
Something is Watching me

John woke up in the brink of dawn and ate some of the berries he found yesterday. The berries did not taste good ate all but food is food john thought. John want to go look for survivors if there was any one else to he grabbed what he needed[hatchet,first aid kit]. Also he put some berries in his pocket for later and started to walk down the side of the forest. Wile he was walking he saw a lot of small peaces of metal on the ground. Then he started to see a mountain and a peak of what look like a building, so he wanted to see what it was and started to walk towards it. John started to get a feeling that some one was watching he thought the forest. John thought it was just a animal or paranoia, so he just brush off the feeling and kept walk toward the building looking structure. Then john was annoy of the feeling and walk around to find if some thing was watching him. He was now starting to hear laughing and rushing leaves form the tree.John now was very scared and started to run towards the structure he saw.

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