
register for adventuring

walking through the dungeon city was a novel experience to The ancient teen, seeing all kind of races extended his horizon further, and when he thought he so everything that the world can offer, he got... reborn again in a new world where alchemy doesn't have the upper hand in decided someone place in society

"despite that, alchemy do exist in some form in this world too," he said to himself, intrigued how the alchemy here is different, he also was interested in blacksmithing, because his world version of alchemy is mixture of blacksmithing and this world alchemy, so understanding how different kind of ores made is essential for an alchemist, another thing to consider if the atomical structure of the materials of this world maybe considered different from his, this caused the scientist flame to spark in his heart, caused him to look forward to experience the life here...

without him noticing he is now infront of the dungeon tower, and so three individuals standing

they noticed his gaze and had smiles on their faces

"haha! brat! I thought you run away!" a nasty grin appread on the man face, "you even forgot your bag here! tsk tsk, being like this won't make join our familia" the man smirked

"hehe, don't be harsh on him, Gabbi, he isn't even an adventure yet, but really wanted to be one, so we gave him a training period." next to Gabbi, a pretty woman giggles while licking her lips, "I see you finally washed up, hohe-chan, you are an eye candy to feast on."

"tch, Kosy you slut! I know that looks on your eyes, do you want to him to be your boytoy! that would be the 5th time this month!" Gabbi sneered

"enough! both of you!" the leader of trio said and looked coldly at the blonde,"next time you are late, your payment will be reduce to 5% instead of 10%, and don't forget the bag!" he said with venom in his tone

Gabbi clicked his tongue but didn't argue, while Kosy pressed her marshmallows on the leader hand," nee~ nee~ tez-san~ when are going to have fun with me?~" she said seductively

tez slap her off , "don't touch me slut! who knows how many dicks entered your hole!"

"69." she said after pondering a bit

"nice." x3 the 3 men said in union, hohenheim felt confused why he said that too, but felt it was right to say so, the blonde teen didn't say anything as hold the bag, he isn't on the top of world anymore, so while in the past he didn't mind death, he wouldn't throw his life that's easy, especially since he is very interested in the world he is now so he decided to lay low for now and don't do unnecessary conflicts

but what's really interesting to him is because of the people souls he had, after absorbing a 536,329 soul, and having them for almost half a millenia before ultimately raising them to reincarnate normally, his understatement of souls is extremely high, even his soul, despite not being philosopher's stone anymore, is not like any on at all, and whom who can see it...

'I don't even want to know if gods can have that ability...' hohenheim thought to himself, and looked at the 3 individuals infront of him, they are from soms familia, a one that specialized in liquor, and while he lost the particular soul that loved to drink, he kept the experience that soul had, that's one is true for every soul he had,so part of him really wanted to join this familia purely for drinking

'but still...they are infamous for being trouble maker ... what was I thinking joining these lunatics' he thought in amusement, another reason he wanted to stay low for now, is...how unusual they souls to him, and that's not exclusive to them, in fact, everyone that at least joined a familia, some mark is exist in their soul

'is these gods marking their children?' he chuckled at the thought, 'but that mark existence is what makes this souls different!' in the core of their being, hohenheim can see something that being Accumulated, 'is that the famous excelia?' he never thought that thing is being stored in individual's soul, from the common knowledge remember before reincarnation, when killing whatever the dungeon throws at you, it gives you excelia

'but it's seems that only the god mark can allow the excelia that's leave the monster entering the soul, making the gods existence is essential for mortals' survival, and in addition, only the god can free this excelia to strengthen the body' when he looked at three people infront of him, in the way he looks at soul, he noticed two things

first, that party of the soul is filled with something he presume it's excelia, and second, each soul has a limited amount of excelia that it can hold

'that's the 999 limit I guess, I wonder what mine would be?' he thought in interest, another thing he noticed that the used excelia in the body are in the color black , filling the body part of what he assuming where the different attribute is distributed, the unused part is with color white and that is the case for every individual he saw had the god mark... my n,,

before entering the tower that he looked up for some reason "huh?"

"oi! brat move it!" Gabbi said in annoyance

"yes!" he said it thought, 'was I wrong? I felt a gaze on my soul... thankfully I masked my soul immediately when I wake up,...I hope that doesn't bring me unwanted attention...' sadly murphy isn't there to tell him about his law...


hohenheim entered the lobby and was surprised how cleaned and somewhat modern it is, and how similar the outside world so middle ages, with alchemy knowledge, technology in his world was advanced a century ahead

(assume that in FMA there is the current knowledge, or at least hohenheim has it)

he looked around with curiosity until he saw the workers at their disks, two of which that caught his interest, one had relatively long ears and huge bust, and other had long red hair and wolf ears that gave him the urge to pet them

the earlier noticed his gaze and smiled professionally, while the other has neutral expression on her face

"welcome! are you driving the dungeon again?" the busty half-elf said with sweet tone," once again, I highly recommend to study the monster with enough attention lest you will lose your life without even noticing!" she said in strict manner

Gabbi came forth to the redhead and said with smile," how rose-san is doing? I hope you accepted my invitation to dinner in the weekend."

but rose said coldly, "I'm sorry, I'm not interested in relationship in this moment, now is there something I can help?"

"arg..yes! can we registered our little friend here is adventure? it's his first day..."

'another one... sending himself to death' rose mentally sighed, and said ,"it is more recommend to join a familia before becoming an adventurer."

"hehe, it's a trailer period to join our familia, so nothing is need to worry." Gabbi said

"...as you wish.., that would be 1k vlais for registrar... what is your name?" she looked at the young man calmly which she revived the money from the leader, "that's will be part of your payment." he said

"...van hohenheim." he said while looking at the wolf girl with interest, rose noticed his gaze but didn't felt repulsive from it, just pure curiosity, as it he no never seen her kind before, which in itself amused since the demihumans are next to humans in population, even his name is weirdly exotic




"supporter." 'for now' he thought

"and familia for now...null." rose said and give the documentation, "congratulations, now you're an adventurer, please try to stay alive." rose said with straight face

hohenheim raise his eyebrows in amusement,'its seems that girl has something against adventurer', but nonetheless smiles , "thank you rose-san." he said with bright smile

the half-elf who was next to rose had her cheek redden, but quickly caught herself, "ahem, my name is Eina, pleasure to meet you van-kun, I hope you take my previous advice to the heart, life as adventurer isn't as easy as it looks like, study well!"

hohenheim smiled, "I won't disappoint you, eina-san", 'after all, I won't let myself die so easily, Trisha would be laughing at me if I did' he chuckled wryly

"good!" Eina smiled happily, 'I hope he is sincere, a lot of people want to be hero yet to die miserably at the first floors' she internally sighed

"tch! brat! don't flirt and let's go! or your payment will go down!" tez said with snort

"yes tez-san." hohenheim said

"tch, whatever."

rose watched the back of the walking men, with thoughtful expression, Eina next to her said worriedly, "do you think he would survive? especially with the infamous soma familia..."

"...who knows..." rose muttered..."but the look on his face wasn't the look of 15 years old teen..I don't know how to describe it..like one of these gods..."

"now that's you mentioned it... yes...I wonder about that..." Eina said in wonder

"let's not get distracted... adventure have one road.... which is early death..." rose said coldly

"rose..." Eina said but didn't speak, and both continued their day....

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