...so what."

(???)"So What okay okay listen me and some other gods we're caught in battle and during the fight 'something happened' and we were all split."

Riku," Tell me if I'm wrong but your small due to your body being split due to the 'thing' and the pieces of your body are in fragments like the one I saw before I ended up here?"

(???)"Correct so now that you know that mind helping me get my body back?"

Riku,"Now why would I do that I don't even know you."

(???)"Ok hi I'm BIA the personification of force, and you are?"


BIA,"So you wanna give me a hand, there's something in it for you do."

Riku,"Is it allowing me to get up?"

BIA,"Partly, say Riku wanna become a god?"

Intricated Riku,"I'm listening."

(Estatic BIA summons her fragment piece)"As you already know that this is a piece of my body but it also contains..."

Riku,"A fragment of your power."

BIA,"Now here's the thing if you can make it to this fragment while resisting the various aspects of force I'll be applying to your body, I'll give you some of my power."

Riku gets up."Well why'd you say so at first, let's do this."(Riku ran out as fast as he could which was slowed due to the gravity increase that was set on him)

BIA steps back in shock."You were able to stand this entire time?"

Riku,"Why are you so shocked, don't tell me you think I'm an average person?"(Riku was halfway there 20 steps till he reached the fragment)

Bia,"Riku what will you do if you become a god?"

(Riku 10 steps away)"Bia you asked me to help you right so I'll keep my word."

Bia increases gravity,"Then lets see how strong your word is."

Riku staggering with each step,"Bia if you wanted a weak god you came to the wrong person but if you wanna get your fragments plus the fragments of other gods you came to the right man." Riku is in front of the fragment,"So Bia goddess or not believe my word if not anything

Bia,"Fine the fragment is yours my fate shall be in your hands, please don't let me down, oh I'll teach you a beginner skill that I love its gravity amplification you'll be able to lower or increase the effects of gravity on you or those around you..."

Riku's consciousness started to turn white, "What's happening?"

Bia,"You're waking up."

Riku,"Wait will I see you again?"

Bia,"Duh We're connected through mind I'll probably see you when you need me."

Riku wakes up to an amazing feeling" Whoa, wait guys guys!"

Galaxia in a meditation,"Yeah?

Ganys with a black and red aura around him,"What's up?)

Riku,"Did you guys by any chance have an encounter with a fragment?"

(Galaxia & Ganys took out their fragments)

(Ganys's fragment was as dark as a blackhole and was enveloped in a dark bloody red.)

(While Galaxia's was a luscious purple wrapped in a breath taking gold.)

Riku,"So I'm guessing y'all we're already contacted by the gods we were previously speaking about,What did you guys have to do to get your powers?"

Ganys," My god and I have similar plans for the gods we're gonna devour their fragments and acquire their powers."

Galaxia after raising from meditation,"I can't speak about mine right now he says his situation is complicated at the moment so he gave me one of his fragments and a key I don't know what it goes to but he said it'll show me the way when I get lost."

Riku,"So what are you guys gonna do now, cause I've gotta go collect some fragments."

Ganys,"Mine is somewhat similar so I guess we can travel together since school literally lost all meaning.

Galaxia,"I travel with you guys too without me who knows what trouble you two could get into."

(Riku, Ganys & Galaxia all started walking)

Riku,"Hey guys do you guys know what happened to Aaron after the whole god ordeal?"

Ganys,"He was covered in holy light and disappeared."

Riku,"Just like that?"

Ganys,"Yeah "

Riku,"Wonder where he went."

Galaxia,"Hey we don't have time to worry about the trash that got away we'll see him in time but for right now we need to worry about the task at hand now come on we need to go to a more densely populated area to collect our fragments."

Ganys,"Riku he does have a point."

(Riku's consciousness)

Bia,"Hey you guys have to go to Asia, there's a person who can help you find more fragments."


(Normal reality):

Riku,"Guys we need to go to Asia."

Galaxia & Ganys,"You're paying for the food tho."

(Riku)"Very well, sigh, my wallet is already crying."

(Scene 1-Act2 End)

Slenderman's lore: https://creepypasta.fandom.com/wiki/The_Slender_Man

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