
Whisper of the Worm

After Oryx died, All Slayer walked up to its body and grabbed the sword and put it away. After that, he left with all the Guardians stunned.

All Slayer then proceeded to head to Io to acquire a gun he heard from rumors that dropped from an enemy.

Whisper of the Worm.

=-= Scene Skip to Io =-=

After arriving on Io, a Taken Event was currently being done by a group of six Guardians.

Ignoring the event, All Slayer tracked down a big Taken Ultra and proceeded to kill him quickly.

All Slayer pulled out his favorite and strongest handgun, Midnight Coup, and shot the Taken in the head twice and the Taken exploded and it's dead body spawned a portal back in the middle area of the event.

By then the six Guardians had just finished the Event. They were also a bit spooked by the portal that suddenly appeared, but that is nothing out of the ordinary in this chaotic universe.

It's just that a portal doesn't usually spawn here.

They also somehow didn't notice All Slayer walking into the portal when they were discussing the portal in a little circle group.

Midway through their debating, the portal suddenly collapsed leaving the six Guardians slightly shocked.

=-= Back to All Slayer =-=

After being teleported to some dark room, he proceeded to dash through it to hurry up as there is a 30 min time limit.

Going through all the shortcuts and surprising not killing most of the enemies shooting at him, he then arrived at a section with four rooms that he needed clear with a total of 28 minutes remaining.

He then used the Midnight Coup and started to headshot every single enemy there with frightening accuracy.

Not only was he killing them with a single shot but his reload speed was to the point that the hand cannon was a minigun.

He also cleared the second room with ease. But the third room was where it would usually get more difficult.

But from someone who literally just killed the one they worship as a God, it was extremely easy.

Now in the final area with three 'bosses' he switched to melee. He put away his gun and pulled out his two fists.

All Slayer ignored all the cannon folders and steadily walked towards the boss.

While the cannon folders started to attack him with stormtrooper accuracy, the three bosses instead started to back away.

Why? They were recently informed that their God has died and they also knew of the person that killed their God.

All Slayer.

Normally they would attempt to get revenge, but when your life is on the line, other things kick in instead of belief.

Like the instinct of trying to stay alive.

(AN: In Taken language)

"WhY hAvE YoU cOmE! AlL sLaYeR!" screamed the bosses.

In response to that, All Slayer just continued walking forward with no response.

To this, the bosses just laminated in despair. They already knew of the All Slayer and what he did to enemies. They just had false hope that All Slayer came for something different.

There was no need to even put up a fight. All Slayer had killed their God, THEIR GOD! What use can the bosses hope to put up against All Slayer?!

All Slayer grabbed each of their heads and crushed it. Not by slowly applying pressure but by applying a lot of force to the head so it instantly explodes.

Now All Slayer isn't one to toy with his enemies to death, but he prefers his kills to be quick and fast.

(AN: All Slayer might seem like a hypocrite cause he kinda toyed with Oryx but tbh isn't everyone? I'll try to explain more of his thoughts and how he acts later. But for Oryx the main reason why he didn't kill it so fast is that he was copying it's fighting style and also he continued to fight with Oryx because he saw it as a worthy opponent, even if it was weak.)

After killing the bosses, all the enemies disappeared and in the middle area, a badass looking sniper rifle appeared.

After picking up the said sniper, All Slayer was teleported back onto Io.

And from there, he got on his space ship, entered coordinates for The Farm.

After on his space ship, he went into a weapon and armor storage. Stepping on two outlines of footprints in the middle of his room, mechanical arms shot out from the ship and started to unlock the armor and put it away.

(Image Mark IV iron man removing his suit. The scenes were he flys and lands onto a stage.)

Revealing underneath all that armor was a slim young man that looked no older than 16. He had smooth black hair with a sharp-angled slightly above average face. His face held no emotion. His eyes were extremely dark brown till the point it looked black and had a lifeless look in his eyes.

After un-armoring and showering, he dressed in a grey t-shirt and put on boxers.

After that, he proceeded to take a nap.

But not before kissing a picture on his nightstand.

The picture revealed to be a girl that looks about as old as him with smooth silver hair. Her face was one you would never be able to find as her looks were rarer than being able to meet God. She sported a soft and gentle smile on her face. Her eyes were colored a bright beautiful ruby. There was also a boy's head that was leaning onto her shoulder.

The boy was All Slayer. Although he still had his emotionless face, you could see tell he was relaxed and even happy as he had both his arms and legs wrapped around the girl's slender waist like a koala bear.

And unlike now with his lifeless eyes, in this photo, his eyes show a lot of emotions.

Mainly love.

Some adoration.

Some devotion

And a bit of worship.


(AN:I might do Asterisk War or HS DXD because I want Mc to experience school life. Also, the next world will have a little crossover with Hand Shakers as in the whole duels will become a festival type thing if I do Asterisk War or it will become like the rating games for HS DXD as a duel type.

Also, Toyori (Heroine) will become the only character to cross over from Hand Shakers. She is confirmed for Mc's harem.

The romance for her will slowly develop even before his wife comes back to him, but there will be jealousy and favoring for sure.

I'm trying to get this relationship thing really fleshed out and really developed and kinda realistic.

Except for harem, that shit ain't realistic. But there will be a harem cause this is fanfic, not realistic fiction.

Also, I decided that his wife will come after he settles down in the new universe.

And if you haven't noticed a small slight pattern, but both wife and Toyori's hair color is white.

A little hint for future harem members in either Asterisk War or HS DXD ;) )